Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Some are more equal than others

Senior Abbott staffers furious after being told they will not get pay rise

Some senior advisers in the Abbott Government are furious after being told by the Prime Minister's chief of staff that they will not be getting a pay rise.

That is despite their bosses receiving much larger salaries that come with moving from opposition into the ministry.

Several Coalition staff members have told the ABC's AM program it is another example of the power wielded by Peta Credlin in Tony Abbott's office.
How are political staffers employed ?

If it's through the APS and their level doesn't change regardless of government or opposition, their pay wouldn't either.
Why isn't Abbott acting on the 'budget emergency'?

Tony Abbott has wisely left Australia's fiscal settings exactly as they were under Labor, putting the lie to his hysterical pre-election economic rhetoric, writes Stephen Koukoulas.

Almost two months after a thumping election victory, there is not one hint of any economic policy change from the Abbott Government that will deal with the budget bottom line. Yet until the day before the election, this was painted by the Coalition as an "emergency" or "crisis".

The reason is obvious. The budget is in triple-A shape and in the complete opposite of an emergency.
What they say and what they do. Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper come to mind.

I'm at a loss to understand why the Coalition leadership haven't yet acted. Perhaps that's a political decision.

I don't think they quite know what to do. All that time blaming Labor and now it's up to them to make a decision and take action......

ps - Slipper seemed to do a fair amount of his rorting as a Coalition member

Rumours has it Hockey Ponzinomics wants to upgrade the borrowing limit to $400B from the current $300B

Now with the marvellous economic efficiency of the Coalition, and the surplus in their DNA, one has to ask why does Joe need a 33% increase in the borrowing limit??

I'm very worried that Tony "THE CRISIS" Abbot has gone very quiet about the budget. Where did that budgetary CRISIS disappear to :confused:
Rumours has it Hockey Ponzinomics wants to upgrade the borrowing limit to $400B from the current $300B

Now with the marvellous economic efficiency of the Coalition, and the surplus in their DNA, one has to ask why does Joe need a 33% increase in the borrowing limit??

I'm very worried that Tony "THE CRISIS" Abbot has gone very quiet about the budget. Where did that budgetary CRISIS disappear to :confused:

Contrary to public perception Howard (Tony's idol and mentor) was a big spending government funded largely from asset sales.

It was the big spending that oiled the wheel of Howards electoral popularity, more than the feel-good of balanced budgets.

Watch out for some public entities and large tracts of crown land etc to go private.

Is a modified fast tracked NBN saleable in the medium term?
Seems every one is lining up to stick the boot in even Barny wants a free kick

Randall will come under more heat: Barnett

West Australian federal MP Don Randall has been warned by Premier Colin Barnett that he will continue to come under scrutiny as he continues to dodge questions over expense claims.

The MP for Canning has been under huge scrutiny this week for a $5000 travel expense claim for a trip to Cairns dubbed "electorate business" at a time when he was taking possession of an investment property in Queensland.

Mr Randall initially said his claim was within the rules but, on Thursday, said he would repay the money "due to the ongoing media scrutiny and public interest".

Other claims, including a trip to Melbourne for a "parliamentary sitting" on the same weekend West Coast were playing there, are still to be explained.
Saw Abbott on the news tonight doing his bit fighting the NSW bushfires with his local brigade.

Good on him! Great to see him still making time for his community services work although now PM. Indicates he is really genuine in his community spirit and that it wasn't just something he did to try and win votes.
Saw Abbott on the news tonight doing his bit fighting the NSW bushfires with his local brigade.

Good on him! Great to see him still making time for his community services work although now PM. Indicates he is really genuine in his community spirit and that it wasn't just something he did to try and win votes.
Saw Abbott on the news tonight doing his bit fighting the NSW bushfires with his local brigade.

Good on him! Great to see him still making time for his community services work although now PM. Indicates he is really genuine in his community spirit and that it wasn't just something he did to try and win votes.

I can half agree with you, but after finding out he claimed so many of the Charity events he's attended over the years as "work" I lost some of the respect I have for Tony the man outside of politics, especially when you consider some of the independents attended the same charity events and made no claim for tax payer funds.
I can half agree with you, but after finding out he claimed so many of the Charity events he's attended over the years as "work" I lost some of the respect I have for Tony the man outside of politics, especially when you consider some of the independents attended the same charity events and made no claim for tax payer funds.

