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Social Engineering

No she isn't.


If I ask a University to provide me a soap box from which I can lecture students, and they deny me, have I been denied my rights to free speech?

The answer in no.

Whether you think the university did the right thing is another topic, my comment simply relates to the claim is was denying free speech.

For example, Richard Dawkins would probably be banned from giving a biology lesson at many religious schools, because he would discuss evolution, this rule might not create a good education for the students, but it is not a violation of free speech.

Uni students aren't children any more, if they have been properly thought to fliter out bs then the fruitcakes will be sharply dealt with.

should a jewish kid who just really wants to study to become a dentist have to put up with a nazi speaker who wants to preach anti jewish stuff?
but should he have to put up with the abuse he might face should the person promoting the hate speech convince say 5% of those who listened that jews were lesser humans?
that's no less offensive than some of the extreme left wing crap being promoted in universities
but should he have to put up with the abuse he might face should the person promoting the hate speech convince say 5% of those who listened that jews were lesser humans?
that's no less offensive than some of the extreme left wing crap being promoted in universities
Just incase you fell for the Billy Shorten indignation speech today about false advertising in the No campaign today.

Here is the Safe School promotional partners that infested Frankston School at the time Cella White pulled her son out for being encouraged to wear a dress to school :

Their modus operandi :

The government-funded program by the Safe Schools Coalition is designed to promote inclusiveness for ‘same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse’ students, but critics say it is indoctrinating children in sexual identity politics under the pretence of a bulling program.
I don't know if it is applicable in this particular case, but the broader and more and more frequent issue is not saying that a speaker should have the right to demand the universities give him/her a forum to speak his/her views.

In many cases speakers have been invited to give talks or attend debates, but then have been dis-invited by the student union or college board because that persons views would be seen as offensive or hurtful to some. They demand that universities provide safe spaces for students and safe spaces mean in their definition a campus wide ban on anyone that the alt-left disagree with. And this does not relate to neo-nazis, but in many cases those who have moderate views not palatable to radical feminists or the alt-left.

Worse still, the ban applies to any event held on campus even when it will only be attended by those who want to attend.
Gee whiz. Puberty and the sexual identity phase is opening right up. I think the goal is to teach acceptance and when Tommy turns up in a dress it is okay. Schools for straight students only is one solution for those parents desiring their children are not in classrooms with alternate sexual preference students. A bit like adult life choice where straight people don't go to gay venues, parades and social events.

Equal does not mean the same. My example is - there are many types of cats in the world but they all don't live together. The engineers see all people as equal. They are friggin not.
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Meg Ryan Conditioning:

This article was taken from the February 2012 issue of Wired magazine.

This article was taken from the February 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online.

The romcom movie genre can hardly be described as fundamental to understanding human behaviour. But there is one exception: the Rob Reiner film When Harry Met Sally contains probably the most important scene in film history (in terms of behavioural science). And yes, it is the scene in which Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in Katz's Deli. But it is the response of the older lady at the next table that matters. When Ryan is finished, this character turns to the waiter and says: "I'll have what she's having."

The phrase gets to the core of the essential human talent for "social learning" -- learning from the example of those around us.

We do it earlier than infants of our fellow primates (as young as 42 minutes after birth, according to one study); we do it better and more accurately; and we keep on doing it for fun, long after our primate cousins have given up. This is the missing piece in our understanding of human behaviour: whereas cognitive neuroscientists and behavioural economists have shown the primary role of emotion as opposed to rationality in cognition, the importance of I'll Have What She's Having (IHWSH) as a thinking short cut is clearer than ever. Evolutionary psychologists might post-rationalise modern human quirks in terms of the supposed lifestyle of our ancestors, but IHWSH shows us our lives today.
Looks like a cat version of the McGregor - Mayweather weigh-in. So the cat mouthing off there should get TKO'd when the biff is on. :)
Anyone interested in starting a campaign? I am not happy about the demands being placed by minority groups. The 'Happy as it is' campaign is for all people who wish to leave things as they are. You had nothing to do with the plight of Aboriginal people, you have natural sexual orientation, you integrate into Australian lifestyle, you earn an income and you mind your own business. Bloody simple.
Energy company application form:

PowerCompany Application.jpg
Anyone interested in starting a campaign? I am not happy about the demands being placed by minority groups. The 'Happy as it is' campaign is for all people who wish to leave things as they are. You had nothing to do with the plight of Aboriginal people, you have natural sexual orientation, you integrate into Australian lifestyle, you earn an income and you mind your own business. Bloody simple.

That would be discrimination. You can't discriminate if you are white + hetro and most importantly + identify as a male.