Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Agree also on your following point about Mr Abbott needing to take a stand on the expenses stuff.
Given his minimal personal popularity, I'd have thought he'd jump at any opportunity to elevate this by showing the electorate his disapproval of rorting.

I think the problem is this issue is nuclear for the mainstream parties. Any audit over a 5 year period will likely result is enough by-elections we might as well have the DD and get on with things.

Unfortunately Abbott is mimicking Howard's stance over the politicians super. Can't remember how long he held out, but eventually he had to bring in changes so that they basically have a similar scheme to what we get, though only for those newly elected (2001 or 2004).

I must admit it has been pleasing to see those who shouted the loudest have been caught out as having had their snouts the deepest in the trough. Seems the same way with those who talk about family values in public tend to be the ones going against what they preach when out of the public eye.
You lot are unbelievable...not happy with labor so you vote them out and already you're giving the new government crap when they've just started...

....and we're just warming up our acidic juices are still brewing and some already busy grinding new and bigger axes.

So far all I see is self serving pigs in parliament at this stage, and abbott somehow believes he has been voted in to serve us free trade agreements. wtf?

Lets start with something really really simple like how are our producers/fisheries going to compete with say 20 cent mangoes flooding the market, or mekong river fish at .50 cents for fish & chips shops?? Who's going to monitor the bio secuirty to protect us? Who is going to test for toxin residues etc? how are manufactures going to compete with very very cheap imported manufactured goods?

A mine field.
OK Whiskers as a keen Political follower here's my analysis..............

Shorten will stay as opposition leader until at least the next election not because he has any substance
but because he is their best media performer.

Well with Roxon coming out with statements like:

"I reckon Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek are as close to 'the dream team' as you can get,"​

flying in the face of, and totally ignoring Shorten et al corrupt history and particularly the polls of grass root members, the right faction is certainly going to try to push $h!t uphill and all over the voting public.

Rudd although not corrupt was an egomaniac and hopeless PM only exceeded by Julia Gillard & will be out of parliament before this term is finished.

From his personality, I'd say Rudd will be more concerned with ridding Labor of the faceless men and union faction deals before he made another run.

Note he declined to comment on Roxon's remarks, with his office saying "he is focused on policies for Australia's future rather than the internal politics of the Labor Party".

In Rudd speak, I reckon that means he's got an agenda for PM with the plot going something like "Get Shorty".

Abbott is way too experienced politically to be swayed by Palmer. Palmer will back down or we will go to a DD.

I'd just caution don't pin all your hopes on experience. Experience is often the mother of illusions... no match for ingenuity, the mother of invention, which the minor parties led by PUP now have demonstrated an upper hand atm.

Lets revisit these posts over the next few months and years and we will see how it all pans out :p:

I expect we will anyway. :xyxthumbs
Note he declined to comment on Roxon's remarks, with his office saying "he is focused on policies for Australia's future rather than the internal politics of the Labor Party".

In Rudd speak, I reckon that means he's got an agenda for PM with the plot going something like "Get Shorty".
Such early days and noises are already emanating from within the cryogenic freeze.

It will be enough to make Shorty wonder about the warranty on that new thermostat.
I wasn't going to comment and i should be doing other things...but i can't help but wonder why politics attracts such bloody knuckleheads. Big business i guess, seems to get the best and brightest. I mean i have met some brilliant leaders in my career in a big CPG manufacturer. These people were brilliant leaders, smart, articulate, honest and had the highest integrity.

Why is it that politics gets the bottom of barrel? Is it the pay? The pension?

Why can't pollies do anything right?:confused:

Well for starters most of these people are comfortable telling lies...likely a quarter of them are ok with stealing. The rest are likely lawyers and fark knows what they're thinking...:banghead:
I personally know some politicians.
The way to the top is simple.
Join the political club of your choice at Uni.
If you are in Labor, join a Union, council or a Labor law firm. Gain mates higher up in the party who will smooth your way.

If you are Liberal, join a powerbroker group and the young Libs or a Liberal law firm. Become active in a seat. Gain mates higher up in the party who will smooth your way.

Unfortunately if you don't follow this formula, it is very hard to get in otherwise.
The rorts story is getting so interesting now that all of the politicians claims have been put online and available for anyone who can add 2 and 2 together.

1) Don Randell has been comprehensively xxrewed with the revelations that he bought thousands of dollars worth of books that appear to have absolutely no relation to parliamentary business.
2) He has been xxrewed again with the exposure of his tax payer paid flight to Cairns to buy and investment property.
3) Plus more.

Can't respond. Won't respond.

And now the Labour MP Rob Mitchell has asked the AFP to investigate Tony Abbotts expense claims on the basis
of "systematic claims that are not even remotely close to being able to be justified''.

Some examples

Abbott's expenses:
2011 Port Macquarie ironman
Flights: $941
Travel allowance: $349
Total: $ 1,290

2012 Pier to Pub race in Lorne
Flights: $1,095
Travel allowance: $349
Total: $1,444

2012 Coffs Harbour cycle challenge
Flights: $653
Travel allowance: $349
Total: $1,002

2012 Wagga Wagga Lake to Lagoon fun run
Total: $515

In 2010 Mr Abbott paid back $9,400 used to promote his book Battlelines. Mr Abbott has also repaid about $1,700 he claimed to attend two weddings in 2006.

It's particuarly exciting to watch because Don Randall was one of the more vocal critics of waste in Government.
Such early days and noises are already emanating from within the cryogenic freeze.
Just a rumble. Just enough to ooze out a bit of pheromone to keep everyone guessing when and where he will strike next.

