Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

The flip side argument is that the Chinese trade restrictions will force manufacturing back to the US and create jobs at the lower end.

$20B on the wall will create jobs to build it. Will also keep the illegals out who take a lot of work.

I'm not sure on the US job or wage figures of late?
Possibly jobs up wages stagnant.

I saw a few people complaining about bill inflation but no wage rises. Personally I think all governments need to cut back drastically.

Just my opinions here but given the globalised world we now live in, I don't think "low-skill", labour intensive jobs are going to come back to the US. So they need to upskill their workforce.

The tariffs will just move jobs from China to other lower-waged countries anyway. That or the Chinese can simply open a JV or set up a subsidiary where the targets aren't.

Illegals have been deported in the US long before Trump. Obama deported more than any other president combined, from memory. Trump just put a racist tag on the deportation.

I think the reason they're being deported enmass is because the farms in the US are more consolidated and mechanised. No longer need anymore cheap labour.

That and you really don't want competition for jobs where a non_English speaking illegal can win it. There's not a whole lot of jobs for that, not to mention the low waged, short-term nature of them.

You'd probably create more jobs, and end up with a more useful infrastructure, than that border fence.

Roads, rail, housing, replacing those lead-contaminated water system across some 300 cities of theirs etc.

The fence will just import another group of immigrant as master contractor anyway. I mean, who else build fences better than the Israeli so they'll win a big chunk of the work.

Once built, then what? Even Trump admit they can just use rope to climb over if they have to.
Given Trumps current trajectory I would say sharks with lasers patrolling the border.

Yea, with solar powered battery packs to electrify it too.

The US is going to have a lot of refugee problem soon. I mean they have been for a while but that's nothing compare to what's coming given their current adventures down south.

Just saw an interview where the guy list, on top of his head, some half a dozen countries in S/America the US is busily overthrowing or interfering in who should run it.

Apparently the US Justice Dept. is helping the Brazillian president [who's been caught on tape demanding kickbacks and is not very popular with the people]... they're helping him with "evidence" to indict former president and lead presidential candidate in this October's election.

Russia managed a few Facebook ads... this is quite something else.

There's a deadly riot a few days ago in Haiti when the IMF order its gov't to cut fuel/petrol subsidies. Raising the cost by 50%. When the average Haitian earn some $2.50 a day, that price hike to pay foreign debt won't go down well.

You can't pull stunts like that and not expect people to riot or flee to that city on the hill.

With today's social media, cameras and voice recording, you can't quietly take their kids away from them or mount machine guns on them fence either.

Funny how self-interest often ends up biting you in the azz.
Trump's real definition of that American greatness is not the same as what most Americans, or sane human beings, have in mind.

Judging by his policies so far, what makes America great has nothing to do with helping those 50% of American either in poverty or living on the edge of it.

What makes America great, to Trump, is military power; giving tax cuts and make the rich a whole $1.5Trillion richer in his first year while at the same time gutting bloody food stamps, to kids and seniors; gutting higher education assistance to graduates - forget about the undergrads as most of them never got any help anyway. etc. etc.

Then in the second year he raise consumption taxes on Chinese goods to about the same amount as that $1.5T cut. Who will most likely be hit by that tax increase? That other half.

Did he reign in corporate excesses? No, he further deregulate banking, environmental protection, consumer financial protection etc. etc.

So if American greatness is to coddle the rich and annually increase military spending; going around the world playing that victim card, spitting into allies faces about their needing to buy more military hardware; all while kicking those who are already down, separating children from their refuge-seeking parents, telling most of those parents their kids have been put up for adoption or will be soon unless they pay $800 for a DNA test to help identify them [I didn't make that one up].

Oh yea, and that freakin wall. Estimated to cost some $20B.

Does he know how many of those crumbling American roads and bridges or new rail lines; public housing; replacing lead-poisoning water system... na, it's those dam Mexicans and "migrants" that's ruining the country. Nothing else could possibly be to blame for it, apparently.

You say all this nonsense ignoring the reality that he is improving the lives of those people you are complaining about him not caring about, the ones you were lamenting being in a bad situation. Unemployment among minorities such as blacks and Hispanics is at an *all time low*. The situation for them has improved dramatically.

