Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

I don't think his choice of words was bad, it was just a couple of loudmouths down the back yelling, they were probably Gillard or Ellen Degereres fans, anyone seen the photos of her and her "wife" I'm not anti gay but there's something about her that turns my stomach.

Firstly, you have a weak stomach and need to toughen up.

Secondly, you are just jealous of Ellen Degeneres because you can't see what Portia De Rossi sees
in a woman that dresses up like a scruffy bloke when she could have a real man like yourself.:rolleyes:
Firstly, you have a weak stomach and need to toughen up.

Secondly, you are just jealous of Ellen Degeneres because you can't see what Portia De Rossi sees
in a woman that dresses up like a scruffy bloke when she could have a real man like yourself.:rolleyes:
Macquack, would it be asking too much for you to just address the issue, instead of deliberately and gratuitously making a personal attack on another member?:(
Macquack, would it be asking too much for you to just address the issue, instead of deliberately and gratuitously making a personal attack on another member?:(

Hang on, what has Ellen Degeneres got to do with the Gillard government? Don't shoot the messenger, shoot Burns.
Sigh. No need to shoot anyone. Just trying to reduce personal attacks on members and keep the thread on track.
Firstly, you have a weak stomach and need to toughen up.

Secondly, you are just jealous of Ellen Degeneres because you can't see what Portia De Rossi sees
in a woman that dresses up like a scruffy bloke when she could have a real man like yourself.:rolleyes:

Hang on, what has Ellen Degeneres got to do with the Gillard government? Don't shoot the messenger, shoot Burns.

I hear you but you Macquack hardly post anything without a nasty twist to it
Doesn't worry me any more.

What's the problem ? The content if my post displeases you? Tough

Macquack, enough with the personal attacks. Burns may have been off topic but you were the one that started slinging mud, which sidetracked the thread even further.

Back on topic please, and stick to discussing the topic at hand, rather than each other.
Did anyone else see a short grab from an interview on TV with Bill Shorten where he said ( refering to Gillard), "She's our lady, our girl, our leader". I do hope Gillard banishes him to the back bench for sexist language, he's clearly a misogynist and she calls it as she sees it afterall :rolleyes:
Agree, the biggest hypocrite I have seen and an embarressment to this country.

I hope the polls continue to tumble because she deserves it, the only ones left supporting Labor are those that support Labor regardless, I think very few would support Gillard.........she is just a shocker and getting worse.

Now her previously inept front bench is to be replaced by a bunch of rank amateurs under her thumb.
News Flash!

PM Gillard loses the lens' out of her glasses - does not realise she is playing with a misogynist rabbit.

Can't "call it where I see it" because of lens loss.

Emerson defends PM's Sandilands invite

Pressed about Ms Gillard's invitation to Sandilands, Labor frontbencher Craig Emerson told the ABC the prime minister would not condone every utterance that came out of the mouth of every Australian.

Really. "I'll call it when I see it" (Sometimes or only when it suits me).

"You just don't write people off all over the place because of particular statements they make," he said on Monday.
Ha ha ha - the man is a joke

"Let's not just dwell in the past."
Oh you will be dwelling in the past alright ...."remember when we were in power 50 years ago....."

Ms Gillard was committed to equality for all Australians, Dr Emerson said.

All Australians are equal, but some Australians are more equal than others. (especially if you have a union ticket)

(apologies to George Orwell)
I hope the polls continue to tumble because she deserves it, the only ones left supporting Labor are those that support Labor regardless, I think very few would support Gillard.........she is just a shocker and getting worse.

Now her previously inept front bench is to be replaced by a bunch of rank amateurs under her thumb.

I expect you are right on both counts MrBurns. More swing voters won't like Labor without the experience and expertise from so called Rudd supporters and even less when stacked with a bunch of new faces supportive of her policies and leadership style.

Didn't she try an election with a fresh new team and her at the head once before!? How did that work out!

It's clear the voting public will not forgive, let alone and most importantly, trust her for the way she knifed Rudd and I expect that empathy will only get worse with the 'take it or leave it' attitude showing through.

From a psychological and behavioural perspective she either can't figure out or doesn't care that she will never gain the trust of the majority of the electorate.

From a political perspective regardless of Rudd's assurances, Rudd is doing everything right to stay in favor with more of the electorate ready for a comeback. He and his supporters know Labor has a snow flakes chance in hell of winning in September under Gillard or any other new leader. Would you appease the 'boss' to walk to the slaughter, or appease the 'Boss' to buy more time to garner more public and consequently caucus support!?

I really find it hard to imagine the party letting Gillard take them to a slaughter a-la so many labor states... ie are the wiser heads and the collective brain of Labor really going to keep on doing what they always do expecting a different result!? Maybe, if the 'faceless men' have unfinished business to settle by September, like NSW corruptly gifting millions in mineral leases to mates. The media laws are not a good sign for them either.

