Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Leaving Australia (again)

Covid is gone now, and it's not something you can blame Labor for either. :roflmao:
That is the problem, both ALP and LNP are WEF stooges, biparties democracies just a circus to amuse the populace, ALP just worse:
More taxes, more billions wasted , more tribak division.
Covid issue in australia was not so much the governments of the worst in the world still, but the absence of protests, the dobbing, the servile attitude.
And sadly Australia has a bad base, born of convicts who never rebelled,
Eureka LOL, missing any constitutional individual rights and historically moving straight from slave sorry "subjects" to one kingdom to another, and to brainwashed consumerism and socialism with a population locked in a few cities with an islander view of the world.
Our national psyche has a lot to be blamed, and it is not a battler by a billabong anymore, but a trady in a RAM ute or a white collar doing one of the BS jobs in PS or corporate, whose worries are the private school for the kids, or how to pay the new tesla and mortgage for the kitchen Mrs Valium and Sauvignon blanc needed to impress the neighbours.
Am I too harsh?
I do not say most of the west is better, and am genuinely appaled, but life can be better than that
And sadly Australia has a bad base, born of convicts who never rebelled,
Eureka LOL, missing any constitutional individual rights and historically moving straight from slave sorry "subjects" to one kingdom to another, and to brainwashed consumerism and socialism with a population locked in a few cities with an islander view of the world.

Er yes. Well we didn't roll over to invaders and expect others to get us out of the mess. :rolleyes:
Er yes. Well we didn't roll over to invaders and expect others to get us out of the mess. :rolleyes:
I had a touche...going back to the English lores
how many French soldiers did fight and die when the German moved in?
Now do some searches and you will be no doubt be surprised.
I found it interesting watching Clarkson's Farm and surprised (or maybe not) at the level of bureaucracy and nitpicking that farmers in Blighty have to put up with just to survive in addition to all the disease problems that they have.

Of course, Jeremy is a lot better off than a lot of farmers, maybe farming is just a hobby to him rather than a living but he is publicising a lot about farming that the end consumer wouldn't know about.
I found it interesting watching Clarkson's Farm and surprised (or maybe not) at the level of bureaucracy and nitpicking that farmers in Blighty have to put up with just to survive in addition to all the disease problems that they have.

Of course, Jeremy is a lot better off than a lot of farmers, maybe farming is just a hobby to him rather than a living but he is publicising a lot about farming that the end consumer wouldn't know about.
Mrs is campaigning for rural England. Yes the BS there is as bad, if not worse than here.

For instance to ply my trade, they do not recognise my Australian qualification and I would have to gain a "Diploma of the Worshipful Company of Farriers" ( :laugh: ) and register with the Farriers Registration Council. To apply a horseshoe to a horse otherwise would be a *criminal offence, no lie.

Despite that qualification being not substantively different from my Cert IV, it would cost me several thousand pounds. As I am already in my 60s the law of diminishing returns applies.

I would have to do something else to get me out of the house and prevent Mrs shivving me in the liver.

Curiously, other activities for which I have proficiency are completely unregulated.

But, I do have sympathy with her view as there are cultural (long conversation) and language considerations there which are important to both of us, in the absence of Millsian liberty.

Alternatively I can get fat, white and weak and trade full time again. I've done it before successfully and I have substantially more capital now.

I totally get your point of view about being born here, Horace. Neither of us were, so we do not have that birth connection to Australia.
Mrs is campaigning for rural England. Yes the BS there is as bad, if not worse than here.

For instance to ply my trade, they do not recognise my Australian qualification and I would have to gain a "Diploma of the Worshipful Company of Farriers" ( :laugh: ) and register with the Farriers Registration Council. To apply a horseshoe to a horse otherwise would be a *criminal offence, no lie.

Despite that qualification being not substantively different from my Cert IV, it would cost me several thousand pounds. As I am already in my 60s the law of diminishing returns applies.

I would have to do something else to get me out of the house and prevent Mrs shivving me in the liver.

Curiously, other activities for which I have proficiency are completely unregulated.

