Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Military strike on Iran

Military strike on Iran?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 27.7%
  • No

    Votes: 94 72.3%

  • Total voters

Funny, I could have sworn you were talking about the good ol' US of A here. Some people might argue there is no negotiation with radical nationalistic, defense-obsessed, global bulllies either.



funny, sad, but true. and we are their lap dog followers...
So you think that a "stock market" forum is a true representative gauge of the entire Australian community....

Just like all those anti-Iraq marches... school kids being marched by their left wing teachers, and few thousand (maybe) marched in Sydney... hmmm last time I looked there was 3+ million people in Sydney...

If you support the Iraq war you are the minority. That is you Superfly. Despite what you might believe, repeating what Bush says on an internet forum does not win support.
If you support the Iraq war you are the brainwashed minority (or you are high up in the CIA / Blackwater / Exxon / Haliburton). That is you Superfly. Despite what you might believe, repeating what Bush says on an internet forum does not win support.

I thought the organisation was Blackbriar not blackwater

I believe their controlled by treadstone :p:

p.s. Superfly umm you might want to check out this group, see if you can't get some help?
Pop Quiz: Name the most radical country in Middle east?
Hint : Allegdly most of the sept 9/11 pilots were from this country.

Recently Hilliary clinton said that they will protect the said country with the US army? :eek:

Reason: OIL, OIL, and OIL.....OIL.

Do you think secretly all the Arab countries wish Isreal well? If they do not say it openly, they covertly do not oppose Isreal extintion.

Kingdom, will be very happy, if Isreal and Iran both of them are wiped off the face of this earth. They do not have any love for either...

Remember Iran does not have any good relations with any of its neighbours, they follow a different sect of Islam and are not liked by its muslim neighbours.

There is a lot more politics involved in that region than visible to a naked eye. Covert and overt operations are protecting the nations with significant oil resources.

Lets look at the demands of these so called 'Islamist'. They want western forces to leave their land. While this may come as a surprise to many. They also want to live in peace. Please note 'Islamist' are not alqaeda, they are the people who want to live life according to their culture, religion and do not want interference from other nations into their national and political affairs.

But the 'white man' burden is so huge, that they want to democratize these nations. I ask why? Why interfere with other countries internal politics. Especially resource rich nations? Why not interfere in regions where heinous crimes against humanity are commited.

I do not believe west will feel any safer after invading Iran or bombing them to stone age.

No interference from US in these regions is necesasry for the long term peace. Because as I said before, USA has this magical ability to transform a simple problem into an unsolvable catastrophie, proven time and time again. except Kosovo ( largely thanks to NATO ) they are not able to solve any conflict in the past. Korean war, Iraq war, Vitnam War...Afghan war....Need I say more.
So you think that a "stock market" forum is a true representative gauge of the entire Australian community....
Of course not. There are more than 75% opposing any military strike.
Just like all those anti-Iraq marches... school kids being marched by their left wing teachers, and few thousand (maybe) marched in Sydney... hmmm last time I looked there was 3+ million people in Sydney...
Sorry, no school kids are forced to march with their "left wing teachers" at any rallies.
A few thousand? More like 100 thousand. And not everybody opposing the war came out to march.
How many Australians marched in support of the iraq war? Let me guess. None. "hmmm last time I looked there was 3+ million people in Sydney."
Democracy in Action
How many Australians marched in support of the iraq war? Let me guess. None. "hmmm last time I looked there was 3+ million people in Sydney."
Democracy in Action
1x2, lol
I suspect superfly is happier arguing against demonstrations
except of course if they're against China -

then I'm sure he's right out there with his placard - surrounded by those loony lefties ;)

superfly said:
So you think that a "stock market" forum is a true representative gauge of the entire Australian community
so you think that 25-75 would somehow become 51-49 if it went to the (presumably less educated) non-ASF audience?
you're dreaming !
"Facts are of no consequence to this WhiteHouse."

Keith Olbermann - Bush: "Pathological liar or idiot-in-chief?"


I'd say all of the above.:p:

Never heard of this Olbermann chap before, but he's great! Gives me some hope that the US still has people who care, and will ask the tough questions.

Some great quotable quotes in these vids:

Keith Olbermann - On Bush's performance in the press conference: "This is like a guy falling off a roof into a camp fire" Lol...:D

Keith Olbermann - On the threat of other nations pursuing nuclear technology: "Better watch out for those Carthaginians, they may make a comeback". Hahahahah!!...:D

Good stuff
Never heard of this Olbermann chap before, but he's great! Gives me some hope that the US still has people who care, and will ask the tough questions.... Good stuff
he's brilliant isn't he ;)

how about where the press are ALL asking tough questions of Bush - INCLUDING Murdoch's Fox News , (probably one of the most right wing operating in USA) “even they seemed incredulous at the President’s claims , etc”

Keith Olbermann: George Bush and His Iranian Masquerade

“the president seems to think he’s a genius because he knows where Iran is” lol

“the intelligence will not be morphing to take into account the new intelligence”
better not to get too involved with intelligence George baby – you obviously can’t handle it ;)
"military intelligence" - the original oxymoron! (especially in the hands of a moron like GWB)

“NEI talks about how carrot and stick approach can work”
meanwhile John Bolton (remember him – US representative to the UN ?)
and this is one of my all time favourite quotes ;)
“we don’t do carrots!”

final questoin - imagine having a beer with Keith Olbermann ;)
or having one with Bush lol. - weave duck weave duck etc
Others have covered this for me, but since it was i direct response to me i will also.