Beware, the eye of the cyclone has just passed over the leadership... wait for the winds, the really powerful winds to turn and rev things up!

The politics of envy continues.

Poor Doug, he's stuck in about 1970 (when the top British tax rate was 83%!!!). That's the real problem with Labor, too many ex-unionists who represent a shrinking minority of the population.

Senator Cameron has challenged his party’s leadership to tax super contributions of higher income earners at a higher rate, crack down on trusts, raise the mining tax, and introduce other taxes to pay for social welfare initiatives.

The Senator says we have a low tax to GDP ratio and the Government needs to increase it by 0.7 per cent.

“I can’t understand why it’s a badge of honour for a Labor government to have a lower tax to GDP ratio than the Howard Government.”

“A mere 0.7 per cent increase in the ratio of tax to GDP would raise sufficient ratio for us to realise our aspirations to be a good society”.

He said even if we did increase the taxation share we would still mean we would be the fifth lowest taxing country in the OECD.

“It is high time we withdrew from what seems like some sort of international virility contest where those who tax the least win regardless of the cost to the social fabric.”

“My party should change its position on increasing the Newstart Allowance”

He said the Federal Budget contains “waste.”

On top of raising the mining tax which he argues is not making enough money, he says a range of taxes should be hiked.

He says he backed a “financial transaction tax” which European countries are introducing.

“Many countries in Europe are implementing a modest financial transaction tax which has the potential to raise a significant amount of revenue for a government.”

He said “private discretionary trusts” are being used by high wealth individuals to minimise tax and conceal assets.

He also wants a superannuation tax crackdown to fund his big social spending initiatives including Gonski and a Newstart increase.

“I think the time has come for a reappraisal of the tax concessions which arguably act as a device to minimise the personal income tax of high wealth individuals. Many of these tax concessions are deeply entrenched and will be politically difficult to get rid of.”

Why on Earth would be taking our economic or taxation cues from what is happening in Europe? A continent that is being strangled to death by its welfare state.

So many small businesses owners, who certainly are not "high wealth individuals" use family trusts to legally minimise their tax bill. The tax cheats, who should be caught and punished, represent such a tiny minority but he makes out that anyone with a trust is somehow gaming the system.
Looking at Gillards new cabinet... at Gary Gray in particular, since I know next to nothing about him I did a bit of research. He's a long time avtive labor member who worked for awhile for Westfarmers and Woodside just before replaacing Kim Beazley in Brand.

Gray is promoted to cabinet as Resources and Energy, Tourism and Small Business Minister from previously being a Special Minister of State in the Department of Finance and Deregulation and Special Minister of State for the Public Service and Integrity. He was apparently influential in the migrant worker policy initially for Rineharts Iron ore mine's in the face of protests and over 20% youth unemployment in his electorate.

This guy looks like he's gone in the Sept election to me. But, given he's well educated and a very smart negotiator is he well connected and influential behind the scenes? Is there anything about his former ties with Westfarmers and probably more importantly the controversy over Woodside developments that should be of concern between now and Sept?


  • Brand - WA.PNG
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Did anyone else see a short grab from an interview on TV with Bill Shorten where he said ( refering to Gillard), "She's our lady, our girl, our leader". I do hope Gillard banishes him to the back bench for sexist language, he's clearly a misogynist and she calls it as she sees it afterall :rolleyes:

Poor old Billy Shorten is always saying silly things. Here's a bit more of what he said.....

Senior minister Bill Shorten, who supports Ms Gillard, welcomed Mr Rudd's declaration to rule out a future leadership challenge.

According to Shorten......"The idea that Kevin Rudd is right there supporting Julia Gillard, that's good news, and it's bad news for Tony Abbott."

Shorten is kidding himself – Rudd ruled out another leadership challenge after his last challenge a year ago, yet he would have challenged last week if he’d had the numbers.
As for him being ‘right there supporting Julia Gillard’.....LOL – since being deposed as leader Rudd has devoted himself to sniping away from the sidelines and undermining the government at every opportunity. The idea that he’ll now throw his support behind Gillard is a joke.
Rudd is a sleazy compulsive liar – I’d trust a Funnelweb spider in my sleeping bag before I’d trust Rudd.

What truly perplexes me is that people supposedly want him back as Labor leader. When he was PM he was just as much on the nose as Gillard is. His government was heading for just as big an election wipeout as the Gillard government appears to be heading for. That’s the main reason his colleagues dumped him.
Even Rudd himself said “We’re getting a whacking in the polls, and quite frankly we deserve a whacking'”.
That was virtually an admission that he and his government were grossly incompetent. So why all this talk about wanting him back!
About the only difference between Rudd and Gillard is that one of them has red hair and wears a bra. Apart from that they seem to be almost a carbon copy of each other.