Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

Interesting why business leaders are taking on the role of social engineers by enforcing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Merit is no longer the primary consideration. Workplace "governance" is the grass roots of a cultural change.
Are we being manipulated by global govts as a means to an end ... eg rest control from our superstitions to enhance their own?

I think social engineering has its roots in the Far Left who want to take enterprise, innovation and free thinking out of society and replace it with a Marxist view of the world where individuals are subservient to the State and nobody owns anything or does any thinking for themselves.

This is the Lee Rhiannon view of the world, but the mainstream Greens are waking up to the fact that she is a loose cannon and hopefully they will throw her out soon.
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Interesting why business leaders are taking on the role of social engineers by enforcing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Merit is no longer the primary consideration. Workplace "governance" is the grass roots of a cultural change.

This is not new W.

Mr. Cadbury of halal chocolate fame was a follower of the religion known as Quakers and built model villages for his workers which were airy and conducive to good health.

Mr. Trump of the brilliantine hair has legalised plastic bottles of water in National Parks in the USA, so as to provide more profits and a few jobs for people who bottle tap water to sell to muppets, presumably at the behest of some of his seedy golfing mates who profit from such muppets.

Mr. Joyce, the head of Qantas pursues a marriage equality agenda as the CEO of a multi-million Australian company.

Merit is in the eye of the beholder, and is executed with the power of the guy with power.

Interestingly social mores revert to the mean eventually.

And this is the counter measure to social manipulation, the govt manipulating the manipulators with the public the ones affected:

Governments are starting to recognize that fake news is something that must be actively fought. Various government agencies are now setting up services to debunk stories that they consider to be false. They are also considering imposing regulations and punishing sites that do publish misinformation.
punishing sites that do publish misinformation.
Is anyone waking up to what that means?
The west is becoming scarier by the day ; even before robot killers roam among us
A nice parallel:
for the lefties: nazi germany,
for the right inclined: pravda during the soviet time;
The truth is in the eyes of the beholder as the current SSM shows us daily
Govt going to force 5000 welfare recipients to drug testing, so they can cure them.. Orwellian LNP at work
Govt going to force 5000 welfare recipients to drug testing, so they can cure them.. Orwellian LNP at work

Good idea.

I object to my money being injected or smoked (also drunk and maybe they should be breathalysed as well).

I also fear for the kids of some of these addicts. Maybe if the parents get their welfare managed the kids will get a better deal.
honestly, I doubt it will have any effect
they will sell bread or nappies at half price to the neighbour and smoke/inject anyway.or revert to stealing to get the cash...But I see the point, less the practicality

The underlying theory is fine, but like you say in practise it will create so many outcomes that anyone with a half a brain can see coming...home break-ins, robberies, car theft. If it was that easy to cure an addict they would have done it decades ago.
No one said it was easy, but as this strategy hasn't been tried before who is to say it won't work ?

Give it a try, and if it doesn't work, can it.

It has been tried though in WA...

THE cashless welfare card championed by mining billionaire Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest” has done nothing to reduce methamphetamine use and instead backfired by leading to a crime surge, prostitution and rorting, WA’s leading Aboriginal health group warns.

Aboriginal Health Council of WA chairwoman Michelle Nelson-Cox said no drop in meth use had been seen in the East Kimberley, one of two sites in Australia where the Turnbull Government has been trialling the initiative for the past year. She also said the card was still being used as a currency for drugs.

“What we have seen since that policy was implemented in that particular region is an increase around elder abuse and trade-off with other alternatives — for example, taxi drivers are trading the cards for cash exchange,” Ms Nelson-Cox told a Federal inquiry into the meth epidemic.

“We have also seen a rapid increase in crime and prostitution.”

And in the NT...

There has been a substantial decrease in per capita alcohol consumption from the mid-2000s. However, this decrease started well before the NTER [Northern Territory Emergency Response] and is almost certainly driven by factors other than income management.

The number of alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments and admissions to public hospitals by Indigenous people in the Northern Territory has increased dramatically since the mid-2000s.

Imprisonment rates of the Indigenous population have increased in the Northern Territory since 2002 at a faster rate than amongst the Indigenous population Australia-wide.