So you think that a "stock market" forum is a true representative gauge of the entire Australian community....

I never said it was a representative sample. Hence why i said it was a sample...

On this site at least you are in the minority, either deal with it and discuss the matter politely, or dont deal with it, and dont discuss it.
he's brilliant isn't he ;)

how about where the press are ALL asking tough questions of Bush - INCLUDING Murdoch's Fox News , (probably one of the most right wing operating in USA) “even they seemed incredulous at the President’s claims , etc”


I don't think I've ever seen a leader squirm as much during an interview. :D His blatant lack of preparation for these questions, which he must have known were coming, is breathtaking. :eek:

I used to love how he pronounced nuclear as "Nucular all the time, that must have made his speechwriters just groan and shake their heads! At least we know he's made his first faltering steps towards conquering the English language. ;)

:topic Here's one where he shows that Fox even rewrites history in their published transcripts (of Bill OReilly show - the man is also a moron);)

Rupert Murdoch permits OReilly to stay on the air. - thanks God Murdoch is an ex- Australian :2twocents

(Since we are heading into Anzac Day :eek:)

btw, Here's what he thinks of Bil O'Reilly (Fox News)
Bill O Reily Wrong Again

PS speaking of OReilly, here's another pet topic of mine ;)
1x2, lol
I suspect superfly is happier arguing against demonstrations
except of course if they're against China -

then I'm sure he's right out there with his placard - surrounded by those loony lefties ;)

... but its only if it is America that the left ( like you ) gets all excited, only worry about a war if it involves America... and if I think that athletes from my home country should not take part in an event being held in a country being run by a murderous government, then thats does not make me a left winger... koh jai mai ...

so you think that 25-75 would somehow become 51-49 if it went to the (presumably less educated) non-ASF audience?
you're dreaming

And you are saying that FOX gets it wong !! ... when did I post anything of this meaning... and you are the one big mouthing about how President Bush lies and B O'R lies and here you are doing the same thing.

Presumably less educated .. not posted or alluded to.
25-75 would turn into 51-49 ... not posted or alluded to.
1. .. but its only if it is America that the left ( like you ) gets all excited, only worry about a war if it involves America... and if I think that athletes from my home country should not take part in an event being held in a country being run by a murderous government, then thats does not make me a left winger... koh jai mai ...

2. And you are saying that FOX gets it wong !! ... when did I post anything of this meaning... and you are the one big mouthing about how President Bush lies and B O'R lies and here you are doing the same thing.

3. Presumably less educated .. not posted or alluded to.
25-75 would turn into 51-49 ... not posted or alluded to.

1. so are you gonna demonstrate or aren't you?

and (sequel) do people who demonstrate (left right or middle) deserve a contemptuous sneer ? - (mind you some do ;) )

PS better make that "do they ALWAYS deserve a contemptuous sneer" lol - some appear to be real funny (see below) until you realise that they're serious. :eek:

2. yes Fox often get it wrong , if you're after a fair discussion of the facts. Try AlJazeeraEnglish's interview with Hans Blix back there - see if you can find that sort of fair analysis on Fox anywhere

I didn't say you lied - although anyone who laps up what Bill OReilly says (including Abu Grahib etc) should get out more. If you qualify - hey, they I was discussing you I guess.

Here's an analysis of how he interviews people btw (the same interview posted at the end of my most recent post , viz
PS speaking of OReilly, here's another pet topic of mine etc

Dawkins vs. O'Reilly, Analyzed

3. So - Are you're saying a poll that included less educated people would take it from 25-75 to 51-49? And then you can claim that the 49 are the loud minority? like I said , you're dreaming on both counts (if you are saying that).
and speaking of Abu Ghraib (gee - anyone else have words they keep forgetting how to spell ? ;))

Have you ever heard Peter Cosgrove on the subject?
Mind you he was quick to move onto the next topic , but (interviewed last Anzac Day) he made it crystal clear that "the Yanks aren't playing by the rules" etc.

Superfly said:
1. .. but its only if it is America that the left ( like you ) gets all excited, only worry about a war if it involves America...
so superfly
did you contribute to the thread on Burma that I started ? (I forget - maybe you did - in which case you've forgotten that I also post on matters other than USA)
or the other thread ... Musharraf letting down the team in Pakistan by thinking he could kick out the judges (who are now back at their benches). - Not that he was doing anything about the Taliban.

btw, seen the news lately about the US Democrats making serious accusations about the Taliban & AQ being allowed to roam free in those hills , - regrouping massively etc - (and hence making the efforts of our SAS etc almost futile)

and only red faces by the Whitehouse Spokesmen when they try to justify their total lack of any sort of plan !
In Iran suicide bombing is called "martyrdom"

The civilized world will not allow Iran to have Nukes.
In the US a terrorist is anyone who disagrees with the Bush Administration and Countries to be invaded are selected on the basis that they have something the US wants and doesnt want to pay for. Being civilized has bugger all to do with any of it.