Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Give Tony the Job!


Mmmmmm 2nd breakfast
13 October 2004
Unbelievable: Conservative British Members including the health minister are saying our Tony is a misogynist, homophobe and climate change denier. (refer below)
All of us in Australia should defend him.

He is not a misogynist, that quote below is taken out of context and don't forget he was the Minister for women at the same time as being Prime Minister showing how seriously he took the role.
He is not a homophobe, again the quote is taken out of context and I am sure he said once that some of his best friends are gay.
And thirdly he is not a climate change denier, he just likes tilting at windmills.

Let me say, that every Australian, whether extreme right, left or in the middle are really behind him getting this job.

Scotland's leader has described him as a "misogynist" and a "sexist" and in the latest awkward encounter for a government minister, Health Secretary Matt Hancock was forced to defend Mr Abbott's conduct on the UK's Sky News.

"He's a homophobe and a misogynist," declared Sky presenter Kay Burley.

"Well, he's also an expert in trade," Mr Hancock replied.

Ms Burley referred Mr Hancock, who was wearing a rainbow "NHS pride" badge, to
Mr Abbott’s comments about homosexuality in 2010, in which he said he would "probably feel a bit threatened".

She also asked him to consider Mr Abbott’s 1998 comments, in which he asked:

"What if men are by physiology or temperament more adapted to exercise authority or to issue command?"

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Ms Burley asked the Health Secretary whether a "homophobic misogynist" was fit to represent the country.

"We need an expert in different areas and someone who is the former prime minister of Australia is obviously an enormous expert in the field of trade," Mr Hancock said.

Mr Abbott has flown to the UK ahead of his expected appointment to the UK's Board of Trade, which will advise the government on future negotiations.

A spokesperson for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said "no decision" had yet been made on the appointment, which will be up to Downing Street.

'Awful' decision
Conservative MP Caroline Nokes condemned the expected appointment on Tuesday.

"This is such a bad idea, I'm not sure I can come up with words for how awful I think it is," she told the BBC.
A Poeme
Garpal Gumnut

He's got his firehose rolled
He's got his smugglers tucked
He's off to Europe now
How, has got me ......

His missus called the Uber
He had one long last punt
She screamed, at last, at last
He's gone the bloody ....

The driver's name was Bimalpal
A Sikh from up near Lennox
I'll drive via Windsor to make a fare
Before I drop off this boll..
A Poeme
Garpal Gumnut

He's got his firehose rolled
He's got his smugglers tucked
He's off to Europe now
How, has got me ......

His missus called the Uber
He had one long last punt
She screamed, at last, at last
He's gone the bloody ....

The driver's name was Bimalpal
A Sikh from up near Lennox
I'll drive via Windsor to make a fare
Before I drop off this boll..

He arrived at Kingsford Smith
The tip was just a pittance
Dragged a cripple outa the lift
Tones has dibs on distance
A Poeme
Garpal Gumnut

He's got his firehose rolled
He's got his smugglers tucked
He's off to Europe now
How, has got me ......

His missus called the Uber
He had one long last punt
She screamed, at last, at last
He's gone the bloody ....

The driver's name was Bimalpal
A Sikh from up near Lennox
I'll drive via Windsor to make a fare
Before I drop off this boll..

He arrived at Kingsford Smith
The tip was just a pittance
Dragged a cripple outa the lift
Tones has dibs on distance

To be fair to Tones he's not all bad
He'll probably get to Heaven
At least it's known that he is better
Than Nambour-Yank 07

The End
A Poeme
Garpal Gumnut

He's got his firehose rolled
He's got his smugglers tucked
He's off to Europe now
How, has got me ......

His missus called the Uber
He had one long last punt
She screamed, at last, at last
He's gone the bloody ....

The driver's name was Bimalpal
A Sikh from up near Lennox
I'll drive via Windsor to make a fare
Before I drop off this boll..

He arrived at Kingsford Smith
The tip was just a pittance
Dragged a cripple outa the lift
Tones has dibs on distance

To be fair to Tones he's not all bad
He'll probably get to Heaven
At least it's known that he is better
Than Nambour-Yank 07

The End
I nominate that we place GG work into the local poetry competitions. Everything from the Derek Walcott to the W B Yeats competitions. Gradually building to entering a Pulitzer prize for poetry.

I shall distribute the work amongst the local feminists for support.
Tony got the job. Excellent news.

I know he is acting as trade advisor for the UK but I hope he does Australia a few favours.

Love him or hate him, he is definitely a true blue Aussie, he will be aware of what we can provide and keep our growers and manufacturers in the loop for any opportunities
Hmmm Abbott IMHO is a dog, always has been always will be.

As for the accusations they are all true and he was happy to reap the toxic political rewards for making them, it was no accident.

He brought in the US style of saying no to every thing as a political weapon, was toxic and divisive in the parliament, actively under mined those around him and basically failed as PM along side a failed treasurer, remember the zombie budget.

When the Tories want to disown you its pretty much the end of the road should Boris get rolled Abbott will be soon not be required by the Britts.
Hmmm Abbott IMHO is a dog, always has been always will be.

As for the accusations they are all true and he was happy to reap the toxic political rewards for making them, it was no accident.

He brought in the US style of saying no to every thing as a political weapon, was toxic and divisive in the parliament, actively under mined those around him and basically failed as PM along side a failed treasurer, remember the zombie budget.

When the Tories want to disown you its pretty much the end of the road should Boris get rolled Abbott will be soon not be required by the Britts.
And Julia catapulted herself into stardom, with nasty unfounded vitriol, but hey thats ok as long as it fits in with the mob.:roflmao:
There is a massive belief, of a small minority, that whatever they say is right.
It is yet to be proven correct.
Abbott was ejected by the mob, but those the mob follow are still to attain office.
When was Abbott toppled? Borris wasnt meant to get in, but the ranters and chanters encouraged by the media still soldier on, you have to admire persistence in the face of failure.:D