Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

An absolutely solid phenomenally fantastic and fabulously great performance indeed by America's first man.

The Donald might be offended if he see you using more adjectives than himself per sentence.

Gotta stay a few notches below a megalomaniac man.

He does have a talent one or two of our politician can't match though.

Saw a billboard the other day. Clive Palmer I think it was.

"Make Australia Great".

Yellow background, green writing, true blue Aussie flag over the entire map of Australia... just in case you miss how Aussie the man really is. And chubby Palmer in open collar business shirt... saying I'm a working man, but not that working... kinda a working man's boss.

But then I was thinking...

"Make Australia Great." Full Stop?

You got to add "Again" to give it The Donald great.

"Make Australia Great" doesn't have a sense of urgency. Not whiny enough. Not reminiscent for the good old days at all.

Hasn't Australia always been great? To make it great, but not again, seems like an aspiration rather than an emergency call to action.

Gotta put in "again" to imply greatness once attained are now lost. Lost due to [name your real or imagined enemy here].

Back to America.... Did you know that about half the population is considered poor? Half! In the richest country the world had ever know... are poor. i.e. not enough income or savings to have both food and shelter and education and healthcare.

At least the Chinese have an excuse: they're commies.

Theodore Roosevelt's Quote From an African Proverb: "Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Stick".

Yep! Well I, The Donald, "Speaks
adverbially adjunct and Carries a Big Tweet behind his back".
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Of course, what he doesn't say is the tariffs were taken to the election and any competent company would take a contingency which is exactly what they did. He just don't get it.

China exports $505 billion to the United States.
United States exports $130 billion to China.
Balanced trade is the objective is it ?

We (Australia) looks forward to trade equality with the USA.

China exports $505 billion to the United States.
United States exports $130 billion to China.

I'm not sure how the accounting works with those figures though.

Does "China" exporting to the US include Apples, HP and other American corporations products manufactured in China?

How much of that $505B Chinese goods belong to American corporations?

But assume that none of those imports belong to any US business... and none of those imports create American retail or manufacturing jobs. The Chinese can just redirect their ships to Canada or Mexico, or Europe etc. etc. Then the US will either have to wage more wars on those countries or start incentivising its corporations to manufacture those products at home. Penalise them if they offshore jobs etc.

Looks like Trump's "vision and courage" stops at raising tariffs and calling the Chinese to play nice, because it's really unfair.

Doing that will just make the Chinese laugh and the average American paying more for Chinese-made stuff.
China is now in a bear market condition = down~25%

Just read on Reuters that China's new silk road into Europe is congesting the heck out of a land port in [Poland?].

From 1 freight per month in 2011 it's now about 500 [?] loco per month. With much more planned.

Looks like they're going to flood that Euro-Asian landmass with goods, capital and military outposts soon enough.

Some German historian [?] was saying that whoever controls that landmass controls the world.
The Donald might be offended if he see you using more adjectives than himself per sentence.

Gotta stay a few notches below a megalomaniac man.

He does have a talent one or two of our politician can't match though.

Saw a billboard the other day. Clive Palmer I think it was.

"Make Australia Great".

Yellow background, green writing, true blue Aussie flag over the entire map of Australia... just in case you miss how Aussie the man really is. And chubby Palmer in open collar business shirt... saying I'm a working man, but not that working... kinda a working man's boss.

But then I was thinking...

"Make Australia Great." Full Stop?

You got to add "Again" to give it The Donald great.

"Make Australia Great" doesn't have a sense of urgency. Not whiny enough. Not reminiscent for the good old days at all.

Hasn't Australia always been great? To make it great, but not again, seems like an aspiration rather than an emergency call to action.

Gotta put in "again" to imply greatness once attained are now lost. Lost due to [name your real or imagined enemy here].

Back to America.... Did you know that about half the population is considered poor? Half! In the richest country the world had ever know... are poor. i.e. not enough income or savings to have both food and shelter and education and healthcare.

At least the Chinese have an excuse: they're commies.

