Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

More Religious Nuts

andione 1983 posted this "whether you choose to believe in evolution or creation, the facts are there to support either belief"

Don't fall for that.

Evolution supported by physical evidence, creation by myth and baloney

This means he has a foot in both camps Bunyip. I admire that you spent 25 years studying theology (Are you a priest?)


A priest? Me?? LOL

I didn't spend 25 years studying theology, just 25 years as a Christian, and quite a few years after that as a 'half way Christian'.

I put in some serious effort investigating and challenging what Christianity had taught me.
In the end I could no longer go on accepting on blind faith the fantastic claims made by Christianity. It just didn't hold water.
Try to put some religious spin to these news articles, I am sure on a daily basis, using a global e-news source I can post a sample or all daily articles, but would a disproportionate amount of news articles of crime or concern reported have a religious reason as being the cause or concern ?,

I am sure I can post twice as many articles, of crimes committed internationally, based on international news agencies, of crimes committed based on cultural beliefs or otherwise, compared to those which have been directly acted upon following the direct teaching of any specified religion.
BUNYIP ... well thank GOD for that ... for a moment there I thought I would have to go down on one knee and kiss your ring. WHEW !!

I too have spent many years as a "christian" ... ain't life grand ! To be honest with you Bunyip .. we are gonna look like complete D!CKHEADS when the second coming of Christ comes!! Pfffffffttttttttttt !!!!!

Hey weird.. by all means PLEASE post what relevant information you have available to you. We enjoy your view of what we have become. NO QUESTION. Any information is good information in my books. I will read IT ALL and report back the stuff I cannot comprehend

ie ... I will ask for your HELP (I have done previously) for the stuff that eludes me. OK?

It is not about the crime as such, it is more about the "people" (religious or otherwise) that perpetuate the crime that this thread is about !! PLEASE !
lol, Trainspotter, unfortunately I think one can have faith or simply acknowledge they don't know ... one of the errors anyone can make is being absolutely sure about something based on White swan events.
*shrug* Thanks weird ... post the stuff you have in context. Like we have discussed previously. The parameters for good and evil that you want to describe to are far fetching. I respect what you want to say. I understand that you have an opinion. (THIS IS NOT A TRUCE BY THE WAY) and I will fight vehemently for my point of ire to be put across. Same as you.

Black swan, white swan .. it is irrelevant to me. I do not understand any of this. I live in a black and white world (swan or no swan) If you commit a crime in the name of religion (blow yourself up in the name of Allah) or beat a child (Man hits kid for 12 hours in the name of exorcism) annoys me.

It also annoys me when in a custody battle a B*LLSH!TFATHER kills his kids in a fit of rage to piss of the mother so she "can never see them again." OR some idiot punches his girlfriend in the guts to abort a pregnancy. They are about 15 years of age by the way. atheists, agnostics who really cares?


BUT the "thread is to do with "MORE RELIGIOUS NUTS".

Sorry old foe. It is what it is!!!! :confused:
Mate we certainly are not foes, just posting on a board, sharing thoughts.

White/Black Swan theory can be read here,

Btw, he is not a christian, and believe he does not even try to get involved in discussions about not or religion (this guy is a serious thinker, and other things, and knows it is a waste of time to try to argue, hence why I have not tried to go in that direction).
Pascal's Wager is more relevant than the Black Swan theory. My insurance is that if a god does exist and that he's worthy enough of my respect, he's going to respect my logical stance - the stance being that it is unlikely that a god exists, especially in the form that we perceive, but that it isn't impossible. If he does feel insulted and vengeful, then I couldn't care less about him.
Well thanks for that weird who is no longer my foe. Board or no board, just sharing toughts. I will study this black swan theory with as much intensity as I can muster. Admittedly the beer goggles are kicking in. BUT nontheless, it seems that many people of your ilk tend to throw this down as a mantra. I will observe this exercise and derive from it what I will.

Just so we are both very clear this is NOT a "Christmas truce" ... The truce began on Christmas Eve, 24 December 1914, when German troops began decorating the area around their trenches in the region of Ypres, Belgium, for Christmas. They began by placing candles on trees, then continued the celebration by singing Christmas carols, most notably Stille Nacht (Silent Night). The British troops in the trenches across from them responded by singing English carols.

I look forward to exercising my opinion on future matters and I hope you do as well. :cool:
I am currently standing in the kitchen typing my thoughts whilst drinking a Crown Lager. After reading Mr J's comment I found myself looking up from the floor. PMSL !!!!!! :p:
Just read the ethos on the "Black Swan" on Wikepedia theory by Nassim Nicholas Taleb's version. The event is a surprise. The event has a major impact. After the fact the event is rationalised. Is that it?

The main idea in Taleb's book is not to attempt to predict Black Swan events, but to build robustness to the negative ones, while being able to exploit positive ones. Taleb contends that banks and trading firms are very vulnerable to hazardous Black Swan events and are exposed to losses beyond that predicted by their defective models. Taleb states that a Black Swan event depends on the observer -- a Black Swan surprise for the turkey is not a Black Swan surprise for the butcher, hence his idea is to "avoid being the turkey" by finding out where one may be exposed to being a turkey and "turn the Black Swans white".

