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US Election Thread

All the hand wringing about the supreme court decision recently about giving the president immunity seems to ignore so much history.
If indeed this is a new get out of jail card free, why was George Bush never inducted for this?
View attachment 179977

People are defining it as a new law. It's not, simply a ruling on the existing law.
All the hand wringing about the supreme court decision recently about giving the president immunity seems to ignore so much history.
If indeed this is a new get out of jail card free, why was George Bush never inducted for this?
View attachment 179977

Not hand wringing but genuine concern your example is not the issue.
It would be very hard to find any previous US President who hadn't cross the line regards law when so called acting in defence of the US in foreign affairs. CIA assignation's were commonplace from the late 40's, kept happening well up to Vietnam, Obama's so called targeted killings in Afghanistan as examples.

You need to go back and read the dissenting verdict again.
The ranking of various issues may come as surprise to some.
What am I supposed to be surprised about?

Seems pretty logical to me.

The one thing I do see as truly sad though is segregation based on race, even in an opinion poll. That's deep seated racism on display right there to have used that as a criteria. I mean, they haven't even used more obvious, logical distinctions such as occupation but they've gone straight for race. Sad. :2twocents
You need to go back and read the dissenting verdict again.
It gets thrown down to the lower courts again. The judges deliberately left wiggle room as well. Maybe spell it out in black and white what you think will happen. Like I said before, this protects Biden more than Trump. Biden should be charged after trying to arrest political opponents.
It gets thrown down to the lower courts again. The judges deliberately left wiggle room as well. Maybe spell it out in black and white what you think will happen. Like I said before, this protects Biden more than Trump. Biden should be charged after trying to arrest political opponents.
The protection only applies to matters of state, not personal and those dissenting opinions were more political than legal. Therefore Biden et al could still be in trouble.

There is still the avenue of impeachment for high crimes and treason, even post presidency, which opens the door to indictment. So Al the lefties dropping a bollock about "president is now king" and "president can now assassinate whoever he wants us total moronic hysteria.
It gets thrown down to the lower courts again. The judges deliberately left wiggle room as well. Maybe spell it out in black and white what you think will happen. Like I said before, this protects Biden more than Trump. Biden should be charged after trying to arrest political opponents.

True about the lower courts but the judgement allows for crimes inside the US that has some or a degree of official purpose as you point out.

The dissenting verdict makes it clear what the issue is
It gets thrown down to the lower courts again. The judges deliberately left wiggle room as well. Maybe spell it out in black and white what you think will happen. Like I said before, this protects Biden more than Trump. Biden should be charged after trying to arrest political opponents.
they surley wouldnt arrest and charge a female or african ameican decent?

Joe Biden vowed to beat Donald Trump “in 2020” as he pledged to stay in the presidential race and fight to save his re-election bid.

The US President committed his latest gaffe at a rally in Wisconsin, in the first of a handful of campaign appearances that he has reportedly conceded will decide whether he can stay in the race.

“I’ll beat Donald Trump. I’ll beat him again in 2020,” Mr Biden told supporters in the battleground state.

It comes after the 81-year-old, attempting to recover from his disastrous debate performance last week, said he was proud to be the first “black woman” elected president.

Ray Dalio talks about the current Democratic issue.

As you know, my examination of history has led me to believe that there are five major interrelated forces shaping events in the world. Studying them has given me a template that I can follow that helps me understand what's going on and what's likely to happen within what I call The Big Cycle. Then I watch the day-to-day developments in light of this cycle. Today’s observations are about the internal order cycle in the U.S., more specifically, focusing on the Democratic Party and President Biden dealing with the question of whether or not he should remain the party's nominee for president.


Biden Says Confusing Zelensky With Putin Will Not Affect His Chances Of Defeating Nixon In November​

Is he going under the bus?
I am gob smacked at the flippant responses following a Major Gaffe by calling the guy Putin

Putin has killed thousands of his countrymen, his country is decimated by Putin, the"leader of the free world" calls him by his enemies name, What a F@#*ing insult

And then Democrats say "just a little slip there" bull****, the guy is senile and for everyone's sake he needs to retire now.

Here is guy who served his country for decades and it is embarrassing to see him become a laughing stock throughout the world.

His family need to rescue him from himself, it is like watching a trainwreck and other countries are taking advantage of it and placing the whole world at risk
There you are. Someone has the balls to put up $343k to start an election PAC with one aim.
Exposing Trump the Psychopath and opening the conversation of why he has no place in US politics.

Did you know ? To date only 4 of 40 Cabinet Officials who served with Donald Trump would endorse him again for President ?
Not to mention the ones who wanted to force him out of office becasue of his behavior


Elderly, Confused Man Still Running for President


A 78-year-old man who believed he beat Barack Obama in a Presidential election and confused Nikki Hayley with Nancy Pelosi is surprisingly still running for office, despite clear signs of cognitive decline.

Experts have expressed concern at the sharp mental deterioration of the septuagenarian, who earlier this year referred to his wife as ‘Mercedes’ rather than Melania, often goes on strange rambling tangents, and fell asleep at his own criminal trial.

He has also confused Jeb Bush with George W Bush, mixed up the President of Hungary with the President of Türkiye, and thanked supporters for coming to a rally in South Dakota (he was in Iowa).

Last month he bragged about passing a cognitive test, then confused the name of his doctor with a member of Congress. In the past he has referred to the country Argentina as a person, said that Mexicans ‘don’t speak languages’ and described his policy for the country’s missile defence system as “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding … Boom. OK. Missile launch. Woosh! Boom.”

Most concerning, the man still believes he won the 2020 Presidential election.

Medical professionals say it is inhumane to allow a man who is so obviously struggling with cognitive decline to continue running for President.

Biden Agrees to Step Down After Being Told He Has Now Completed His Second Term


White House/Adam Schultz

After trying every other tactic imaginable to get the President to stand down, senior Democratics decided to just tell Joe Biden his eight years was up and thank him for his service.

Former President Barak Obama said after weeks of unsuccessful attempts it was time for a different strategy. “I just sat him down and said ‘Joe, it’s 2028 now, it’s time to say goodbye to the White House. And he immediately stoop up from his desk and left,” Obama explained.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he phoned Biden to thank him for the last eight years. “I told him that his second term was terrific, his popularity ratings were sky high, and under the rules of the American constitution, it was time to step down. It was really quite straight forward, I’m not sure why we didn’t think of it earlier,” Schumer explained.

Interesting Vice President Harris's past job is similar to that of Prime Minister Starmer in the UK. His ratings despite winning a big majority are low. Does the public dislike legal politicians, especially prosecutors?