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Resisting Climate Hysteria

As we have being saying for quite some time, there will be a lot running the ruler over operations and if the Government are going to impose financial penalties, the outcome might not be what the Govt expects IMO.

At the current rate of accelerating global temperatures there will be a whole new world of climate related problems by 2030.
The step change in global temperatures in the last 12-14 months will be catastrophic if it continues to increase at the current rate.

Well what does that have to do with companies deciding if they can afford to reduce their emissions? A bit like not everyone can afford to buy an EV, even if they want to.

Or like Kurri Kurri gas power station, the Government when in opposition, said to the then Govt that it had to run on a minimum of 30% hydrogen when commissioned.

Yet now they will be lucky if they can get the gas to it and it may have to run on diesel, just another example of reality overtaking good intent, the road is littered with good intent.

I've converted my house to all electric and taken off the gas, bought an EV, have all electric garden implements, yet everyone thinks I'm a climate denier and I just think i'm a realist.
The climate is saying your current lifestyle is running out of time.

For years and years that has been the call from Climate Scientists who have been warning everyone what the consequences would be of not rapidly reducing greenhouse gases. In simple terms our current way of life will not be possible

And for years and years these warnings have been ignored, down played or derided.

Now we are facing the reality of what happens to Earths ecosystems when temperatures climb beyond bearable.
Well I cant do much more than what I'm doing, how about you?
I've downsized and changed everything I can to electric, also put solar on the house for the daughter, guess I just need to build a pulpit.
I'm just not into preaching.
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So the question is why is there such resistance to fixing the problem?

That's an open question, not one aimed at you personally to be clear.

Personally I like many have had plenty of discussions on the subject over an extended period and bottom line is society just can't agree to fix it. Plenty of solutions exist but people just won't accept anything they deem less than 100% perfect which, in practice, rules all of them out.

As a society we seem determined to be like the tree that doesn't bend in the storm, standing there stoically until the trunk snaps and just like that, it's all over. If only it bent.....
Well I cant do much more than what I'm doing, how about you?
I've downsized and changed everything I can to electric, also put solar on the house for the daughter, guess I just need to build a pulpit.
I'm just not into preaching.

Why do you keep making this about you?

Individuals make SFA difference other than bragging rights change can only come through government policy and big money acceptance. As we know the politics is poisoned and strangely fossil fuels are one of the few who are seriously resisting change.

Politics is appearing to be the head wind.

Unfortunately the current temperature trends world wide are showing we are well on our way ahead of schedule to hell in a handbasket if this current period doesn't turn out to be an anomaly.

The very fact we are talking about this in topic called "Resisting climate change hysteria" ironically points directly to why we will fail.

Doomsday talk?

Afraid its rapidly becoming reality.
I just get annoyed with you guys giving everyone a sermon about what should be done, while doing fck all yourselves, yet claiming the moral high ground.
Obviously no mirrors in woke houses.
I just get annoyed with you guys giving everyone a sermon about what should be done, while doing fck all yourselves, yet claiming the moral high ground.
Obviously no mirrors in woke houses.

Go to bed you need the sleep.
Go to bed you need the sleep.
Why ? because I disagree with you,
You guys are the ones with the problems, in one breath you are preaching that we need to worry about emissions, then you take the pizz out of someone who has tried to reduce their emissions.
Meanwhile you are also saying it doesn't matter if we don't reduce our personal emissions and you think i need to go to bed.
Do you read what you write.
Don't you know if people change over from gas heating, gas cooking, gas HWS, to high efficiency electric and put solar/ batteries and an EV with V2L ability on the house the evening peaks and emissions will improve.
Oh no that's right the individuals can do SFA and they would be just big noting themselves, yes you just get up in that pulpit baby.
FFS your a hoot.
@Smurf1976 you wouldn't have a load profile for W.A handy by any chance would you? That showed the evening peak demand between 5pm and 10pm when people got home from work.
Then through the night when they went to bed.
@Smurf1976 you wouldn't have a load profile for W.A handy by any chance would you?
I can go one better - load and generation for the past 7 days as below.

Black = coal
Orange = gas
Blue = battery
Green = wind
Yellow = solar (large scale + rooftop)

Too small to see on the chart but there's a trivial amount of biomass and diesel too.

Note this is for the SWIS only and excludes others parts of WA. Scale in MW on the left.

In terms of what's going on with load, I don't have detail specific to WA but assuming it's the same as other states then daytime would be heavily dominated by business whilst evening would be more dominated by residential.

Then there's heavy industry, hospitals, public services (water pumping, traffic lights, sewage etc) and some business and residential that runs 24/7.
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Individuals make SFA difference other than bragging rights change can only come through government policy and big money acceptance. As we know the politics is poisoned and strangely fossil fuels are one of the few who are seriously resisting change.
Politics is toxic I fully agree.

In terms of the issue though I've a foot in both camps.

Individuals can't do much about, for example, influencing the means of generating electricity.