OMG !!!!!!! I give up in the face of such stupendous mediocrity ! You have got to be joking me? I deal with this everyday ! Black Swan ............ CHRIST ........... last time I saw a decent BLACK SWAN was on the side of Alan Bonds brewing company. SWAN LAGER !!!!!!!!!
Pascal's Wager is more relevant than the Black Swan theory. My insurance is that if a god does exist and that he's worthy enough of my respect, he's going to respect my logical stance - the stance being that it is unlikely that a god exists, especially in the form that we perceive, but that it isn't impossible. If he does feel insulted and vengeful, then I couldn't care less about him.

As mentioned in Nassim's book Black Swan, Pascal's Wager has a flaw, that is, even being swayed by the odds, one still needs to "believe".

However, I more accept some people siding on the I don't know wager ... than adamantly taking a conclusive stance based only on personal white swan evidence that there is nothing (although some don't seem to need any evidence at all to make that leap).

This is narrow-mindedness.
Taleb states that a Black Swan event depends on the observer -- a Black Swan surprise for the turkey is not a Black Swan surprise for the butcher, hence his idea is to "avoid being the turkey" by finding out where one may be exposed to being a turkey and "turn the Black Swans white".

Yes, being open to any possibility and preparing for it as best as possible. A Black Swan really only refers to when someone is fooled. The GFC for example was a black swan to many, but not to those with half a clue.

weird said:
As mentioned in Nassim's book Black Swan, Pascal's Wager has a flaw, that is, even being swayed by the odds, one still needs to "believe".

Just to be clear, you're talking about not just choosing to go along with the relgious stuff, but to actually believe (on the assumption a god would know the difference)?

However, I more accept some people siding on the I don't know wager ... than adamantly taking a conclusive stance based only on personal white swan evidence that there is nothing (although some don't seem to need any evidence at all to make that leap).

Personally, I find complete belief either way to be quite foolish. While there is no evidence of a god (although many religious people will disagree), there is also no proof that a god does not exist. Neither can be proven. The difference is that some are willing to believe (that a god exists) on little evidence, and some are willing to be certain (that a god doesn't exist) on no evidence. A little evidence does not prove, and no evidence does not dissprove. Of course, it's arguable whether a 'holy book' can be claimed as evidence, as to some it is and to others it is not. I don't see a logical mind concluding that it is evidence though, as there is clearly the possibility that a book written by men can be false.
I believe in God, but I dont believe in praying or rituals.

If God was all knowing, all loving and all powerful. Why exactly does he need me to tell him my thoughts? Doesn't he already know? And why would he want me to kneel down and perform some ritual? Wouldn't he rather that I was out helping sick people?

So that's what I do. I try to help those less fortunate than me, and try to be a generous and good person in my daily life. And I'm not a religious person! I do believe that if God exists, than he would want me to live my life this way...

I'm not mucking around fasting or growing a beard or lining up for wine. I'm just being a good person as best I can. Imagine if everybody did this. How much better would the world be?
I'm not mucking around fasting or growing a beard or lining up for wine. I'm just being a good person as best I can. Imagine if everybody did this. How much better would the world be?

I don't mind lining up for free wine. :D
agree with most of what u say above Mr J --

i'm on the fence with this one ---dont want to inflict my weird sense of reality on you poor folk --- but ---

its interesting how non believers can easily accept how complex life forms evolved into millions of species out of basically nothingness --- yet ---

when a "believer" comes out and suggests that a higher more superior life form (ie god) actually may have done the very same thing before us, the non believers basically call him or her nuts :rolleyes:!! --- ironic perhaps

i like to keep the doors unlocked just in case the delivery man drops in when i'm not at home --- if you get where ive drifted :D
There's absolutely no question that evolution has been happening for millions of years, and is still happening today.
Today's animals in their current form were not created by God in one fell swoop when the world began - they evolved over the ages and they're still doing so.
Anyone driving through the NSW town of Coonabarabran should call in and check out their museum - it contains the several million year old reconstructed skeleton of a wombat that was found in the area. The animal has many similarities to today's wombats, except that it's the size of a horse. The present day smaller wombats evolved over millions of years from the larger version.

The Himalayan mountain range wasn't created in one fell swoop by God at the beginning of the world - it developed, or evolved if you like, over many years into it's current form. The climate created in Northern Australia by the influence of weather patterns that have their origins in the Himalayas - they too evolved over millions of years.
And so it goes on.
Only a fool disbelieves evolution - the evidence is right there in front of us. However, the fact of evolution doesn't explain how something was created from which evolution could begin.
Science tells us that all life on earth started from micro-organisms, and has evolved from there into the different life forms that we know today. Personally I have no idea if that's true or not, but it doesn't answer the question of 'How did these organisms come into existence in the first place'?