It will be enough to make Shorty wonder about the warranty on that new thermostat.

What warranty?... oooh, the one he wrote for himself! Worthless eh!

Abbott should not get too focused with Shorty (as I expect he won't) and keep his eye open for a diversion where Shortys team look like someone has stirred the ants in their pants again and starting to look foolish in the public perception... and then check out the flanks for a Ruddy counter attack.
It just keeps getting better with "Expensegate".

Turns out that Don Randall who has ripped off the tax payers for 10k plus with his flights to purchase investment properties and creative book buying also happens to be part of the parliamentary committee that oversees MPs' entitlements.

How convenient for the fox to be in charge of the hen house.:D

There has already been a call for him to resign or be sacked.
"For him to be on the privileges committee which oversees standards of parliament is the height of hypocrisy. Don Randall should go," Mr Johnson said.

Rob Johnson is a WA State Liberal MP..

This firestorm will spread and take half the government and all its credibility with it..
Looks like Labor decided to take the nuclear option.

Maybe they did an audit and decided the Coalition has more to lose than themselves.

Will be interesting to see what the AFP does. More interesting to see how many more cases get referred to them.

I'd say Tony is starting to regret not taking a strong stance on the issue and setting up a review process to change the system so that it weeds out bogus and dubious claims.

What happens if the AFP decides it has to investigate the PM?
It just keeps getting better with "Expensegate".

Turns out that Don Randall who has ripped off the tax payers for 10k plus with his flights to purchase investment properties and creative book buying also happens to be part of the parliamentary committee that oversees MPs' entitlements.

How convenient for the fox to be in charge of the hen house.:D

There has already been a call for him to resign or be sacked.

Rob Johnson is a WA State Liberal MP..

This firestorm will spread and take half the government and all its credibility with it..

Looks like faceless men in the Liberal party at 10 paces as Rob Johnson (total loser) verses (payback) Randall (total loser No 2)

Looking forward to the anger and outrage from the morals squad once the AFP drop the investigation into Abbott rorts.
Looks like Labor decided to take the nuclear option.

Maybe they did an audit and decided the Coalition has more to lose than themselves.

Quite a dangerous assumption on the part of the ALP.

Let us wait and see.

I would imagine rogue claims on both sides.


Don't care. Until 1 or 2 ends up in jail, or at least kicked out of parliament with the loss of all their wonderful entitlements, the rorts will continue.

The issue wouldn't resonate with me so much except for the holier than thou stance taken by the Coalition over the last 12-18 months. It's the double standards and hypocrisy that gets me.

Anyone know if MT has made some large money transfers recently? Could this be his ticket to the big chair :D

Can't believe a Nonews article showed more Liberal than Labor rorters. Uncle Rupert must be very displeased, though no mention of Tony so maybe he's just giving a stern look for now.
Don't care. Until 1 or 2 ends up in jail, or at least kicked out of parliament with the loss of all their wonderful entitlements, the rorts will continue.

The issue wouldn't resonate with me so much except for the holier than thou stance taken by the Coalition over the last 12-18 months. It's the double standards and hypocrisy that gets me.

Fair enough, I just didn't hear you jumping up and down when the ALP were in power rorting the system. Maybe I missed it in another thread? :cautious:
Quite a dangerous assumption on the part of the ALP.

Let us wait and see.

I would imagine rogue claims on both sides.

It will come to nothing.

it's just a bit of nonsense from Labor to keep the issue going in the media, not that they needed to with Don Randall's effort.

Our politicians won't ultimately crap in their own nests.
Fair enough, I just didn't hear you jumping up and down when the ALP were in power rorting the system. Maybe I missed it in another thread? :cautious:

How much jumping up and down were you doing?

You do know the SMHhas gave instructions for anyone who has the inclination to do their own audit of the politicians expense claims? That's where tey've gotten most of the stories recently. Maybe people have gone a huntin against the Liberals and nationals, but there's nothing stopping you from doing the same against the ALP.

Think of it as your civic duty to help clean up the system.
Mark Kenny states the obvious, loving the excuses so far.

Trust-me Tony's' silence on expenses is curious

When Tony Abbott wasn't casting the election as a referendum on the carbon tax or border security, he was framing it as a referendum on trust.

Restoring trust in government, voters were assured, was the bare minimum Australians were owed after the multiple breaches of the Rudd/Gillard period.

Measured against this imperative, the Prime Minister's studied silence on the ongoing expenses scandal ensnaring some of his own MPs is curious.

Most taxpayers would say attending a wedding is not work under any circumstances. Ditto for attending big sporting events – the kind that many taxpayers cannot afford the entry to let alone the airfares and accommodation they find themselves unwittingly funding.

The inscrutability of the Government and faux indignation of many MPs that their claims on the public purse are being scrutinised is about the only thing genuinely transparent here.
Read more:
It will come to nothing.

it's just a bit of nonsense from Labor to keep the issue going in the media, not that they needed to with Don Randall's effort.

Our politicians won't ultimately crap in their own nests.

Labor really haven't had much to say likely because they know there will be rorts in their own ranks but they have said they would look at any changes to clean up the system favourably.

Abbott and others in the Coalition just keep looking the other way waving to the crowd, move along nothing to see here hardly decisive leadership uuummm ahhhh.
Labor really haven't had much to say likely because they know there will be rorts in their own ranks but they have said they would look at any changes to clean up the system favourably.
What they say and what they do. Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper come to mind.

I'm at a loss to understand why the Coalition leadership haven't yet acted. Perhaps that's a political decision.