When the data are taken as a whole, not only does it suggest that there has been very little progress in addressing many of the substantial disadvantages faced by many people in the Northern Territory, but it also suggests that there is no evidence of changes in aggregate outcomes that can plausibly be linked to income management. in the Northern Territory_full report.pdf
It has been tried though in WA...

Well, I guess we have to take both sides views with a grain of salt.

The government reckons it's been a success (defending its idea), and the Aboriginal Health Council (quite possibly a mouthpiece for a community that wants unrestricted cash handouts) says it's a failure.

Neither of them appears to have produced any actual data, so I guess we all remain in the dark about the actual effects.
Well, I guess we have to take both sides views with a grain of salt.

The government reckons it's been a success (defending its idea), and the Aboriginal Health Council (quite possibly a mouthpiece for a community that wants unrestricted cash handouts) says it's a failure.

Neither of them appears to have produced any actual data, so I guess we all remain in the dark about the actual effects.

Did you read the second paper I posted? It has more data than you could shake a stick at, and was commissioned by the government.
Did you read the second paper I posted? It has more data than you could shake a stick at, and was commissioned by the government.

In that case I hope someone asks Christian Porter about it so we can hear his side of the story.

Nick Xenophon seems a hard man to please and it seems he's going to support the trial.
We need more "Fact Checkers" in the media.
Given the current day prevalence of humans seemingly oblivious to the distinction between facts and opinions thereof, my concern is that the introduction of more "Fact Checkers" will only give rise to the need for more "Fact Checker" checkers.

I believe that, rather than delegating such an essential cognitive function, people need to learn how to think and reason for themselves.
The underlying theory is fine, but like you say in practise it will create so many outcomes that anyone with a half a brain can see coming...home break-ins, robberies, car theft. If it was that easy to cure an addict they would have done it decades ago.
I agree.
The other thing the libs seem to be trying to introduce is a cashless society. There has been a lot of talk of doing away with the larger notes.
There is a larger plan being carried out and it will all tie in neatly in the end.

Targeting cash from the poorest end of society and their ability to get it at it.

Worst bunch of freedom destroying libs for a while.
No one said it was easy, but as this strategy hasn't been tried before who is to say it won't work ?

Give it a try, and if it doesn't work, can it.

It's not being implemented because it work elsewhere, or because they want to "try" to save the poor from themselves.

It's being implemented to further reinforce the ravings from the likes of the Murdoch press and other patriots telling us that those on welfare are there because they are lazy and/or drug abusers. That there are so many drug users on welfare that the gov't have to spend more money to test them - why else would the gov't spend money if the problem is so far and few right?

This has been tried in the US. And when these drug tests hasn't produce enough cases to kick desperate people off of welfare, they'll try coupons or food stamp. You know, when people are poor, are down on their luck, the thing to do is to publicly shame them and tell them how screwed up they are.

That's how you "help" lift them out of that dependence on the generous safety net... or make it so bad they just kick themselves out and either go get a job or just rob somebody.
This has been tried in the US. And when these drug tests hasn't produce enough cases to kick desperate people off of welfare, they'll try coupons or food stamp. You know, when people are poor, are down on their luck, the thing to do is to publicly shame them and tell them how screwed up they are.

The drug problem has got worse over the decades despite "war on drugs" in the US and elsewhere.

Maybe people who take drugs and sell their kids to get drug money should be publicly shamed into getting help to get off the drugs. If we keep feeding their habit they will keep doing it.
The drug problem has got worse over the decades despite "war on drugs" in the US and elsewhere.

Maybe people who take drugs and sell their kids to get drug money should be publicly shamed into getting help to get off the drugs. If we keep feeding their habit they will keep doing it.

The "War on Drugs" was a pretext for the US peace-keeping missions in South America. Just that it was so well played that some doctors and health managers actually buy it too.

"Just say No" does not work. Public shaming... people who can be shamed are the ones that need help; those who profit and deal in drugs just cannot be shamed - it's their business model.

Heard a while back from some US expert that these kind of drug tests are just the Nanny State's way of shaming ALL welfare recipients. And shaming them not for drugs or misuse of what little they're receiving, but for being too "lazy" to not find work that ain't there.

Paying tax is apparently all our duty. For the greater good and all that bs. But when people fall and need some help, it's go screw yourself you parasite.