It is corrupt. Is there a waiting list for organ transplants for party elite? Or indeed many countries' party elite?
How is Chinese GDP data calculated then? With an abacus. How is it that what takes other countries several weeks to determine just preliminary data only takes China several days to calculate? Because they just make it up, lol.
The 'Jaws of death' chart referring to the US income/expenditure data is straight from the fed itself, resulting in a small matter of a deficit of some $1.4TRILLION and still trending in the wrong direction. And your prediction? Will it ever gradually correct?
As for the currency, if we were/are better performed than the US then why are we not already at parity, having not reached that mark previously when the terms of trade were supposedly much better? Many factors in why DOW and XAO have different lines, not about list the ones I can think of.
Stimulis measures are ephemeral, and have not resulted in a reduction in under or un employment, so how much more will be needed? Lessons from The Great Depression, rather be safe than sorry, and I don't mind govt spending my taxes.
45 million Americans, 1in 6, are below the poverty line; 18 million are underemployed; they now get a full year of unemployment benefits before they drop off the statistics? Poverty line is so relative. I'm not an apologist for US policy makers or their values but nor am I gearing up for armageddon.
Do you seriously think that there is no connection between the US Fed, Treasury & Goldman Sachs that gives GS an unfair advantage to everyone else on the planet? All been said nauseum..... the conspiracy stuff again
I can assure you, any bearish posts based on factual data is more than offset by bullish post based on hope & rhetoric. Phew, thought you were going to refer to me![]()
Uncle F, you ask more questions than you give answers. It's easy to criticise how the world ticks, I do it as well. Struggle in this thread with the constant apocalyptic sentiments that don't materialise, reminds me of some religions out there. But as I said before it is kinda fun, but don't expect me to take it seriously.