Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

The only way to hold the Government of the day accountable is to be able to measure their performance against what they've promised to do.

Sounds reasonable to me. But the new government has only been in power for two weeks or so, which is hardly time enough to judge their performance.

Some people seem to be upset that the Abbot government isn’t a carbon copy of the Labor government they replaced.
I couldn’t care less if they don’t give us daily updates on boat arrivals.
The only measurement of their success on this issue will be whether or not they stop the boats. No reasonable person expects them to do it overnight.
The left of the media failed constantly to report the almost daily boat arrivals, deliberately ignoring them as if it was not an issue for the Australian public.

Now that the Coalition is in power they are breaking their necks to report and screaming about lack of information.

One rule for some, and another rule for others.

:sheep: what is that noise I'm hearing in the distance...

:holysheep: it the libs praising the wisdom of... even saying labor (Rudds Plan) has stolen the march on them.

:luigi: ...that their party ought to embrace better accountability of preselections to their grass roots.


“No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.”
― Victor Hugo

Just when the party, (albeit mostly retired) started talking about better accountability of representation of their grass roots membership...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott admits that he has ordered all ministers contact his office before speaking to the media, saying his government needs to speak with a ‘‘united voice’’.

On Wednesday, an email leaked to the Australian Financial Review, Mr Abbott’s senior press secretary, James Boyce, informed ministerial staff that all requests for interviews, right down to ABC local outlets, must be vetted by Kate Walshe who has taken over leadership of communications in Mr Abbott’s office.

The communications clampdown from Mr Abbott, who once described Kevin Rudd as a ''hyper-control freak'' for his autocratic media management, was issued hours after Education Minister Christopher Pyne revealed in an interview with Fairfax Media the government's agenda to take an axe to the university sector.

It comes less than a week after Immigration Minister Scott Morrison put the announcement of asylum seeker boat arrivals behind a curtain of censorship.
Read more:

This is not going to end up well Tony!

What other countries have to seek PM permission before talking to the media?.. Syria maybe!?... probably not even Russia or Indonesia.

Tis better to let people be themselves warts and all so as not to be perceived as harbouring a hidden agenda.

Some early policy blips... the Nationals oppose changes to uni fees and caps and likely have something to say about NBN redesign, foreign investment and no doubt more to come on ideology grounds where the Big L lib power brokers are trying to get their extreme measures in, akin to Labor the other way.

The Nationals are the moderating force in the LNP and Abbott had better pay attention to the Nationals constituency more than trying to sway their parliamentary reps... because they are likely the significant 1.8% who shifted back to the LNP as opposed to the 4.5% who left Labor and mostly went to others.
The left of the media failed constantly to report the almost daily boat arrivals, deliberately ignoring them as if it was not an issue for the Australian public.

Now that the Coalition is in power they are breaking their necks to report and screaming about lack of information.

One rule for some, and another rule for others.


That's ok springhill because we had the right of the media reminding us with this sort of fear mongering.

Seems both sides can be rather hypocritical when it supports their predisposition. Guess sometimes we see what we want to see.
That's ok springhill because we had the right of the media reminding us with this sort of fear mongering.

Seems both sides can be rather hypocritical when it supports their predisposition. Guess sometimes we see what we want to see.

The left is not chasing this to save babies, they have not mentioned that angle once. It is to punish the Coalition. At least The Herald had the impetus to expose it. Those children were put at risk by previous Government policies, nothing more, nothing less.
The left is not chasing this to save babies, they have not mentioned that angle once. It is to punish the Coalition. At least The Herald had the impetus to expose it. Those children were put at risk by previous Government policies, nothing more, nothing less.

That's because its an incredibly disingenuous card to play, if you followed the Herald Sun through the campaign you would see they just wanted to smear the Labor governments asylum seekers policy which was fair enough but to do it in this fashion and act like a humanitarian news paper was rather brash journalism. So no i would hope no other media would play the save the babies card. I'm also not sure which left press you're referring to as the ABC were always announcing boat arrivals during the hourly news updates by the way.
I bet you had no problems with the Murdoch press attack during the campaign.

