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The Gillard Government

I think the most telling aspect of the events of Thursday are the way they are being reported everywhere. Apart from Labor pollies (and not even all of them) everyone else (print and electronic media (including the partisan ABC), random people on the radio that don't usually comment on politics, man/woman in the street) is variously describing them as a shambles, farce, debacle, chaos, shamozzle, shenanigans etc. This can only hurt Labor bigtime.
That would certainly be more useful. Won't happen though. An 'apology' is much easier, even if meaningless in terms of making any difference.
If it makes the women affected feel better, though, it's fine with me. Easy to be dismissive of the feelings of others when we haven't gone through what they have.

I cant believe this happened at all let alone as recently as 1982

How the world changes and evolves.........
The press are just kicking and screaming because they are letting thier big standoveroney boys down and have lost a barking tool. It is going to die down.

Some of those relegateted to the back benches have been a proplem to labor for years, extreme rights and extreme left commo's. I think the Government will be more settled now and the media to its chagrin know it.

I would bet that Gillard and co put the team together to get the Rudd thing off thier back deliberately.

It is still a long way to the election and Abbott remains uninspiring. At the end of the day going crook will not get you over the line, people are not that stupid, when it comes to casting an actual vote at the ballot box it is often very different to polls.

Actually agree for a change it was a time for heighten sensitivity and needed to be treated as such lots of raw emotion of a time past with heavy memories and pain.
Actually agree for a change it was a time for heighten sensitivity and needed to be treated as such lots of raw emotion of a time past with heavy memories and pain.

Of course, any excuse to denigrate
Bring on the election, the Australian people want to start 'moving forward' now.
This is a disgrace
Everyone I have spoken to wants her out.

I am sick of seeing this woman going off like a pitbull....

What is Wilkie on about, asking for stability? Doesn't he realise that's what Julia is providing? She must be, mustn't she? That's what she promised afterall. Seems Wilkie can't recognise 'stabilidy' when he sees it?
Once Gillard has purged the rest of the Rudd backers - Albanese, Bob Carr and Mark Butler she will have free air to govern for what is important:

1. Julia Gillard
2. Julia Gillard
3. Julia Gillard
4. The Union factions.
5. The Union plebs that support the Union factions.
6. Julia Gillard
Of course, any excuse to denigrate

True I will never miss a chance to put the boot in but I did think it a opportunity missed, given Abbott's very conservative thinking around social issues everyone would have been waiting to see how he did handle it and I think he failed.
True I will never miss a chance to put the boot in but I did think it a opportunity missed, given Abbott's very conservative thinking around social issues everyone would have been waiting to see how he did handle it and I think he failed.
IF, I'm sure we all get that had the perceived error been on the part of Ms Gillard, your sensitivities would not have been so offended.

On this, a couple of people have suggested Mr Abbott had no need to participate in this apology at all.
Can you even begin to imagine the flak directed toward him if he had not!
"Abbott clearly shows he still approves of the policies of the past in stealing the newborn babies of young, loving mothers", would be just the start.

By all means disagree with the need to apologise if that's how you feel. But let's be aware of the political consequences if a party leader does this. The fall out would not just be amongst people who were not going to vote for him anyway and what's the point of giving the Abbott critics further ammunition?
On this, a couple of people have suggested Mr Abbott had no need to participate in this apology at all.

It seems to be the protocol where the opposition leader speaks at lots of occasions relating to government functions (I would'nt be surprised if this changes when Abbotts PM)

I thought it was fine for him to speak even if it was on the behalf of pass conservative governments or what ever I didn't see any problem.

After watching some vision clearly some present thought his choice of words were poor.
..After watching some vision clearly some present thought his choice of words were poor.

After watching for the last 2+ years, Gillard's choices in spending taxpayer's funds are extremely poor. Her ability to secure our borders extremely poor. Her attempts at a surplus, extremely poor. Her promise not to introduce a carbon tax, big fail...should I go on?

And I don't recall you being upset at Gillard's poor pronunciation of words such as hyperbowl, assification, Taliband, (spelling as per Gillard pronunciation).

If Abbott can fix up the major problems Gillard has created, who cares if his choice of words is not always perfect? I wouldn't worry too much either about Gillard's poor pronunciation either if she was running the country well.

It seems you are, once again, grasping at straws, IF...
I don't think his choice of words was bad, it was just a couple of loudmouths down the back yelling, they were probably Gillard or Ellen Degereres fans, anyone seen the photos of her and her "wife" I'm not anti gay but there's something about her that turns my stomach.
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