Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

...and if you think we have rubbish politicians now, imagine if the pay was crap. :2twocents

Then we would at least have pollies you can call 'honourable'.

Perhaps we are better off paying peanuts to get monkeys rather than pork barrelling these overgrown self indulgent pigs.
Then we would at least have pollies you can call 'honourable'.

Perhaps we are better off paying peanuts to get monkeys rather than pork barrelling these overgrown self indulgent pigs.

Honourable mates and sheilas... and empty tinnies littering the benches... Maccas and a Dominoes Pizza stalls in the food hall of Parliament house

Yeah, I can just imagine the level of debate. :rolleyes: Threats of double dissolution over the "free beer tattoos for all" bill. :cautious:
Of course we're stuffed, but the question is how stuffed to you want to be? Thankfully, we're less stuffed now than we would have been. :2twocents

Dun count ya stuffings until they're well and truly stuffed.

Abbott is on a FTA at any cost road, Hockey seems to think restrictive planning laws and high immigration to prop up house prices is good, Robb thinks oligopolies are great for Australia, MT wants to plan an FTTN without doing an audit of the copper CAN to determine if it's actually viable.

Tally HOOOO specufestors, and the rentier class have been given the green light.
You lot are unbelievable...not happy with labor so you vote them out and already you're giving the new government crap when they've just started...

I think you just have nothing better to do than talk politics...why not go to the pub and talk politics?:confused:

I would hate to be a politician, but most of all i would hate to be one in Australia!
You lot are unbelievable...not happy with labor so you vote them out and already you're giving the new government crap when they've just started...

I think you just have nothing better to do than talk politics...why not go to the pub and talk politics?:confused:

I would hate to be a politician, but most of all i would hate to be one in Australia!

Considering Labor was continually hounded by the media, seems only fair the L+NP get the same treatment.

PS. While i was unhappy with the performance of labor, I certainly didn't vote for All the Way with FTA Abbott or Ponzinomics Hockey either.
Oh My, poor Don Randall. I have to ask, how does one spend over $5K for an overnight trip to Cairns :confused:

It's starting to make sense how all the rorting has taken place when people like Don sit on the committee that oversees our Dear Leaders privileges.

If his cairns trip was purely for his IP, then he should be referred to the AFP. Clearly it wasn't an oversight but wilful abuse of OUR MONEY :mad:

Now lets hear from the ASF right about <insert name of union member> but really, graft / corruption / abuse of position should be condemned whoever is doing it.

So Tony doesn't think the system is broken or needs to be changed to stop these abuses happening. Tick tock Tony. You're the PM now, running a no excuses Government.
Now lets hear from the ASF right about <insert name of union member> but really, graft / corruption / abuse of position should be condemned whoever is doing it.

If you recall your own words, you might be able to resist slipping into partisan frothing at the keyboard.

It's not a party issue, it's the general sense of entitlement they have, which probably explains why we have so much middle class welfare as they don't actually see it as welfare but as a basic right for a handout.
Oh My, poor Don Randall. I have to ask, how does one spend over $5K for an overnight trip to Cairns :confused:

It's starting to make sense how all the rorting has taken place when people like Don sit on the committee that oversees our Dear Leaders privileges.

If his cairns trip was purely for his IP, then he should be referred to the AFP. Clearly it wasn't an oversight but wilful abuse of OUR MONEY :mad:
Mr Randall has advised that his above claim was approved by the Department of Finance.
How could they possibly approve that??? Further underlines Nick Xenophon's claim that the whole system needs to be overhauled. I especially like his idea that any MP making an inappropriate claim should be forced to pay back double the amount concerned. That should provide a disincentive.
Mr Randall has advised that his above claim was approved by the Department of Finance.
"Appropriately acquitted" is being reported as the expression he used.

We'll see how appropriately over the next few days I suspect.

The fundamental question is about the parliamentary business, not the investment property.
Interesting expression. Where was it used? ABC Radio said "approved".