Putting words in my mouth, now? Making assumptions on my behalf? Based on what, your pre-judgement of me?

That is a fool's game and only fools play it.

I never offered the ABC nor the Herald Sun as examples of anything. You did that.

Nor, do I dance to your tune.

If you wish to lower yourself to petty points scoring, so be it.
Putting words in my mouth, now? Making assumptions on my behalf? Based on what, your pre-judgement of me?

That is a fool's game and only fools play it.

I never offered the ABC nor the Herald Sun as examples of anything. You did that.

Nor, do I dance to your tune.

If you wish to lower yourself to petty points scoring, so be it.

I asked for examples but instead you made a personal attack. Perhaps if you had a different prospective you may see things differently but obviously you don't want your position challenged. Carry on with your rant.
Sums it all up quite well

Tony Abbott's incredible disappearing act

As opposition leader Tony Abbott toured the country, warning day in, day out - his message amplified by the florescent gleam of the inevitable hi-viz vest - of looming crises in border security and the economy, as well as the emergency for families and small businesses confronting first the prospect and then the reality of the carbon tax.

There was no time to be lost. An election ... now! That was the top line melody that came daily, against a steady bass of 'stop the boats' and 'abolish the tax'. Day in, week out. For three outraged years.

And then he was gone: the incredible vanishing Prime Minister. The sudden political calm was greeted by the muted golf clap of the political commentariat, who recognised the dexterity of this political craft work. The discipline. The sense of ordered, deliberate cunning.

Tony Abbott has been Prime Minister now for eight days, a period marked by his sudden withdrawal from public life, part of a broader closing down that clearly aims to remove the sense of urgent emergency that has been the backdrop for our politics since 2010.

A backdrop Tony Abbott created, of course. A backdrop manufactured against all the available evidence: of a robust economy, the steady but tiny trickle of hapless refugees, the neutral impact of the carbon tax. By rights then this backdrop is his to remove at will. And again, you've got to admire the skill. The political polish.

You are even more negative than Albo and Short'un... have you considered running for ALP leadership?
I think Abbott is behaving true to form, unlike Labor shoot from the hip, right or wrong and be seen on tv every day.
He is taking his time before saying anything, it is a tried and proven part of Abbotts makeup.
He was proven right more times than he was proven wrong, when he was in opposition. However it is more critical now he is the PM.
I must say it is great to see a PM not rolling over and p+++++++++ on themselves, when another country speaks out. IMO
:sheep: what is that noise I'm hearing in the distance...

:holysheep: it the libs praising the wisdom of... even saying labor (Rudds Plan) has stolen the march on them.

:luigi: ...that their party ought to embrace better accountability of preselections to their grass roots.


“No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.”
― Victor Hugo

Just when the party, (albeit mostly retired) started talking about better accountability of representation of their grass roots membership...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott admits that he has ordered all ministers contact his office before speaking to the media, saying his government needs to speak with a ‘‘united voice’’.

On Wednesday, an email leaked to the Australian Financial Review, Mr Abbott’s senior press secretary, James Boyce, informed ministerial staff that all requests for interviews, right down to ABC local outlets, must be vetted by Kate Walshe who has taken over leadership of communications in Mr Abbott’s office.

The communications clampdown from Mr Abbott, who once described Kevin Rudd as a ''hyper-control freak'' for his autocratic media management, was issued hours after Education Minister Christopher Pyne revealed in an interview with Fairfax Media the government's agenda to take an axe to the university sector.

It comes less than a week after Immigration Minister Scott Morrison put the announcement of asylum seeker boat arrivals behind a curtain of censorship.
Read more:

This is not going to end up well Tony!

What other countries have to seek PM permission before talking to the media?.. Syria maybe!?... probably not even Russia or Indonesia.

Tis better to let people be themselves warts and all so as not to be perceived as harbouring a hidden agenda.

Some early policy blips... the Nationals oppose changes to uni fees and caps and likely have something to say about NBN redesign, foreign investment and no doubt more to come on ideology grounds where the Big L lib power brokers are trying to get their extreme measures in, akin to Labor the other way.