You make a long-winded post full of nonsense, again filled with contradictory and simply untrue information. The facts contradict your biased words. Stop blindly believing MSM lies and false implications and take a look at reality. Give it a go.
You say all this nonsense ignoring the reality that he is improving the lives of those people you are complaining about him not caring about, the ones you were lamenting being in a bad situation. Unemployment among minorities such as blacks and Hispanics is at an *all time low*. The situation for them has improved dramatically.

You make a long-winded post full of nonsense, again filled with contradictory and simply untrue information. The facts contradict your biased words. Stop blindly believing MSM lies and false implications and take a look at reality. Give it a go.

You really think those employment numbers are correct? Even figures on the general population aren't accurate.

For example, if a person is currently unemployed but are not looking for work - i.e. gave up, no freaking chance of getting one - that person is not considered unemployed.

If they work 1 or a couple of hours a week. That's employed. etc. etc.

And assuming that the figures Trump quoted are accurate, it is incidental to his policies. As if he'd give a damn about anyone, least of all colored people.

But yea, he said he has Latino friends, they're lovely people. A lot of them, lots of them, work for him.

Maybe examine Trump's actual policy rather than his claims. See if they're helping people he supposedly care about.

It should not be this easy to fool people. But apparently it is when you're a president.

Take healthcare... his admin stopped paying insurance companies subsidies, reduce 75% funding to community groups helping the poor choosing their healthcare coverage. He just cut assistance to AIDS/HIV sufferer.

But yea, it's only poor, old, brown, black, aids suffering homosexuals and illegals he's tough on. For everyone else there's plenty of love. Just like Jesus hate everyone else but love his own people.
The flip side argument is that the Chinese trade restrictions will force manufacturing back to the US and create jobs at the lower end.

$20B on the wall will create jobs to build it. Will also keep the illegals out who take a lot of work.

I'm not sure on the US job or wage figures of late?
Possibly jobs up wages stagnant.

I saw a few people complaining about bill inflation but no wage rises. Personally I think all governments need to cut back drastically.

It will take a lot of people to build the wall in an inhospitable place. The illegals could be used as cheap labour, still getting much more cash than where they came from. Thus all will be happy for quite a few years.
Then The Donald could say he made the Mexicans build the wall and as they were paid less than Americans and paid American tax, they also helped pay for it.

The Donald certainly speaks his mind and doesn't hide his views. Mind you he is the right man business wise for America.

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. Unemployment among minorities such as blacks and Hispanics is at an *all time low*. The situation for them has improved dramatically.

Yes they are hailing it as the pinnacle moment of colour blind employment. Seemingly achieved without Sarah Hanson Young, Tanya or Penny forcing their distortions into the mix.
The Donald thinks - How can I please Putin and my lot. Yes, I'll say I've misquoted as they are all quite dumb compared to me, the greatest President since... well the greatest. Putin knows I'm on his side as war or not is the only really important matter here.
[ Well done the Donald - the best President of America, for Americans, ever ]
On the use of double negatives to make everything absolutely clear..

Who among us hasn't not used accidentally on purpose what wasn't not surely unlikely to be perhaps certainly correctly misconstrued language that didn't sound incorrect until we misread the transcript? #doublenegative

A few many people do not dislike this Tweet.

I couldn’t possibly fail to disagree with you less

I wasn’t totally noncommittal about having had negative thoughts about not liking it, frankly.
Not treason.jpg

Battle lines are drawn; this should be great fun - viewed from Australia of course.

Mind you, America slapped gigantic fines on banks from Europe. That included the UK who were never really part of Europe - only pretending to be and failing miserably at that. Scotland is only a midget country pretending to be big. Northern Ireland is a pain in the... and Gibraltar is an odd part of the UK tagged on to Spain. Mind you, WA is sometimes seen as tagged on to Australia or is that just their opinion?

Battle lines are drawn; this should be great fun - viewed from Australia of course.

Mind you, America slapped gigantic fines on banks from Europe. That included the UK who were never really part of Europe - only pretending to be and failing miserably at that. Scotland is only a midget country pretending to be big. Northern Ireland is a pain in the... and Gibraltar is an odd part of the UK tagged on to Spain. Mind you, WA is sometimes seen as tagged on to Australia or is that just their opinion?

How does preventing anti-competitive, monopolistic practises - a foreign one at that - taking advantage of the US?

That's the EU trying to not be taken advantage of by US corporation.