Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

I was a commonly known fact that the Labor vessel for illegal arrival announcements 'timed' its release of boat arrivals to avoid prime time news and the Saturday morning newspapers.

They have no credibility in accusing the Coalition of 'hiding' arrivals.

They have no credibility at all, actually.
I was a commonly known fact that the Labor vessel for illegal arrival announcements 'timed' its release of boat arrivals to avoid prime time news and the Saturday morning newspapers.

They have no credibility in accusing the Coalition of 'hiding' arrivals.

They have no credibility at all, actually.

The Labor Party were masters at diverting attention away from the illegal boat arrivals and the media, especially the ABC helpe them no end.
On a separate matter I thought the coalition policy was to turn back the boats not turn back the media reporting on the boats. This early into their term and they're already treating the public with contempt.
No need to confect some sort of conspiracy of deceit and silence here, overhang. The new government is simply changing the reporting process to a weekly announcement, rather than daily. Hardly a cause for dramatic conclusions, is it?

And on Mr Morrison's suggestion that the public may not necessarily be advised every time a boat is turned back (if indeed any are), that is no different from what happened under John Howard's successful Pacific Solution.
The government never told the public when any boat was turned around, so again, probably no need for assumptions of conspiracies to deceive.
Keep the excuses coming everyone you are going to need plenty more

Coalition heading backwards with first steps

What a to-do list: sack econocrats guilty of having worked with the enemy, pass an edict against climate change and discourage all discussion of it, stop publicising boat arrivals, build more motorways, move to a cut-price national broadband network and take science for granted.

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Keep the excuses coming everyone you are going to need plenty more

Coalition heading backwards with first steps

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That leftist rag has been biatching since libs got in. Even the Australian gave Rudd praise the first few months till everyone realized how terrible he was. Smh comments are full of labor supporters crying like babies. It hasnt even been a month yet and the libs have already started moving in a number of areas. And even though I think libs nbn isnt crash hot at least Tbull is running the numbers on what was a massive labor mess. Labor sucked badly, get over it. I see Shorten measures up to being another labor prick by being rude to the people he is suppose to represent. Thats the way labor supporters vote in another dud.
One of the issues is the range of ways the governments (both state and federal) are supporting so-called Green technologies.

We have direct subsidies for householders such as those for solar panels. We also have a carbon tax and until recently we had the CEFC lending taxpayers money. Of the above we need to first decide which of the above is the best model. Over an above that, we also need to consider the overall benefit relative to the cost to our economy.

I agree that there was an overkill in schemes but out of those schemes you mention the worst by far is the direct action coalition policy which is just a brash waste of tax payer money as to give an illusion the coalition care and for a conservative party they should be held accountable for this complete waste of money and resources that will be put into this policy. Like I say if you want to follow a capitalist model then fine end those subsides on the coal industry and watch clean energy investment become more desirable from the private sector but as it stands the CEFC was the way to bridge this gap without removing the subsidies, ending this scheme shows a lack of foresight from the government.
No need to confect some sort of conspiracy of deceit and silence here, overhang. The new government is simply changing the reporting process to a weekly announcement, rather than daily. Hardly a cause for dramatic conclusions, is it?

And on Mr Morrison's suggestion that the public may not necessarily be advised every time a boat is turned back (if indeed any are), that is no different from what happened under John Howard's successful Pacific Solution.
The government never told the public when any boat was turned around, so again, probably no need for assumptions of conspiracies to deceive.

Julia I'm referring to the non-disclosure of boats being turned back and I think its quite relevant to know considering it was their policy platform on the refugee issue. Didn't it later come out that very few boats were ever turned back under the Howard policy? Now if boats are still coming here but are being turned back I don't consider that a successful policy as people still aren't being deterred to come here. Now I'm unsure but it seems like a sly way to hide boat arrivals if the boats that are turned back aren't counted towards the arrivals tally. I don't buy the whole strategic advantage as a reason not to publicize if your policy is actually working as intended.
Julia I'm referring to the non-disclosure of boats being turned back and I think its quite relevant to know considering it was their policy platform on the refugee issue. Didn't it later come out that very few boats were ever turned back under the Howard policy? Now if boats are still coming here but are being turned back I don't consider that a successful policy as people still aren't being deterred to come here. Now I'm unsure but it seems like a sly way to hide boat arrivals if the boats that are turned back aren't counted towards the arrivals tally. I don't buy the whole strategic advantage as a reason not to publicize if your policy is actually working as intended.

This whole operation is akin to a military exercise, you don't have the right to know all the details, it's important to keep some aspects away from the public and the people smugglers, this pathetic outpouring of "we must know" is rubbish.

