Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

I have to think that's why we've had a bounce in confidence because Tony had to stop scaring everyone once Rudd was back in. How much did his 3+ years of the carbon tax sky will fall on our heads cost us? Basically everything he said turned out to be WRONG. How much higher is unemployment because of his fear mongering?

The silence is welcomed, if hypocritical.

Oh please! Your saying Coalition "scaremongering" is damaging to the economy, but Labor scaremongering isn't?

That's kid's stuff Syd. :rolleyes:
The left of the media failed constantly to report the almost daily boat arrivals, deliberately ignoring them as if it was not an issue for the Australian public.

I'm also not sure which left press you're referring to as the ABC were always announcing boat arrivals during the hourly news updates by the way.

Springhill, would you like to elaborate on that point with some actual facts?
Ministers cannot speck hilarious megalomaniac in charge sounds familiar LOL.....oh thats right Abbott a good megalomaniac.

Button up: Abbott to keep ministers in check

The directive jogged memories inside Labor of Mr Abbott blasting Mr Rudd in 2007 after it was revealed that all media releases from government bodies must go through his department.

''It seems like an early exercise in hyper-control by the new Prime Minister's office,'' Mr Abbott said at the time. ''A lot of people said before the election that Kevin Rudd would turn out to be a bit of a control freak and this seems to be an interesting suggestion that those fears were quite well grounded.''
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Javanese have be doing this for centuries how hopeless and naive are the Coalition committing fraud and telling lies to the Australian public to not understand this fact.

Indonesia's foreign minister warns Abbott government against taking any “unilateral steps” over asylum seekers

The Indonesians’ release of details of the conversation between the two foreign ministers in New York on Monday is highly unusual in diplomacy, and will raise the temperature further in an already super-heated debate, just days before Tony Abbott meets president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta.
Not-so-private talks ... A virtual transcript of the asylum seeker talks between Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa and Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop have been made available by Indonesia.

Blunt message ... Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa warned the Australian Government against 'unilateral action' over asylum seekers. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Abbott insisted on Thursday that his government was already “working very well together” with Indonesia, and that “we absolutely respect Indonesia's sovereignty”.
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Professionals LOL...... adults LOLRATF

The bush socialist's are running the show

PM rebukes Pyne over unis

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has publicly slapped down his Education Minister Christopher Pyne over his comments to scrap university service and amenity fees in a move to head off a damaging split within the Coalition.

Mr Pyne denounced the fees as ''compulsory student unionism by the back door'' in comments that inflamed old tensions between the Liberals and Nationals.

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You are even more negative than Albo and Short'un... have you considered running for ALP leadership?

No I'll never be as negative and couldn't lie to the extent like Abbott ......ever.

I would simply be no match to Abbott, looks like Abbott will be no different in government.
Oh please! Your saying Coalition "scaremongering" is damaging to the economy, but Labor scaremongering isn't?

That's kid's stuff Syd. :rolleyes:

Seriously? Have you heard the lies and out right deceptions Abbott has been telling since he had his road to Damascus conversion over climate change to force Turnbull out?

All his outrageous claims, and not one of them has happened. Gladstone, Whyalla, Olympic Dam (did he didn't he read the report)

His shadow treasure telling everyone the economy is at STALL SPEED - yet we had trend growth at the time. I don't hear Tony saying the economy is in decline now that growth is below trend. Actually the Coaltion has not really mentioned to economy much lately over the last few months. Just compare the way Tony was talking about Austrlia pre July this year against how he behaved from July onward.

Think of Tony's claim that poor pensioners electricity bill had doubled due to the carbon tax. Maybe you discount all his claims by 90% and don't see it?

It was amazing how we went from a country in crisis, where the budget was in CRISIS Wayne, it's just a crisis everywhere Tony looked, yet once he started to believe it was going to be his responsibility the crisis seemed to evaporate. The budget CRISIS will be solved by the Coalition doing a rounding error $6B better with something like $1.1T in revenue. With action like that in a crisis, I truly hope we don't need Tony to stand and deliver in a true national crisis.
A good move by Greg Hunt, but seems at odds with ranting's from Ian Macfarlane (Industry minister) wanting to loosen up CSG laws in NSW (in particular) for economic exploitation.

I'll bet Barnaby Joyce in particular has pushed his weight around a bit on this one.

However, It is not clear why three projects were deleted. That will require further investigation

Labor's water trigger laws for 47 mines

APN Newsdesk|
27th Sep 2013 12:00 PM

THE water trigger laws the former Labor Government brought in before the election will apply to 47 mines and coal seam gas operations across the country, after a decision by Environment Minister Greg Hunt on Thursday.

Projects sprawled across regional Queensland and New South Wales make up the bulk of the list which will have to be assessed for impacts on water resources.

Among the projects are numerous proposals for coal mining in central Queensland, including Moranbah South, Springsure Creek, Adani's Carmichael project, Hancock Coal's Kevin's Corner and Waratah Coal's Galilee project.