But, I do have sympathy with her view as there are cultural (long conversation) and language considerations there which are important to both of us, in the absence of Millsian liberty.

Alternatively I can get fat, white and weak and trade full time again. I've done it before successfully and I have substantially more capital now.

I totally get your point of view about being born here, Horace. Neither of us were, so we do not have that birth connection to Australia.
I spent a bit of time in Southern Italy, high jobless rate, youth fleeing birth towns, mass poverty, and local councils going bankrupt. I inherited a decent house and land that I left behind, the govt is corrupt and everyone thinks that you're rich because you come from Australia. While I was there we had people turn up to the house that wouldn't leave and insisted we pay them to clean the yard. I had to be fairly assertive to piss them off before it erupted into fisticuffs. It's pretty much the same all over Europe it's just now it's finally catching up in Australia. You'll be a target for money to someone in any poor country you travel to.
I found it interesting watching Clarkson's Farm and surprised (or maybe not) at the level of bureaucracy and nitpicking that farmers in Blighty have to put up with just to survive in addition to all the disease problems that they have.

Of course, Jeremy is a lot better off than a lot of farmers, maybe farming is just a hobby to him rather than a living but he is publicising a lot about farming that the end consumer wouldn't know about.
@SirRumpole I always thought that one J Clarkson was a bit of a d***head, but this TV serial of him "farming" certainly shows how much bureaucracy Pommie farmers have to put up with.
That is the problem, both ALP and LNP are WEF stooges, biparties democracies just a circus to amuse the populace, ALP just worse:
More taxes, more billions wasted , more tribak division.
Covid issue in australia was not so much the governments of the worst in the world still, but the absence of protests, the dobbing, the servile attitude.
And sadly Australia has a bad base, born of convicts who never rebelled,
Eureka LOL, missing any constitutional individual rights and historically moving straight from slave sorry "subjects" to one kingdom to another, and to brainwashed consumerism and socialism with a population locked in a few cities with an islander view of the world.
Our national psyche has a lot to be blamed, and it is not a battler by a billabong anymore, but a trady in a RAM ute or a white collar doing one of the BS jobs in PS or corporate, whose worries are the private school for the kids, or how to pay the new tesla and mortgage for the kitchen Mrs Valium and Sauvignon blanc needed to impress the neighbours.
Am I too harsh?
I do not say most of the west is better, and am genuinely appaled, but life can be better than that
@qldfrog Well Mr Frog, being born here in WA and a very proud WA-ite first and foremost, I have no intention of ever leaving these shores for what might be a browner, duller or even brighter future.
Living here has been good to us, me and my family, as we are all well educated and not private schooling, have a good income though our chose of income earning capacity.
A pretty good medical system, we are in private health so little queuing is involved.
Yes, life can be difficult at times, but this has to be the best country in the world to live in.
I remember what my long deceased grandfather said to me many years ago, he was a ex-pat from Scotland, and a successful farmer here in the mid-west, you can whinge and belly-ache about how unfair life is for you, and in some cases that is true, but generally nose to the grindstone and hard work will make you successful.
Yes, life has been good for me and successful also.
So, I will always call Australia home!!!!
@qldfrog Well Mr Frog, being born here in WA and a very proud WA-ite first and foremost, I have no intention of ever leaving these shores for what might be a browner, duller or even brighter future.
Living here has been good to us, me and my family, as we are all well educated and not private schooling, have a good income though our chose of income earning capacity.
A pretty good medical system, we are in private health so little queuing is involved.
Yes, life can be difficult at times, but this has to be the best country in the world to live in.
I remember what my long deceased grandfather said to me many years ago, he was a ex-pat from Scotland, and a successful farmer here in the mid-west, you can whinge and belly-ache about how unfair life is for you, and in some cases that is true, but generally nose to the grindstone and hard work will make you successful.
Yes, life has been good for me and successful also.
So, I will always call Australia home!!!!
You have been thru a lucky generation, where work was rewarded , and future was brighter than the past.
As it WAS for me 30y ago moving to Australia and as it would NOT have been the case had I staid in my ancestors land.
Should I be 70y+..of course I would stay but I might have up to 30y to live if I am lucky, and past is not representative of future.
In 2024, I see coming the same ills that afflicted France 30y ago, and not starting exactly in a better place.
I do not want to end up in a collapsing first world country as my dad is living now in his 80s, collapsing safety/security/health and invaded by savages while financially drained to oblivion.
And my dad experience would be the same in the UK and soon Germany.
So do I run to a further remote farm in the outback here where I will still be subject to the ecoleftist wet dreams: farmers in France and UK are probably experiencing among the worse collapse of wellbeing in these countries
Or do I move to an anonymous life in a foreign shore where money will bring me more, and government and culture are more laisser faire, while enjoying the discovery extra thrill..greener side of the fence effect...
Please note that I believe WA is less affected so far by the changes happening than Qld, and us both not as bad as NSW or the worst Victoria.
Could you live your life in Victoria now?
The first move was the hardest,leaving family and heritage/history/culture behind..much harder than it would be for Australians, but now, I can just do rational and not emotional decisions
Anyone like Clarkson in Australia?

