and speaking of Abu Ghraib (gee - anyone else have words they keep forgetting how to spell ?)
Have you ever heard Peter Cosgrove on the subject?
Mind you he was quick to move onto the next topic , but (interviewed last Anzac Day) he made it crystal clear that "the Yanks aren't playing by the rules" etc.
so superfly
did you contribute to the thread on Burma that I started ? (I forget - maybe you did - in which case you've forgotten that I also post on matters other than USA)
Burma thread no... but would have if seen it...esp coz been there and I spend most of my time in that part of the world.
People are in uproar about Guantanamo Bay, but do not blink an eye lid at China hosting the Olympics...
Because of Guantanamo no longer can the Muslims laugh in our guys faces saying "see you in New York with my lawyer"...