Coal seam gas proposals across southern Queensland will also need to be assessed under the water trigger laws, including Santos's GLNG gas project and Arrow Energy's Surat CSG project.

In New South Wales, the controversial Bulga Coal Mine, Wallarah and Moolarben projects were also on the list for assessment.

The trigger was introduced by the previous government under pressure from former MP Tony Windsor to up the ante on protection of water resources from large coal mines and CSG projects.

Earlier this week, Mr Hunt said the 50 projects had been "left in complete limbo" by the previous government, over the procedural decisions.

He said the decision came after "careful examination" of each project, saying the 47 projects would be assessed for potential impacts on water resources and matters of national environmental significance.

However, three projects on the list did not make the cut, with Mr Hunt asking for more information about two proposals, including the NSW Mount Penny project.

That project has been under a cloud since investigation by the ICAC in relation to corruption charges against former Labor MPs in the state.

One other project, the Pine Dale Coal Mine stage two extension, will not be assessed for impacts on water resources, but no reason was given for that decision.For Water Assessments:

Waratah Coal: Galilee Mine

Hancock Coal: Kevin's Corner

Adani: Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail

Anglo-American: Moranbah South

Xstrata: Newlands Coal Extension, Rolleston Open Cut extension

Cockatoo Coal: North Surat and Baralaba South

Endocoal Coal: Meteor Downs
Thank you for pulling me up on that, it actually averages to more than one per day this year.
To June 30th - 196 boats in 181 days.

Perhaps you should check your facts before you act the uninformed smarty pants.


What's with the "Checkmate", what a joke.

You did not even answer the question. I was referring to you backing up your statement in relation to "The left of the media failed constantly to report..."
Well, Abbott has turned back a boat, let's see what comes out of his visit to Indonesia.

He has said a lot more with actions, than you lefties have said with words, since he got
Well Doc, Abbott is the Prime Minister and as a leader it is his duty to lead his troops in the right direction. If he were to allow them to wonder off in their own direction, then they deserve to be shot down in flames.

I can only admire the man for showing some discipline and courage in guiding his troops in the right direction.
If he did not take some action, I am sure he would come under intense cirticism from all sides of politics and the media.

I think Abbott will prove to be a great PM.
If Rudd had won, you wouldn't have had his face off the tv, absolute dick.
It is great, not to see a PM on tv, he should be busy getting on with running the country.:xyxthumbs

To the extent that any clarification is needed, it wasn't my intention to be critical of TA. I was just making an observation. :xyxthumbs :xyxthumbs
Well doc IMO, the difference between a PM always on t.v, as opposed to one not seen.

It shows the difference between a showman and a statesman.

The Laborites had better get the cheap shots in early, I think it will prove more difficult, as time goes by.
Well doc IMO, the difference between a PM always on t.v, as opposed to one not seen.

It shows the difference between a showman and a statesman.

The Laborites had better get the cheap shots in early, I think it will prove more difficult, as time goes by.
Every government faces its challenges, but how they handle them is what matters.

Tony Abbott hasn't had much to say, but what he has had to say has been of much more substance than either of the previous two Labor PM's.

Overall, the early signs are good and if it continues, Labor face opposition for a very long time indeed.
Although it is just one boat, if Abbott can successfully stop the boats or reduce them to a trickle, then I believe he will be willing to call a double dissolution if he doesn't get his way with the carbon tax. I cannot see Labor wanting to go to a new election if Abbott succeeds in his asylum seeker policy. They would be massacred. Who in their right minds would want to go back to Labor and have the influx of refugees happen all over again.
+1 bellenuit. Today's effort came as a welcome surprise. Good to see Australia taking the initiative for a change instead of passively accepting directions from Indonesia.

The so called 'accident' of the highly confidential transcript between Julie Bishop and her Indonesian counterpart whilst both were in New York being leaked to the media, even when it was clearly labelled "media release", was blatantly obvious in its intent. They must think we're pretty stupid.
I am shocked, amazed the Abbott love squad here didn't see this

What you missed: an incredible federal budget outcome

It's yet another case of politics overshadowing economics: while newbie Treasurer Joe Hockey insinuates otherwise, the final count for the 2012-13 federal budget is an outstanding achievement, a monument to a skilled Treasury performance in very difficult circumstances. No, seriously.

Budget crisis ha ha ha and Hockey wont release the numbers before Xmas welcome to Stalinist government.

And it seems Joe Hockey can't break old habits, fulminating about the final count. If he's not careful he might claim there's a budget crisis, forgetting that he effectively backtracked on that two days before the election.

Just note the bit about a recession.....

And what's entirely missed is what an incredible budget 2012-13's proved to be. After a deficit of $43.4 billion the previous year – 2.9 per cent of GDP – it is an unprecedented and utterly amazing fiscal contraction to be able to get it down to about $19 billion, 1.3 per cent of GDP. Thank heavens Wayne Swan didn't succeed in reducing it to zero – that way recession would have laid.

