Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

Okay have we had our little panic attack now ladies?

"Interesting" extrapolation of data here, but could be a blow off top too. ;)
Okay have we had our little panic attack now ladies?

"Interesting" extrapolation of data here, but could be a blow off top too. ;)

If all else fails attack the opposers with dung "ladies", weak a..ho.e:banghead:

And if it IS NOT a blow off top.?

And recordings this northern winter of zero degrees in the arctic when it should be 40 to 50 below. I know where the blow off is.
"Interesting" extrapolation of data here, but could be a blow off top too. Wayne

We are talking physics and the real world here Wayne. It's not a set of figures on a stock market.

World wide temperatures are destroying all records. Ignoring the reality of climate tipping points and their consequences won't change their effect.
If all else fails attack the opposers with dung "ladies", weak a..ho.e:banghead:

And if it IS NOT a blow off top.?

And recordings this northern winter of zero degrees in the arctic when it should be 40 to 50 below. I know where the blow off is.

You have missed your calling Plod. You could have been a politician and been offended by trifles and demanding apologies for a living, ;)

I'll bet the super would have been better too.
You have missed your calling Plod. You could have been a politician and been offended by trifles and demanding apologies for a living, Wayne

I think you make a far better pollie Wayne. Lovely work just dismissing the whole issue and pretending any problem is the fantasy of some overwrought nanny who just isn't part of the real world...

Keep up the self delusion Wayne. Seriously; I don't think you could handle the reality.
I think you make a far better pollie Wayne. Lovely work just dismissing the whole issue and pretending any problem is the fantasy of some overwrought nanny who just isn't part of the real world...

Keep up the self delusion Wayne. Seriously; I don't think you could handle the reality.

Oh the tedium of yet another straw man argument.

Come on ladies lets try a little sobriety, lets not scare the kiddies.
Oh the tedium of yet another straw man argument.

Come on ladies lets try a little sobriety, lets not scare the kiddies.

And you still won't even touch the extremity of the temperature jump or even considering the risks of climate change tipping points coming into effect. Can't understand why. Your normally so keen to look at all the facts..
While we are on the topic of scaring the kiddies I uncovered a classic little comment from James Lovelock back in 2008. Didn't mince his words then and no doubt is saying "I told you so " at the moment.

James Lovelock: 'enjoy life while you can: in 20 years global warming will hit the fan'
The climate science maverick believes catastrophe is inevitable, carbon offsetting is a joke and ethical living a scam. So what would he do? By Decca Aitkenhead
James Lovelock

Saturday 1 March 2008 21.35 AEDT

In 1965 executives at Shell wanted to know what the world would look like in the year 2000. They consulted a range of experts, who speculated about fusion-powered hovercrafts and "all sorts of fanciful technological stuff". When the oil company asked the scientist James Lovelock, he predicted that the main problem in 2000 would be the environment. "It will be worsening then to such an extent that it will seriously affect their business," he said.

"And of course," Lovelock says, with a smile 43 years later, "that's almost exactly what's happened."

Lovelock has been dispensing predictions from his one-man laboratory in an old mill in Cornwall since the mid-1960s, the consistent accuracy of which have earned him a reputation as one of Britain's most respected - if maverick - independent scientists. Working alone since the age of 40, he invented a device that detected CFCs, which helped detect the growing hole in the ozone layer, and introduced the Gaia hypothesis, a revolutionary theory that the Earth is a self-regulating super-organism. Initially ridiculed by many scientists as new age nonsense, today that theory forms the basis of almost all climate science.
And right now of course the climate scientists are just spelling out what has been said very clearly for the last 20 years.

Welcome to the climate emergency: you’re about 20 years late

February 2016 saw global warming records tumble with new data suggesting more Australians think humans are the cause

Graham Readfearn

Friday 18 March 2016 07.00 AEDT
Last modified on Friday 18 March 2016 09.14 AEDT

Everywhere you look right now, the Earth’s climate system seems to be breaking records.

To choose the most inappropriate metaphor possible, February 2016 would have been enough to bring a lot of climate watchers out in a cold sweat.

Figures from Nasa using thermometers and ocean temperature readings showed February was the hottest month on record, by quite a margin.

According to satellite data, the amount of Arctic sea ice also hit an all-time low for this time of year since measurements began in 1979.

Scientists also use satellite data to calculate air temperatures. Climate science contrarians and denialists like these readings because they have not shown as much warming as the more reliable readings on the surface.

But February also set a new record for global temperatures from satellites. As Joe Romm at Climate Progress noted, “climate science deniers need a new meme”.

These heat records have been variously described as “terrifying”, “jawdropping” and “shocking”.

One climate scientist in particular, Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, appeared to capture the mood with a quote repeated in stories around the world, including here on the Guardian.

“We are in a kind of climate emergency now,” said Rahmstorf, of Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

But here’s the rub.

Global warming is proceeding pretty much exactly as predicted
Professor Stefan Rahmstorf

To climate scientists like Rahmstorf, the temperature records being broken right now are not a surprise and, at least according to Rahmstorf, they shouldn’t be seen as an entry point to some terrifying new era (at least not as terrifying as things already are).

