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The completely useless irrelevant thread

Lol I should get to a real gym also as would allow me more well-rounded opportunities to develop. Although I do some hiking so keeps legs from wasting away. But yep farriering would def involve a lot of good incidental resistance training, no doubt about it
Jeez it's actually very hard to keep up with these irrelevancies when you have to work for a living.

Just keeping the thread relevant
Though with a few stinking hot days gone and some more coming I have had the opportunity to get some late night reading done
Had the joy of lifting my 18kg petrol post rammer onto a 1.8m star picket 120 times last Saturday
just drove in on the Federal .... Lots of workers and 40kph, lollipops a-plenty, but after an extended slow zone, the limit reverted to 100 for all of 70 metres, before dropping to 80 and the camera.

Ah the perfect setup to improve their catch count. Excellent bait. One more fish in the bucket.
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