Just get on with your lives and leave the job of handling this to the Govt, this Govt that WILL do what it can to fix the problem.
This whole operation is akin to a military exercise, you don't have the right to know all the details, it's important to keep some aspects away from the public and the people smugglers, this pathetic outpouring of "we must know" is rubbish.

Just get on with your lives and leave the job of handling this to the Govt, this Govt that WILL do what it can to fix the problem.

That's rather naive mrburns, logically we shouldn't know information like where the boats are intercepted, what deems seaworthy condition etc but the amount if any boats are turned back should be publicly available so the public can actually gauge if it's a fruitful policy.
This whole operation is akin to a military exercise, you don't have the right to know all the details, it's important to keep some aspects away from the public and the people smugglers, this pathetic outpouring of "we must know" is rubbish.

Just get on with your lives and leave the job of handling this to the Govt, this Govt that WILL do what it can to fix the problem.

So basically we should just trust the Government of the day. Sounds not dissimilar to what will come from the Ministry of Truth.

The only way to hold the Government of the day accountable is to be able to measure their performance against what they've promised to do.
That's rather naive mrburns, logically we shouldn't know information like where the boats are intercepted, what deems seaworthy condition etc but the amount if any boats are turned back should be publicly available so the public can actually gauge if it's a fruitful policy.

The only thing you need to know is if the flow of boats has been lessened and by how much, you will get weekly reports.

So basically we should just trust the Government of the day. Sounds not dissimilar to what will come from the Ministry of Truth.

The only way to hold the Government of the day accountable is to be able to measure their performance against what they've promised to do.

See above.

If anyone wants to know our exact military capacity and where all our weapons and facilities are located you cant have that info either.
I agree that there was an overkill in schemes but out of those schemes you mention the worst by far is the direct action coalition policy which is just a brash waste of tax payer money as to give an illusion the coalition care and for a conservative party they should be held accountable for this complete waste of money and resources that will be put into this policy. Like I say if you want to follow a capitalist model then fine end those subsides on the coal industry and watch clean energy investment become more desirable from the private sector but as it stands the CEFC was the way to bridge this gap without removing the subsidies, ending this scheme shows a lack of foresight from the government.
I don't agree with the Coalition's direct action policy although that at least is limited to a fixed cost. As I said, in my view we should go back to the drawing board with these so-called environmental subsidies and look critically at the cost/benefit.

I don't have any knowledge on the specifics of coal industry subsidies so I can't comment there. I do however acknowledge that coal is a critical component of our domestic economy, much more critical than the impact of our domestic response to global atmospheric CO2 levels. The latter is an issue for the globe as a whole.
The only thing you need to know is if the flow of boats has been lessened and by how much, you will get weekly reports.
Like I said it's completely relevant for the public to know if a certain piece of the coalitions ploy to stop the boats is actually effective, right now it seems they can hide the information on boat arrivals if they're not going to announce when boats are turned back. If 200 boats come in the next year and 150 are turned back then I believe they will only announce the 50 that weren't turned back, that's deceptive government. Put yourself in their position and the best possible outcome is tell the public you wont be announcing when boats are turned back, this prevents any possible criticism of the effectiveness of the policy.

Has anyone noticed how the grubs are coming out of the wood work since the election?

If this is referring to me I have no vested interest in either party, I'm just ensuring ignorant souls such as yourself are at least aware of the faults in the current government as you sure loved pointing them out for the past government. Any non swinging voter must be held accountable for their dogmatic political stance, this goes for left and right.
If this is referring to me I have no vested interest in either party, I'm just ensuring ignorant souls such as yourself are at least aware of the faults in the current government as you sure loved pointing them out for the past government. Any non swinging voter must be held accountable for their dogmatic political stance, this goes for left and right.

Well said overhang.

Some posters on this forum are having withdrawal symptoms after the election as they no longer have anything to have a whinge about.

They now can only have a whinge about anyone critical of their new government, what a turnaround.
Well said overhang.

Some posters on this forum are having withdrawal symptoms after the election as they no longer have anything to have a whinge about.

They now can only have a whinge about anyone critical of their new government, what a turnaround.

I think everyone's sick to their stomach of politics now, first we had Rudd then Gillard then Rudd. now it's over and Abbott can get on with what has to be done..........
Well said overhang.

Some posters on this forum are having withdrawal symptoms after the election as they no longer have anything to have a whinge about.

They now can only have a whinge about anyone critical of their new government, what a turnaround.

Another thing you can blame Abbott for, losing your job:D
:sheep: what is that noise I'm hearing in the distance...

:holysheep: it the libs praising the wisdom of... even saying labor (Rudds Plan) has stolen the march on them.

:luigi: ...that their party ought to embrace better accountability of preselections to their grass roots.


“No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.”
― Victor Hugo