A small victory for a media personality, a big one for farmers.

I followed a few of his shows, while I do not especially like the guy, he is showing the people in an entairtaining way how mad the system has become.
Do you know that in the last years and for the first time in many centuries, France has become not self sufficient food wise?
And I do not mean pineapples or mangoes.. .
Just the result of tons of overlapping regulations and laws...
Anyone like Clarkson in Australia?

A small victory for a media personality, a big one for farmers.

I followed a few of his shows, while I do not especially like the guy, he is showing the people in an entairtaining way how mad the system has become.
Do you know that in the last years and for the first time in many centuries, France has become not self sufficient food wise?
And I do not mean pineapples or mangoes.. .
Just the result of tons of overlapping regulations and laws...
Clarkson and other famous people are the only ones who have any kind of individual power. The protests of thousands of farmers fall on deaf ears and are ignored. But a couple of lawsuits and comments from one famous person can have a significant impact. I'm not sure if he's succeeded in making any major changes yet which help everyday Joe with his farm. But potential is there.

Always heard and read about the absurd local council laws in the UK but only ever half believed it was this bad. I'm sure there was some exaggeration in his show, but you can't comprehend things like not being able to sell your own branded t-shirts in your farm shop on your own property because they were not "made" on your own property.

A lot of Aussie expats in Thailand, Malaysia, Phillippines, Bali (too much of a tourist trap), Singapore. Cheaper, maybe more freedom I don't know. Life is cheap, but if you need quality health care you can always come back and get it on Medicare.

If you can stand the humidity that is. :cool:
In Asia you cannot buy land as a foreigner,
I’ve worked in mining for several years some of those in WA, many of the guys that work FIFO live in SE Asia mainly Thailand or Bali and found the the so called love their life over there and have brought land for pennies on the dollar compared to Australia it has to remain in the wives name

Personally I’ve started looking at South America, largely Argentina or Uruguay. Cost of living similar to that of Asia and you can purchase land in your own name
In Asia you cannot buy land as a foreigner,
I’ve worked in mining for several years some of those in WA, many of the guys that work FIFO live in SE Asia mainly Thailand or Bali and found the the so called love their life over there and have brought land for pennies on the dollar compared to Australia it has to remain in the wives name

Personally I’ve started looking at South America, largely Argentina or Uruguay. Cost of living similar to that of Asia and you can purchase land in your own name
You can buy condo in Thailand , and property/house in Japan but not easily acreage
I look more at Central America as well , uruguay 👍..would be very careful with Argentina as they have a sickly leftist culture similar to my homeland.
Now that the country is collapsed and prostitution one of the few career paths left, they are waking up to the beauty of socialism and have elected Javier..but I am not convinced yet
If I was leaving Oz I would always choose Asia over Latin America simply because the Asians are not so fast to kill each other.

In my travels I have always asked expats living the dream in far away paradises how many times have they been screwed over, it often takes time for the stories to come out but in all my years haven't met a soul that hasn't been taken.

The issue that catches most out is that the Rule of Man always overrides the Rule of Law.