Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

The "War on Drugs" was a pretext for the US peace-keeping missions in South America. Just that it was so well played that some doctors and health managers actually buy it too.

"Just say No" does not work. Public shaming... people who can be shamed are the ones that need help; those who profit and deal in drugs just cannot be shamed - it's their business model.

Heard a while back from some US expert that these kind of drug tests are just the Nanny State's way of shaming ALL welfare recipients. And shaming them not for drugs or misuse of what little they're receiving, but for being too "lazy" to not find work that ain't there.

Paying tax is apparently all our duty. For the greater good and all that bs. But when people fall and need some help, it's go screw yourself you parasite.

Mate you are like an old pair of slippers. Too good to replace and ragged around the edges.

The drug problem has got worse over the decades despite "war on drugs" in the US and elsewhere.

Maybe people who take drugs and sell their kids to get drug money should be publicly shamed into getting help to get off the drugs. If we keep feeding their habit they will keep doing it.

Are you aware of how and why the"drug problem" in the US has exploded in the past 20 years ? There are many reasons but the role of the drug companies in promoting opiod use with legal prescription drugs has created one of the overwhelming problems in terms of addiction and deaths.
One would also argue that the destruction of millions of manufacturing jobs as created a desperate underclass of people who see drugs as way to block out the reality the live in.
Are you aware of how and why the"drug problem" in the US has exploded in the past 20 years ? There are many reasons but the role of the drug companies in promoting opiod use with legal prescription drugs has created one of the overwhelming problems in terms of addiction and deaths.

So we learn from the US and don't let it happen here. The US is getting to be a basket case in more ways than one, and I feel sorry for the many decent Americans who have to live in an increasingly turbulent society.

But we still have to deal with ice, ecstacy, amphetamines and other designer drugs that are causing even more damage than the traditional ones.

I really can't see much solution other than locking addicts up and giving them treatment until the drugs are out of their system and untill they dob in whoever sold them the stuff.

And maybe this welfare thing is another way of getting to the pushers by identifying the addicts so they can lead police to the suppliers.
Are you aware of how and why the"drug problem" in the US has exploded in the past 20 years ? There are many reasons but the role of the drug companies in promoting opiod use with legal prescription drugs has created one of the overwhelming problems in terms of addiction and deaths.
One would also argue that the destruction of millions of manufacturing jobs as created a desperate underclass of people who see drugs as way to block out the reality the live in.
Agree with what yousay here bas, but wonder if you see the irony
Are you aware of how and why the"drug problem" in the US has exploded in the past 20 years ? There are many reasons but the role of the drug companies in promoting opiod use with legal prescription drugs has created one of the overwhelming problems in terms of addiction and deaths.
One would also argue that the destruction of millions of manufacturing jobs as created a desperate underclass of people who see drugs as way to block out the reality the live in.

Like weed and the shareholders who are profiting from it?
Mate you are like an old pair of slippers. Too good to replace and ragged around the edges.


Taking that as a compliment o_O ?

Who need friends when you're having too much fun offending people's sensibilities, right? :D
So we learn from the US and don't let it happen here. The US is getting to be a basket case in more ways than one, and I feel sorry for the many decent Americans who have to live in an increasingly turbulent society.

But we still have to deal with ice, ecstacy, amphetamines and other designer drugs that are causing even more damage than the traditional ones.

I really can't see much solution other than locking addicts up and giving them treatment until the drugs are out of their system and untill they dob in whoever sold them the stuff.

And maybe this welfare thing is another way of getting to the pushers by identifying the addicts so they can lead police to the suppliers.

Confucius says, when those of high position and responsibilities work diligently to create a fair and productive society, setting good examples and providing opportunities to all under Heaven; the people will be gainfully employed and will themselves follow the law and regulation without needing to be reprimanded.

When those in government are corrupt and self-serving, making policies that favour friends and masters at the expense of the masses; then create fines and penalties to punish small crimes and misdemeanours, that's entrapment and it's messed up, y'all.

Or was it Lao Tze? :D
Confucius says, when those of high position and responsibilities work diligently to create a fair and productive society, setting good examples and providing opportunities to all under Heaven; the people will be gainfully employed and will themselves follow the law and regulation without needing to be reprimanded.
Isn't that Communism? :D
Isn't that Communism? :D

The second scenario? Both Communism and Capitalism. :D

The first is theoretical. It's what's promised with the second being what's delivered.

Oh, another fortune cookie: Confucius says, all know the Way; Few walk it.

Insightful clip in that it shows just how easily people can delude themselves when pursuing ideals.

