Any thing I said before I still stand by BUT I admit defeat in being able to hold on till production. It is the ZFRers who kept saying the price was too high etc. All has been revealed in the fullness of time. I made a decision that MCR is a better nickel stock for me than ZFX and when I could see that all was lost I cashed AGM and bought MCR. I am allready way ahead as you would see if you check on MCR and I'll wait for ZFX or Extrata to fight over nioka, you are now saying all your other posts about how we'd all be eating our words and how great AGM are, and we would all see this "in the fullness of time" yarda yarda, were all cra.p?? Knew as much.
(Never in my short time on these forums have I see posters as touchy as those on this thread)