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Military strike on Iran

Military strike on Iran?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 27.7%
  • No

    Votes: 94 72.3%

  • Total voters

I must apologise.

I thought that a military strike on Iran would involve bombing the nuclear sites.

Perhaps it might be more appropriate to send four 747s with our Dear Leader Lu Kewen and the mob from the 2020 summit to subject the Iranian leadership to two days of boring elitist waffle.

That would sort them out.

I love a good cynic but you have to be an American Millitary General with a comment like that What are you doing moonlighting on an Aussie share site?
Its usually pretty easy to see whats gona happen...i successfully predicted the out come of Gulf war 1
with the statement that.....It will be all over with thin 40 days, and the allies will kill more of there own
troops than the Iraqis do.

I think it took 45 days...give or take.

There was a Doco on SBS the other week....subject, suicide bombers.

The phenomenon was sorta invented by the Iranians during the darkest days of the Iran Iraq war
and perfected with the bombing of the US marines barracks in Beirut, 1983...this attack has always
gone "unclaimed", thats to say that no 1 group wants to take responsibility for it and the death
toll of 241 American servicemen....the Yanks just don't forget about that sorta stuff.

They know who was behind it and will be more than happy to have a legitimate excuse
to bomb them into the stone age.

In Iran suicide bombing is called "martyrdom"

The civilized world will not allow Iran to have Nukes.
cynic. iran is not making bombs. just like there were no wmd's in iraq.

if you want to bomb a country that has illegal nukes, bad human rights record, attacks other countries at random, murders its neighbours civillians, and ignores international law, bomb israel into submittion.
firstly. be honest and admit you agreed that iraq had wmd's and you supported the 'war'. which of course makes you complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis.

that not being good enough for you, you now want to argue the case for the wholesale slaughter of iranian civillians because the same intel agencies that told you of wmd's, now tell you that iran is making a bomb!!!!

think!!!! why would iran build 1 or 2 or 10 nukes, when the use of even one of them would see them wiped off the face of the earth???? and why would you believe the us intel agencies?
sometimes you see books written by idiots like this bloke.

and you wonder "maybe this is a self-fulfilling prophecy - and maybe he'll be able to cliam he was right all along?"

2008 - God's Final Witness
As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.

Personally I think that the sabre-rattling at Iran likewise ends up to some extent as a self fulfilling prophesy - if not for nuclear weapons then for a stronger defensive military/ airforce etc - which in turn can become offensive. The poor bugas are terrified of USA going insane (again).

PS "There are many fictional books ...
THis book is NONFICTION !" lol

PS It predicts the end of the USA this year.

I predict that they won't need to make many reprints after December
(which works either way !!)

btw, we've all only got 3.5 years of "self-rule" (?) left


How about...

1 - Israel's crack air force bomb Iranian sites along with US submission bombing to dull any Iranian response.

2 - Iraq settles down as insurgents stop getting arm shipments from Iran.

3 - Iran is now in internal turmoil as the moderates have had enough of the mullahs taking them to the brink of destruction and the government falls.

4. Kevin Rudd talks about a Republic.

5. Oil prices hit US150+ barrel.

6. Iran starts a new path to world acceptance, backed at the start by high oil revenue.

8. Syria remains a problem but has lost a close friend.

9. China eye's Taiwan....
cynic. iran is not making bombs. just like there were no wmd's in iraq.

How can you say that....

So whats Iran doing under the mountains... !! in the 11 years that UN weapon inspector's were searching Iraq, but with restricted access, you knew the whole time that there were no weapons to be found... you do realize that Saddam never gave unrestricted access to UN weapons inspector's...

Why is Iran not giving access to all sites ?? what does Iran have to hide ...

you're being a bit over the top metric, israel is hardly the big bad boy on the block surrounded by peace loving, reasonable neighbours. hamas and hezbollah launch almost daily rocket attacks against israeli civilians and break just about every ceasefire / peace process the world tries to broker. they do this because they are stupid tribal arab muslims from the 16th century. from the creation of israel (whether it was legal, moral or not) they have been repeatedly invaded by their neighbours and live under constant threat of extermination. this isn't some paranoia but based on muslim politicians and religious leaders continually jumping up and down in public preaching murder and death to israel and the jews.

iraq had MWD's. the west sold them to iraq and we all saw on tv how saddaam used them. iran wants MWD's. they keep ranting that they want "ultimate weapons" to annihilate israel.

metric said:
think!!!! why would iran build 1 or 2 or 10 nukes, when the use of even one of them would see them wiped off the face of the earth???? and why would you believe the us intel agencies?

you think! iran have publicly and repeatedly stated that they want nukes, they want to nuke israel and they reckon they can handle the retaliation. how much more of a hint do you need? and even if they can't handle retaliation they'll be martyred anyway because they are doing gods will. you seem to have the impression that you are dealing with rational, reasonable people who can be negotiated with. there is no negotiation with radical islam.

Well I hope you didn't try to predict the outcome of Iraq Round 2, cos you'd still be counting today.

cynic. iran is not making bombs. just like there were no wmd's in iraq.

The admission below was a major embarassment for the Bush administration, and is probably one of the more acccurate intelligence assessment that we have available.

A recent assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies concludes Iran shelved its nuclear weapons program over four years ago.
"We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program," reads a declassified version of the National Intelligence Estimate key findings.

Superfly, with any aggressive action, there will always be a reaction, sooner or later. The Iranian response wouldn't necessarily have to come from Iran either, as Hezbollah have basically created a "state within a state" in Southern Lebanon, so right on Israel's doorstep.

For all their technological wizadry and weapons, the Israelis aren't as good as they think they are. In the recent conflict Hezbollah managed to listen in on their communications as the IDF were using unsecured frequencies, so they basically new what they were going to do, and gave them a bloody nose.

Can't see the Iranian Govt falling if they come under attack just yet, if anything it may play into their hands as the Iraq invasion did during the Iran-Iraq War....which is called the "Holy Defense" in Iran. Even if they are distinctly unpopular among the middle class, they still have the military firmly in their corner, and to be seen as a victim of an unjustified attack can have the effect of gelling a country together.

. you seem to have the impression that you are dealing with rational, reasonable people who can be negotiated with. there is no negotiation with radical islam.


Funny, I could have sworn you were talking about the good ol' US of A here. Some people might argue there is no negotiation with radical nationalistic, defense-obsessed, global bulllies either.

Blix says Iran situation reminiscent of Iraq - 27 Oct 07

Funny, I could have sworn you were talking about the good ol' US of A here. Some people might argue there is no negotiation with radical nationalistic, defense-obsessed, global bulllies either.

fair call. but as we all know in america money talks loudest, you can always buy your way out of trouble with them
Iran has resumed its programme of enrichment, that is stated...which also produces weapon grade material...

Yes many many outcomes from a strike... but as for Hezbollah, they are local trouble for Israel. As for Iran, yes it could be the Holy defence with Syrian fighters joining...

So you think that a "stock market" forum is a true representative gauge of the entire Australian community....

Just like all those anti-Iraq marches... school kids being marched by their left wing teachers, and few thousand (maybe) marched in Sydney... hmmm last time I looked there was 3+ million people in Sydney...
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