"In relation to the purchase of books, these were under entitlement and were purchased as gifts for community groups and schools in the electorate," Mr Randall said.

"The claims relating to travel were appropriately acquitted with the Department of Finance."

Just a little bit hard to justify electorate business in FNQ, I imagine.
I think what he's suggesting is that the travel claim was technically within the rules. That remains to be seen. Judging by the vagueness of the response though, it seems he also realises it would fail the common sense test.

I don't know what the DoF approval test is. Don Randall is in some bother I'd suggest if that's what he's relying on for justification judging by some of the other claims.
I think you're a bit confused about the origin of that bon mot, Whiskers. It referred to the desire for revenge by a woman rejected in love:

That's what I meant! Didn't I mention something about women tending to be more emotionally attached.

You tend to gush all over, or frown upon... based more on first appearances. :p:

Just look at the rest of your comment. Let me try to spell it out again!

Oh god, remove the scales from your eyes. Nothing to do with his ego. Everything to do with the eventual realisation that he has had it, no one wants him, not his ex colleagues, not the electorate. Even the self deluding Rudd has finally had to acknowledge that - at least until Shorten and all other possible contenders fall over, he has had it.

Julia, you need to get past the superficial first impressions! How many times now have I pointed out my commentary is of predictable behaviour and logical tactics of the players... not what I want. I'll concede though that it's a bit tough for some people to see much past their nose, let alone what's likely around the corner. :rolleyes:

His own caucus might not want him, but that is hardly any indictment on him or Albanese atm. Most people would wear that as a badge of honour atm. I'm thinking A lot of Labor grass roots and even general electorate would be behind him serving it up to get rid of more of this corrupted caucus.

Shorten will either be uprooted by a revolt and lousy polls possibly with some help from Rudd, for the very same reason that he talked the talk, but did not walk the walk... over reform and accountability of the party.

You think Rudd was bad... at least he wasn't part of an organised corrupt faction, particularly right faction that is behind all Labors woes including the NSW disaster... now spilling over into Fed Labor after successfully canning reforms to the party. If Shorten has his way, he'll screw the fed ALP and Abbott won't be home free either... the winner will be more other parties or independents, such as PUP.

An abbreviated analysis from the Rudd for PM thread.

I stand corrected if I'm wrong, but aren't all the bad noises and defections atm, Roxon, Burke etc coming from Shortens own right faction? Why? Sour grapes maybe, but none-the-less it highlights betrayed trust in the Snake oil salesman for past loyalty, err votes.

The faceless men from the right are putting in one last gasp to the same determination they did in NSW.

Albanese accused union power brokers of not listening to the electorate. He once said they are "gross self-indulgent rubbish" and they "should care more about the party and less about themselves." It's not hard to see why the membership supported Albanese and not Shorten.

Rudd is probably the only one with enough mongrel in him to serve up the political bastardry necessary to rid Labor of these bigger bastards acting badly sooner, rather than later!​

If Abbott knew what is best for him, he'll be hoping Rudd skittles Shorten so as draw back support away from palmer, so that, providing he (Abbott) doesn't ballz up, he will not have to deal with PUP dictating terms in the senate.
OK Whiskers as a keen Political follower here's my analysis..............

Rudd although not corrupt was an egomaniac and hopeless PM only exceeded by Julia Gillard & will be out of parliament before this term is finished.

Shorten will stay as opposition leader until at least the next election not because he has any substance
but because he is their best media performer.

Tony Abbott will increase his majority in the next election as he will prove to be a much better PM than the last two
in other words all the Labor and left wing smears will be shown to the public to be unfounded.

The independents will not increase their majority. This only happened in the last election because Labor were so hopeless and divisive and Tony Abbott didn't have high personal popularity. The hung parliament and their machinations promoted widespread discontent of politics amongst the public resulting in a large protest vote against the major parties which ironically should have gone to the independents but most voters didn't make the distinction.