The Nationals are the moderating force in the LNP and Abbott had better pay attention to the Nationals constituency more than trying to sway their parliamentary reps... because they are likely the significant 1.8% who shifted back to the LNP as opposed to the 4.5% who left Labor and mostly went to others.

I must say it is great to see a PM not rolling over and p+++++++++ on themselves, when another country speaks out. IMO

But he will be rolled at home with this sort of arrogance and contempt for the moderates of his own party and the Nationals who he relies on to stay in power.

Didn't Macfarlane get that email... or is this the message Abbott wants to convey?

The Federal Minister for Resources, Mr Ian Macfarlane, has slammed as "anarchists" some of the opponents to coal seam gas projects in NSW.

"They are anarchists, they don't respect people's property, they don't respect people's rights. They don't respect the law of the land.

"They go out deliberately to break the law."

The minister said he does not oppose people demonstrating but any opponents but they must respect the law, he said.

Read more:

The NSW Libs have taken a more moderate position that Labor in NSW and Qld. It has been indicated elsewhere that Macfarlane is applying pressure to relax NSW CSG laws. Good on NSW for not bowing to Big L liberal pressure.
Tuesday 24th - Pyne - We're going to get rid of student amenities fees

Wednesday 25th - Pyne - We're going to get rid of student amenities fees but it's not a priority

Wednesday 25th - Barnaby / Fiona - strangely silent on the issue

Thursday 26th - Abbott - We have other more important priorities

If it's not a priority then why talk about it :confused:

Pyne says No capping of places or raising HECS fees last August and againt in July, but now it's up for review. Must have been off the cuff comments ie non core so we shouldn't have believed what we were told.

- - - Updated - - -

I have to think that's why we've had a bounce in confidence because Tony had to stop scaring everyone once Rudd was back in. How much did his 3+ years of the carbon tax sky will fall on our heads cost us? Basically everything he said turned out to be WRONG. How much higher is unemployment because of his fear mongering?

The silence is welcomed, if hypocritical.
I suspect that little episode from Christopher Pyne is why Tony Abbott office is vetting his ministers media contact.

Well Doc, Abbott is the Prime Minister and as a leader it is his duty to lead his troops in the right direction. If he were to allow them to wonder off in their own direction, then they deserve to be shot down in flames.

I can only admire the man for showing some discipline and courage in guiding his troops in the right direction.
If he did not take some action, I am sure he would come under intense cirticism from all sides of politics and the media.
Well Doc, Abbott is the Prime Minister and as a leader it is his duty to lead his troops in the right direction.

I presume you mean right as in correct to party policy and not right as in the far right, as in big L liberal.

Either way, if his troops who have been together since the Howard years don't know each other and the party position like the back of their hands by now, when will they?

If he were to allow them to wonder off in their own direction, then they deserve to be shot down in flames.

Someone has mentioned about certain Nationals not saying much. Remembering Abbotts gov is made of Libs, LNP and Nationals with separate and differing policy positions depending which state they are from... what if the Nationals were more disciplined, had a more moderate position to the Libs and had their two bobs worth behind closed doors after the extreme intentions of the Big L liberals started permeating the media.

Abbott, would have no choice but to clam down on media comments and slow down his advance in these circumstances. The problem is, that many pure blue bloods keep forgetting and Abbott ought to be aware by now, is the tiny 1.8% swing against by pissed off nationals constituency would see his government have a lot of trouble passing some legislation or completely gone next election.

It's worth repeating... Abbott is trying to lead a coalition of three parties, Libs, LNP and Nationals. He doesn't have the numbers or power to dictate to the whole of his government. From memory there are about 30 of the government members who are NOT Lib, but are LNP or Nat.

So yes, Tonys strategist must have done his head counting by now and realised he's got big trouble pressing a Big L liberal agenda in the cabinet and electorate and likely to get shot down in flames if he doesn't withdraw his fully trained, eager to go 'Lib' special forces.

I can only admire the man for showing some discipline and courage in guiding his troops in the right direction.

It's a question of who is pointing whom in the right direction now.