Individuals absolutely do choose what to do at home however and if they're business owners, or in a management position within someone else's business, they can influence that. Without putting anyone on a pedestal or claiming any brilliance, looking at things of relevance to me personally and who made the decision:

That I walk further each year than I drive = me

That there's a convenient bus service to the CBD = state government

That the car I own is old, petrol powered but moderately efficient (about 6.7 litres / 100km) = me

Means of heating the house = partly me / partly former owners.

That the house has an insulated ceiling = me. I not only made the decision, I did the installation work too - which was decidedly painful given the bags wouldn't fit through the tiny manhole, requiring them to be opened at ground level and each and every batt to be passed up one at a time. That plausibly explains why the former owners never did it.

That the house has uninsulated walls and single glazing = in practice the original builder.

Heat pump hot water = me

Electric cooking = previous owner

Solar power on the roof = me

Battery = me

Means of generating grid electricity I use = partly state government, partly private enterprise, partly federal government in practice. Noting that a small number of individuals within those groups disproportionately influenced the decisions in practice.

Garden tools are petrol = me. But in the context that battery ones weren't really a thing at the time of buying, and it's not rational to prematurely replace functional equipment that's only used on a relatively small area. But if I do need new ones, electric it will be.

That I've done plenty of flying for purposes that were ultimately not essential - me.

That I invariably use things until they're worn out and don't keep up with the trends - me.

For bigger stuff, I also had a fair bit of input to a state government's own use vehicle policy many years ago and yes that was pushing it toward more fuel efficient vehicles. Noting I wasn't the decision maker, though I had some ability to influence. That's not the only such thing of that nature I was involved with.

So a mix of good and bad but I've made most of those decisions. On the other hand, there are things, government policy, I've not been able to change despite trying. There's one in particular that I'd throw out without delay if given a chance but there's just too much resistance politically, bearing in mind its original existence was a deal between two parties which greatly complicates it.

So it's a mix as I see it. Individuals can't force changes in government policy but they can certainly change what they're doing and if everyone agrees and does likewise then that does bring change. Nobody's forced to drive a gas guzzler, anyone who owns their home can make at least some improvement to it usually, landlords can improve their properties, and so on. Individuals can collectively do a lot.

For business it sits in between. Individuals can't control big business but on the other hand, big business really hates being exposed for wrongdoing and tends to mend its ways when that occurs.
all electric garden implements
Video here. Not me, but still it may lighten the mood somewhat.

Electric mowers are definitely cleaner:

And if you want heating in the backyard (though I'll argue that's a rather over the top idea in the first place) then electricity is definitely safer than this:

So fossil fuels have some downsides yes.
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Can I point out this is profoundly stupid in the highest order. Perhaps one individual trying to make sort of sort of change to the emissions might not make any difference (assuming that emissions make any sort of change whatsoever which is debated) .

But we are a nation of some 25 million people living in a world of 8 billion or something.

If every person made some sort of a change especially high consumption users such as those who are most vocal... Most politicians, the egregious and toxic Simon HolmesACourt, the miserable ghost Malcolm Turnbull, and other green energy grifters... and the litany of other international blow hards like Gates, Gore and the rest of them, we could reduce consumption by an order of several magnitudes.

The leftist solution of carbon taxes and purported green energy, which actually isn't, will not do a damn thing at all. It's all propaganda for another nefarious agenda and you are all being sucked in.
Can I just point out all that yellow in Smurfs charts comes from my roof top solar system...
Can I just point out, the orange spikes before and after the yellow bits, are people getting up in the morning before sunrise and after they get home from work in the evening.
Then the hollow blank bits between the orange spikes, is where people are in bed asleep and not using their toys.
The orange spikes that rise before and after the overnight low level, are the SFA usage, that could be mitigated.

I have a 6.6 kw solar... how big is yours
Not putting myself on a pedestal but I'm sitting at home right now in the spare bedroom used as a home office.

The desk was bought second hand. Not sure exactly how old but if I said circa 1980 that would be about right. Steel frame with fake wood veneer look that was common 1970's and 80's.

Now that's one desk but point is if we all stopped replacing things for the sake of it then there'd be an incredible saving of resources and energy.

About a year ago I went to buy some bricks. Only needed a small quantity, I turned up with a car not a truck, and was thinking this would be dead easy. Given the incredible number of 1960's houses that are knocked down around here, and the bricks I wanted seem to have been an extremely popular colour back then since they're pretty much everywhere around Adelaide, I figured a salvage yard would have heaps and getting some would be dead easy. Not so..... As they told me, when houses are demolished everything still there at the time goes straight to landfill so the salvage business is more about things of higher value that the owners took out and brought in first or that came out during renovations. So old shower screens or chandeliers yes, bricks no.

So we're demolishing perfectly good houses literally on a daily basis but it's nigh on impossible to get hold of the bulk materials even if you're willing to pay. All straight to the dump, the whole lot.

I did eventually get a few bricks, but wow.

There's an awful lot of waste in society.
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