So you can simultaneously say it's stupid to say "Make America great again" while also pointing out that half the population is poor, despite being the wealthiest country in the world.

It's amazing how some people's heads attempt to function!
So you can simultaneously say it's stupid to say "Make America great again" while also pointing out that half the population is poor, despite being the wealthiest country in the world.

It's amazing how some people's heads attempt to function!

The Donald is using the trickle down approach rather than bottom up. Mind you, it appears to be popular to castigate him. He does say what he is thinking and that was the Aussie approach as well - not sure it is now as we have to be careful not to discuss certain matters or people throw dirt in the faces of those who speak their mind, like it or not.

So you can simultaneously say it's stupid to say "Make America great again" while also pointing out that half the population is poor, despite being the wealthiest country in the world.

It's amazing how some people's heads attempt to function!

Trump's real definition of that American greatness is not the same as what most Americans, or sane human beings, have in mind.

Judging by his policies so far, what makes America great has nothing to do with helping those 50% of American either in poverty or living on the edge of it.

What makes America great, to Trump, is military power; giving tax cuts and make the rich a whole $1.5Trillion richer in his first year while at the same time gutting bloody food stamps, to kids and seniors; gutting higher education assistance to graduates - forget about the undergrads as most of them never got any help anyway. etc. etc.

Then in the second year he raise consumption taxes on Chinese goods to about the same amount as that $1.5T cut. Who will most likely be hit by that tax increase? That other half.

Did he reign in corporate excesses? No, he further deregulate banking, environmental protection, consumer financial protection etc. etc.

So if American greatness is to coddle the rich and annually increase military spending; going around the world playing that victim card, spitting into allies faces about their needing to buy more military hardware; all while kicking those who are already down, separating children from their refuge-seeking parents, telling most of those parents their kids have been put up for adoption or will be soon unless they pay $800 for a DNA test to help identify them [I didn't make that one up].

Oh yea, and that freakin wall. Estimated to cost some $20B.

Does he know how many of those crumbling American roads and bridges or new rail lines; public housing; replacing lead-poisoning water system... na, it's those dam Mexicans and "migrants" that's ruining the country. Nothing else could possibly be to blame for it, apparently.
Trump's real definition of that American greatness is not the same as what most Americans, or sane human beings, have in mind.

Judging by his policies so far, what makes America great has nothing to do with helping those 50% of American either in poverty or living on the edge of it.

What makes America great, to Trump, is military power; giving tax cuts and make the rich a whole $1.5Trillion richer in his first year while at the same time gutting bloody food stamps, to kids and seniors; gutting higher education assistance to graduates - forget about the undergrads as most of them never got any help anyway. etc. etc.

Then in the second year he raise consumption taxes on Chinese goods to about the same amount as that $1.5T cut. Who will most likely be hit by that tax increase? That other half.

Did he reign in corporate excesses? No, he further deregulate banking, environmental protection, consumer financial protection etc. etc.

So if American greatness is to coddle the rich and annually increase military spending; going around the world playing that victim card, spitting into allies faces about their needing to buy more military hardware; all while kicking those who are already down, separating children from their refuge-seeking parents, telling most of those parents their kids have been put up for adoption or will be soon unless they pay $800 for a DNA test to help identify them [I didn't make that one up].

Oh yea, and that freakin wall. Estimated to cost some $20B.

Does he know how many of those crumbling American roads and bridges or new rail lines; public housing; replacing lead-poisoning water system... na, it's those dam Mexicans and "migrants" that's ruining the country. Nothing else could possibly be to blame for it, apparently.
The flip side argument is that the Chinese trade restrictions will force manufacturing back to the US and create jobs at the lower end.

$20B on the wall will create jobs to build it. Will also keep the illegals out who take a lot of work.

I'm not sure on the US job or wage figures of late?
Possibly jobs up wages stagnant.

I saw a few people complaining about bill inflation but no wage rises. Personally I think all governments need to cut back drastically.