Everybody has full freedom to express their views with only one proviso, namely, all expressed views must agree with mine!!!
So we are in about December in Nineteeneightythree.

All the mainstream politics is virtue signalling about race, SSM and transgenderism, weather as climate alarmism etc. All the really important **** </sarc>.

Remember when Victoria first and then Australia introduced legislated invitro fertilisation and we were guaranteed it would never be used for other than hetro sexual married couples. And we all fell for it.:D

We were so naive back then in 1988, but now we know that legislated social changes won't lead on to different outcomes than what we have been told. Yep no fooling us anymore.

I hate to say it but she is correct, free speech doesn't mean you have the right to a soap box where ever you want.

If I want to ban a person from speaking at my home or business I can, My right to free speech doesn't give me the right to go into any school of my choice and demand to be listened to.
The Land of The Free with it's sacred Amendments on Free Speech came to a similar conclusion to VC a few years ago. It was a response to the Westbro Baptist Church protesting against gays, the US military, and the general rottenness of Western Civillisation.

Laws limiting funeral protests

In response to the protests conducted by Westboro members at Indiana funerals, a bill was introduced in the Indiana General Assembly that would make it a felony to protest within 500 feet (150 m) of a funeral. The bill provides penalties of up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine for those found to be in violation of the law. Shortly before this bill was signed members of the church had threatened to protest in Kokomo, Indiana, at a funeral service that was being held for a soldier who was killed in Iraq. On January 11, 2006, the bill unanimously (11–0) passed a committee vote,[133] and while members of the church had traveled to Kokomo to protest, they were not seen during or after the funeral service. On May 23, 2006, the state of Michigan banned any intentional disruption of funerals within 500 feet (150 m) of the ceremony. Violating the statute would be a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine for the first offense and up to four years in prison and a $10,000 fine for a subsequent offense.[134]

On May 17, 2006, the state of Illinois enacted Senate Bill 1144, the "Let Them Rest In Peace Act", to shield grieving military families from protests during funerals and memorial services of fallen military service members. A first-time violation of the Act is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,500 fine and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent offense, which is punishable by one to three years in state prison and a fine of up to $25,000.[135]

On May 29, 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act (Pub.L. 109–228), prohibiting protests within 300 feet (91 m) of the entrance of any cemetery under control of the National Cemetery Administration from 60 minutes before to 60 minutes after a funeral.[136] Penalties for violating the act are up to $100,000 in fines and up to one year imprisonment.[136] The bill garnered overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress with a 408–3 vote in the House, with 21 not voting, and a unanimous vote in the Senate.[136]

On January 11, 2011, the state of Arizona held an emergency legislative session to pass a bill barring protests within 300 feet (91 m) of a funeral and within an hour from its beginning or end. The bill was swiftly signed into law ahead of the January 12 funeral of those killed in the 2011 Tucson shooting.[137][138]
so you ladies believe that it is ok for universities to promote one extreme of political thought and exclude all others?
so you ladies believe that it is ok for universities to promote one extreme of political thought and exclude all others?
Simply saying its not against "free speech".

Nothing is stopping the speaker renting a hall, and inviting students to come along and listen, they won't be jailed, so they have free speech.

The speaker can also limit who speaks at their rented hall, limiting the people at the event down what ever lines they want, that doesn't breech free speech either.
I hate to say it but she is correct, free speech doesn't mean you have the right to a soap box where ever you want.

If I want to ban a person from speaking at my home or business I can, My right to free speech doesn't give me the right to go into any school of my choice and demand to be listened to.

One of those conundrums. I mean nobody wants Germaine Greer except the ABC's QANDA for example. And I'd like ban the constant queue of "what about me" on QANDA as well.

But Universities are traditionally places where the various schools invite nut jobs and the venerable to contrast their ideas with common sense on the Tisme Scale, if only to parade the effects of drugs, alcohol and senility on the brain for 5h!ts and giggles.

It doesn't help that the pompous tart, suffering physical rigour trumping vigour, on the clip, who probably hung around the sisters collegiate at Uni, is trying to explain her pomposity to a pompous old moribund twit who probably spent his time at Oxford getting his arse paddled by a monocled professor of rum, bum and gramophone records.
I hate to say it but she is correct, free speech doesn't mean you have the right to a soap box where ever you want.

No she isn't.

Universities should be institutions of free thought and free expression, the very place where a multitude of ideas are tossed around, chewed over, analysed with rigour and logic and thrown out if they are bs.

Universities are for teaching critical thinking, not for mollycoddling shrinking violets. Uni students aren't children any more, if they have been properly thought to fliter out bs then the fruitcakes will be sharply dealt with.