That's a bit low, do you work for the ABC ?

How can you belittle a mans efforts fighting fires as a volunteer by bringing tax into it ?

Charity event or not a tax deduction is a tax deduction, Abbott contributes more than you I expect and wouldn't cheat on his taxes intentionally, he's too high profile and probably too honest.
Tony Abbott puts himself in line of fire

...If not for a couple of photos circulating on Twitter, it's a fair chance that Mr Abbott's weekend exploits would have gone unnoticed.

His office did not issue a statement until the blurry image of the PM giving the thumbs-up from behind the wheel of a fire truck appeared on the social media site...
The fiendish AbbottAbbottAbbott is at it again, having the temerity to serve his community.

Of course as we know, the Coalition stance on AGW caused the bushfires. Or so Adam Bandt and Wendy Harmer say, in between gulps of double ristretto, from the safety of their favourite inner city cafes.
The fiendish AbbottAbbottAbbott is at it again, having the temerity to serve his community.

Of course as we know, the Coalition stance on AGW caused the bushfires. Or so Adam Bandt and Wendy Harmer say, in between gulps of double ristretto, from the safety of their favourite inner city cafes.

Bandt and his Greenie activists have never apologised for their role in loss of lives and destruction in the 2009 Victorian bushfires.

On February 7, 2009, and in the week that followed, bushfires ignited across Victoria, in Australia. The fires raged through many towns, destroying at least 1,834 homes, and killing at least 209 people, more fatalities than any bushfire in Australian history

As for the foul mouthed Harmer the less said, the better.:eek:

It wasn't climate change which killed as many as 300 people in Victoria last weekend. It wasn't arsonists. It was the unstoppable intensity of a bushfire, turbo-charged by huge quantities of ground fuel which had been allowed to accumulate over years of drought. It was the power of green ideology over government to oppose attempts to reduce fuel hazards before a megafire erupts, and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation to protect themselves.
So many people need not have died so horribly. The warnings have been there for a decade. If politicians are intent on whipping up a lynch mob to divert attention from their own culpability, it is not arsonists who should be hanging from lamp-posts but greenies.
(my bolds)

Read more:
What a load of crap Calliope. All hearsay and outright lies.
I would never vote for the Greens but even I know they are for fuel burn-offs.

If you are losing an argument e.g. climate change then blame another sector of society for the problem, first law of propaganda.

I noticed that Bolt attacked Bandt today, rightfully in many ways, however he didn't spin his usual stuff about climate change not happening. All the right wing mouthpieces have obviously been told to tow the line. Climate change is now real!

"Hang the greens", what a lot of twaddle to try to make the rednecks and yourself look the other way.
The truth is all the temperature records have been continually broken all year drying the forests. That is the cause of the fires.

And Calliope, if your only comeback is an insult, then don't bother.
Bandt and his Greenie activists have never apologised for their role in loss of lives and destruction in the 2009 Victorian bushfires.

On February 7, 2009, and in the week that followed, bushfires ignited across Victoria, in Australia. The fires raged through many towns, destroying at least 1,834 homes, and killing at least 209 people, more fatalities than any bushfire in Australian history

As for the foul mouthed Harmer the less said, the better.:eek:

(my bolds)

Read more:

From Andrew Bolt's site:

The Victorian Greens and prescribed burning,


6. Fire management including prescribed burns, must be informed by evidence-based
science and The Precautionary Principle. Policy rev3-w_0.pdf

The precautionary principle,

The precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking an action.

In other words, they are against it unless it can be proven it is not harmful to the environment.
The Victorian Greens and prescribed burning, Policy rev3-w_0.pdf

The precautionary principle,

In other words, they are against it unless it can be proven it is not harmful to the environment.

When will they realise that not back burning when conditions are safer they are contributing to much worse damage to the environment? I suppose they will never get it.
-Temperature records are falling like confetti around Australia and the world.

-The analysis of all climate scientists who know their stuff is that humans are the direct cause of global warming through our excess Co2 emissions.

-Global warming is increasing temperatures which will directly increase the intensity and frequency of bushfires.

-The Greens are the principal political party that has steadfastly seen climate change as a critical problem and one that we have to take responsibility for

And yet... in the eyes of Bolt and Co The Greens are the ones responsible for the bushfires.

And Calliope and Co cheer wildly from the grandstand

It tells you how poisoned and debased this debate has become.