“The media’s view is too short-term,” he told me. “As scientists we want to keep an overview of all the data and the knowledge of how the whole system works.”

What we are seeing is a continuous process of global warming that is superimposed on to the natural variability.

Just like a few cooler years were no reason to talk about a ‘slowdown’ in global warming, it would be wrong to conclude now that a few very hot years are acceleration. Global warming is proceeding pretty much exactly as predicted.

The fact that temperatures have now shot up again shows that those people who said global warming had stopped were wrong – we said all along that was nonsense.

It is becoming more and more urgent. Time has almost run out to get emissions down. That’s the real emergency.

Rahmstorf does think there is a climate emergency, but he would have made the same assessment at any point in time stretching back many years. The record-breaking February doesn’t change that.
Ian McFarlane outgoing ex-Industry Minister of the Abbott debacle on the ABC's 7.30 Report of 17/03/2016, watch it while you can on Iview,(go straight to the 15min point) admits to his "lament" at not getting an Emissions Trading Scheme up and going when the Parliament had the Chance. Gobsmacking ... An easily assessable moment to illustrate the strings being pulled by the factional funders of the LNP

Shows the true success of the evil campaign to so cloud reasonable thought in a scientifically illiterate and distracted population for so long. But very few strings left in their bow now. The numbers in that deluded rump still subscribing to the double-speak and confected gibberish because it can be bashed into the gaping errors of their blinkered world view are shrinking by the minute.
Frankly I just can't see how we avoid very extreme consequences of global warming. Droughts, extreme wildfires, loss of huge areas of productive land, sharp increases in storms and sea levels.

In that context I wonder what the priorities of governments around the world will be. For example when will areas be written off as uninhabitable When will cities be abandoned ? When will new safer areas be developed for populations?

Who is actually thinking about these questions ? Are they even on an agenda ?
Frankly I just can't see how we avoid very extreme consequences of global warming. Droughts, extreme wildfires, loss of huge areas of productive land, sharp increases in storms and sea levels.

In that context I wonder what the priorities of governments around the world will be. For example when will areas be written off as uninhabitable When will cities be abandoned ? When will new safer areas be developed for populations?

Who is actually thinking about these questions ? Are they even on an agenda ?

Yet, you're still driving that Prado around. :rolleyes:
Yet, you're still driving that Prado around. :rolleyes:

Nope. Didn't quite do it for me. Traded it in for a Chev Suburban.;)


By the way do you ever actually discuss the topic on this thread ?
Onya bike as usual.

Message getting through slightly :rolleyes::rolleyes:
what message would that be Mr Plod? If you check back... Years on this forum if you like, you will see I have always advocated living frugally.

Mate, my "carbon footprint' has always been small, almost always smaller then those farkin hypocrites who see fit to lecture me from their range rovers and their reverse cycle air conditioned two story, larger than necessary. MvMansions.

So get stuffed plod, you are blinded by political ideology, which prevents you from balanced opinion, and allows you to offend those who might be largely in agreement.

It is people like you who hold back conservation in this world.

Think about it before the next time you decide to be an a55hole. (to use your term you called me a couple of days ago -
Who ever said anything about your particular lifestyle Wayne ? Who ever doubted that you diligently cultivate the smallest practical carbon footprint you possibly can ? You have certainly let us know it.

It's just "Not The Point" isn't it ? The conversation is about the big picture, the big problems and the variety of solutions or responses that will be required.

To date you have simply denied any big problems in any big picture. Instead you decide that making up silly, imaginary comments about peoples personal lives is the way to go.
Who ever said anything about your particular lifestyle Wayne ? Who ever doubted that you diligently cultivate the smallest practical carbon footprint you possibly can ? You have certainly let us know it.

It's just "Not The Point" isn't it ? The conversation is about the big picture, the big problems and the variety of solutions or responses that will be required.

To date you have simply denied any big problems in any big picture. Instead you decide that making up silly, imaginary comments about peoples personal lives is the way to go.

It goes to integrity bas. The big picture, preached from SUVs, double story waterside mansions and overseas junkets, smacks of gross hypocrisy.

So from that view, exactly what is the point? What is the big picture? Purported Solutions must me lead from the front, not do as I say, not as I do.

If there is a God who will judge us, who do yo think he will look for kindly upon? The ultimate hypocrites such as Gore, Bernie, Obama. Schmidt et al? Or a moderate who lives the lifestyle?

Of I were God, or throw the hypocrits into the fire.

Actions count bas, and while my view hasn't changed, Id put myself up against any of you clowns.
Not sure about everything Wayne but if God is going to judge us I reckon he will take a very dim view of the people who wilfully disregarded all the evidence that we were trashing the planet in favour of business as usual.

Lets get real. It really doesn't matter what sort of lifestyle a researcher leads if the results of their work are sound.
Your lot has spent 25 years trashing the reputations of almost all the scientific community to defend an indefensible position.

In 2016 with world temperatures soaring at unprecedented rates the rubbish that was peddled about "temperatures plateauing" "new ice ages" "dodgy figures" stinks to high heaven.

And it will be smelt.