Abbott is way too experienced politically to be swayed by Palmer. Palmer will back down or we will go to a DD.

Lets revisit these posts over the next few months and years and we will see how it all pans out :p:
In the interests of balance my first disappointment with TA is that he could have got on the front foot with the
expenses issue.
He could have easily stopped the majority of dodgy claims by simplifying the rules and would have gained
a lot of political capital with the public.
But at least he is concentrating on the business of running the government.
Can you imagine if the Labor party was still in power Rudd would announce an inquiry,be on TV every 10 mins
expressing outrage and nothing would be done anyway.:rolleyes:
Tony Abbott will increase his majority in the next election as he will prove to be a much better PM than the last two in other words all the Labor and left wing smears will be shown to the public to be unfounded.

Will depend on how much he sells out Australian interests to seal the FTA with China, Korea and Japan. The sense of desperation to have them done must be getting the French excited about the increase in Champaign sales when we sign away the farm.

In the immediate future, if he's not brought about an inquiry into the travel rorts and set about changing the whole system within the next 2 weeks, then it will be hard for him to argue about any changes to welfare or other spending cuts that are needed to get the budget back into shape.

It'd just be nice if the L+NP would apply the same standards upon themselves as they were howling for earlier in the year. Seems all rorters are equal, just some more equal than others.
Will depend on how much he sells out Australian interests to seal the FTA with China, Korea and Japan. The sense of desperation to have them done must be getting the French excited about the increase in Champaign sales when we sign away the farm.

In the immediate future, if he's not brought about an inquiry into the travel rorts and set about changing the whole system within the next 2 weeks, then it will be hard for him to argue about any changes to welfare or other spending cuts that are needed to get the budget back into shape.

It'd just be nice if the L+NP would apply the same standards upon themselves as they were howling for earlier in the year. Seems all rorters are equal, just some more equal than others.

Spoken like a "true disbeliever".:xyxthumbs

Don Randall should resign. I'm getting sick of pollies abusing our trust.
Feel like borrowing a guillotine from France.
You tend to gush all over, or frown upon... based more on first appearances. :p:
Really? Show me just one post where I have 'gushed over' any politician.
It will be like your comment a few weeks ago where you asserted I'd had a lot to say about the NBN, whereas in fact I hardly ever even read the thread, let alone comment. Still waiting for your backing that one up.

I can't be bothered arguing with you, Whiskers. You approve of Mr Rudd. Fine. Your prerogative.
I detest him. Let's not go round in circles over it.

OK Whiskers as a keen Political follower here's my analysis..............

Rudd although not corrupt was an egomaniac and hopeless PM only exceeded by Julia Gillard & will be out of parliament before this term is finished.

Shorten will stay as opposition leader until at least the next election not because he has any substance
but because he is their best media performer.

Tony Abbott will increase his majority in the next election as he will prove to be a much better PM than the last two
in other words all the Labor and left wing smears will be shown to the public to be unfounded.

The independents will not increase their majority. This only happened in the last election because Labor were so hopeless and divisive and Tony Abbott didn't have high personal popularity. The hung parliament and their machinations promoted widespread discontent of politics amongst the public resulting in a large protest vote against the major parties which ironically should have gone to the independents but most voters didn't make the distinction.

Abbott is way too experienced politically to be swayed by Palmer. Palmer will back down or we will go to a DD.

Lets revisit these posts over the next few months and years and we will see how it all pans out :p:
Largely agree with your summary above, waza. On the PUP vote, and yes it's anecdotal only, I've spoken to several people who voted for them as default option because they didn't want to vote for either of the two main parties. Never expected their vote to actually give them any power. Now bitterly regret so doing.

Agree also on your following point about Mr Abbott needing to take a stand on the expenses stuff.
Given his minimal personal popularity, I'd have thought he'd jump at any opportunity to elevate this by showing the electorate his disapproval of rorting.