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Sean K Trading

You have time to correct your grammar before I do it for you.
Got it ! the big "e " .
Jeebus , I wonder if it's dyslexia .
...........Oh lord , not the other thing .
So, selling FFM would have been a bit dumb yesterday, but the old adage about any profit is a good profit, or whatever, still rings true.

I did not expect this company to do anything, but my normal rules for specs is taking half off the table after a 1x and let the profit run. I'm still a way off that, only up 50%, but I've been adding along the way and it's feeling heavy.

I need to do a recalibration of the copper and gold market and try to work out what Green Bay is potentially worth. Is it a $1b MC, or more?

Please tell me dyna.

"So, selling FFM would have been a bit dumb yesterday, but the old adage about any profit is a good profit, or whatever, still rings true."

I have the saying " You can't go broke taking a profit as the No #1 ----/BIGGEST Mistake one can make on the Share Market"

"Just Quietly, The Trend is YOUR Friend Until She Isn't"

Salute and Stay Well

Firefly Metals ? Great name . It's now gone onto my Watchlist ( along with all the other rubbish , but heh , everybody starts from down here at the gambling end of the market , Nicht wahr ? )
Steve talks a good game and he's got $ 88 million out of the punters so far . Good for him.
More drilling to come but.... that's all . More effin drilling !
At least it's Canada , a very, very capital investment friendly kind of place . Had it been Indonesia or... sweet jeebus , Africa !......oh boy .

As an aside My Captain , old mate Renee Rivkin used to say that , too !
" You can't go broke.... and also , as I recall
" It's only a profit when the cash is IN THE BANK ! "
For the rest of the time , we're just kidding ourselves .
Att Dyna: Renee Rivkin was a Stockbroker

How Successful would he have been if he told his Clients to HOLD onto The GOOD ONES and "The Trend is Your Friend"?
Crikey! Brokerage in the Good Old Days was 1.5% IN and 1.5 % Out
The Brainwashing Began and the Half- Smart/ Gullible were and are still MILKED to this day

The #2 BIGGIST Mistake I'll leave for another Thread

Salute and Stay Well
Am so pleased you've brought that up , Skip.
The late , great Renee's only significant fault was ...his lack of patience. The poor bugger just couldn't let go of the worry beads and hang on to stuff .
I used to follow his Buy recommendations and then ignore anything else that came out of his silly gob. I remember him bailing out of Quantas way , way too soon and it was that one stupid trade that done him in , in the end . Tragic , really .
There ain't no characters like that in the market these days ........ I miss him .

Off topic ...... Better get the hell outta here .

Thank you Capt. If I was only trading charts, I would agree. But, over the years, I have learnt some fundamentals about sailing. Combined with the wind behind your back, a well armed crew, and a solid barque, you might make solid passage. This particular ship should be renamed 'The Surprise'. For now....
I've got a couple of flea bitten dogs in the yard that are annoying me.

Obviously S2R and SSR are crap and I need to work out how to dislodge them, or just put them in the bottom draw for another decade. SSR was just unlucky but S2R seem to be drilling in the wrong spots. I thought they would be more sirius. Only finicky might get that joke.

My other problem is KNG, which is supposed to be getting a "Strategic Investment", but in their quarterly today they didn't even mention it and 'Trading Halt Remains'. And, the $50K they got from CSIRO is just BS. Why bother? They're not serious either.

Since these things are about 1% each of my holdings I think I might be better off bailing and taking the cash down to the Crown laundromat for fun.
too late to make serious money
Einen kleinen moment , bitte . Firefly metals could be one to watch .
Last 3 days : We see above average volumes . She's doing 5 million a day , 5.7 today but not much in the 10 minutes after school . So Insto's might not be buying Steve's story .
Twice as many bidders as sellers . So , demand is certainly there.
At $ 1.27 , the S.P may have gotten away but I think , only for now . Just wait for a bit of a pullback and I'll be back for a closer look .
Maybe our fearless Skipper might like to reconsider , too . ( Can be be somewhat ruthless , at times , slashing away with that fearsome cutlass ! )
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Only changes this week:

Received FFM SPP shares during the week that cost 95c, so a good deal, but I asked for much more.

Bought initial stake in MEI to see how they go. Might double down next week.

Got over excited about PDI mid week. I thought something was afoot. But, nada.

A welcome pause in PM spot prices. It was going nuts. Not healthy. Hopefully the support levels hold next week.

One element in your very interesting post that intrigues me is " URNM ... Starting to reconsider the Uranium story ". You are not alone Sean. I have no idea where uranium is going atm. The US government (Biden) is throwing money at it via the Energy Agencies, the semi conductor guys are looking at building mini reactors next door to their data centres (MSFT) and generally it has thrown off the Chernobyl and Fukushima debacles.

It doesn't seem though to have the oomph atm. to excite.

i am using BHP as my uranium exposure

i think uranium as a 'by-product ' is my preferred strategy

As I might have posed in a uranium thead, the current consolidation in the POU looked very much like the previous couple and there was going to be another leg up. But, nope.

There still might be another wave, but it also might be that the price has naturally reached a position that the longer term contracts for U supply have been set and POU doesn't actually need to move for the industry as a whole to supply the market. The 'incentive price', was supposed to be $60, then it moved to $70, so the 'incentive' is done.

At 80 bucks it's not exciting any incentive from me either, atm.
After yesterday's deep sea of red in the PM and copper space, I was sort of expecting some follow through today but there's been a bit of a bounce to pull the BP back down a notch. But only a bit. Could be a dead cat, but who knows what the market is thinking after the Trump landslide and consequences for just about everything.

Part of me wanted to top up on a few PMs yesterday thinking it was overdone, but I just didn't know if it was a knee jerk, start of a longer term correction, stop losses, or profit taking opportunity. Or, all of the above.

In the meantime, I have added more MEI at 11c, now ave 11.3c, 2% of the portfolio.
Lost a bit of paper skin this week due to the Orange Man induced PM crash on Thursday, but recovered a tad today.

Bought a few more MEI that looks like it's establishing a very nice bottom above 9c, but someone doesn't want it to go past 11.5c.

I might turn into one of finicky's skeleton pictures before I fully deploy the cash.

I've decided to take some off the table until the dust settles with PMs. They've had such a huge run, I think there'll be some consolidation for a while. Silver looks like a false break out through $32.20 ish. And, I'm probably going to have egg on my face when they all run away to the moon.

PDI +39%
ETPMAG +6.8%
PMGOLD +19.5%
GDX +39.3%

Gold and silver will go bananas now. Get on them!
Thanks Sean for triggering the next crazy rocket on PMs
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