Oh Coalition politics there is a crisis remember

After that exercise, the economy is not strong enough to handle further severe fiscal contraction just yet. And that's why Joe Hockey is letting the deficit run this year, never mind his political rants, announcing that he will trim the budget by all of 0.4 per cent. Big whoop.

Then you have Liberal arrogance they do it better than anyone

In the gap between political promises and achievement, it bodes particularly ill if Parkinson is being flicked as Treasury Secretary. Frank and fearless advice might not be appreciated.
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Hate to labour on about a point.......well when its Abbott I can make an exception

But government spending actually shrank in 2012-13, from $371 billion. Spending has fallen in real terms before (indeed, it did in 2010-11), but hasn't shrunk in cash terms as far back as Treasury's current records go, to the start of the 1970s. Yes, it was aided by plenty of pea-and-thimble tricks involving bringing forward and delaying expenditure, but the Howard government never came close to hacking expenditure in real terms by 3.2%, as Swan did.

In attacking Labor's fiscal record today (including the downright weird statement that Treasury's nominal GDP forecast was a "promise" by Labor), Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann failed to answer the basic question: what would they have done differently? Faced with a $17 billion-odd write-down in revenues, should Swan have slashed spending by a further $17 billion on top of the historic cut he'd already inflicted on the budget? And done it when the economy was growing below trend despite the RBA bringing interest rates down to record low levels? How would the economy have fared with another $17 billion ripped out of it? How many jobs would it have cost to address the Coalition's debt'n'deficits rhetoric?

And of course there's the other question of where the "budget emergency" is, and why the Coalition isn't rushing to address it with a mini-budget to slash spending and bring Australia's debt under control. Instead, the government has been making noises about stimulating the economy. Indeed, apparently the government is considering adding to Australia's debt to fund infrastructure construction. If so, the Coalition would be demonstrating a welcome maturity on the issue of government debt -- and complete hypocrisy.

Perhaps, like corporate tax cuts or low interest rates that are bad when Labor's in power, government debt suddenly becomes a good thing when the "adults" are back in charge.
I am shocked, amazed the Abbott love squad here didn't see this

What you missed: an incredible federal budget outcome

Budget crisis ha ha ha and Hockey wont release the numbers before Xmas welcome to Stalinist government.

Just note the bit about a recession.....

Oh Coalition politics there is a crisis remember

Then you have Liberal arrogance they do it better than anyone

Read more:

The budget that was suppose to be a surplus "come hell or high water"?

Labors method of destroy business, hide figures after a massive spending splurge filters through while taxing everything that moved is why labor shot confidence. The only thing labor knows how to grow is debt and taxes
And what's entirely missed is what an incredible budget 2012-13's proved to be. After a deficit of $43.4 billion the previous year – 2.9 per cent of GDP – it is an unprecedented and utterly amazing fiscal contraction to be able to get it down to about $19 billion, 1.3 per cent of GDP. Thank heavens Wayne Swan didn't succeed in reducing it to zero – that way recession would have laid.
That little analysis doesn't take into account the creative accounting of offloading costs from 2012/13 to 2011/12 so the original 2012/13 surplus could be forecast in the first place.

Even after stacking the deck, Labor still couldn't come close.
Well, Abbott has turned back a boat, let's see what comes out of his visit to Indonesia.

He has said a lot more with actions, than you lefties have said with words, since he got

Yes, it was great to see Abbot help the boat in distress 40 nautical miles from Indonesia, but only on the condition that it was sent back to Indonesia.
Rudd and Gillard would have given it a VIP escort to Christmas Island, further overcrowding the place and costing us big dollars to keep the asylum seekers until they could be processed. Then providing them with free legal representation if they wished to contest any decision in regard to whether or not they could settle in Australia.

What a great lurk it all was.....the boats would get a day or so from Indonesia and then radio that they were in distress, Indonesia would claim to lack the capacity to deal with the rescue, Australia would come running, and off to Christmas Island would go another boat load of illegals.
The people smugglers and the Indonesian government were playing Rudd and Gillard for the fools they were. They’ll find that Abbot is a much harder man to hoodwink.

Good on Alexander Downer for his frankness about Indonesia's reaction to Abbot’s asylum seeker policy. He summed Indonesia up nicely by stating that it was just ‘pious rhetoric’ on their part, and by pointing out that it’s not Australia who is violating Indonesian sovereignty, it’s Indonesia who is violating our sovereignty by allowing Indonesia boats and crews to bring tens of thousands of people illegally to Australian territory.
It's about time the Indonesians took some action besides being offended all the time.
Find out where the smugglers are and shut them down BEFORE they sail.
It's about time the Indonesians took some action besides being offended all the time.
Find out where the smugglers are and shut them down BEFORE they sail.

Indonesia does do something, they charge the asylum seekers a fee for a transit