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Latest tweets by The Donald

Yep. First Giuliani and now Trump himself. Obviously that know that they are in trouble.

He's half right on that one.

Hillary and her campaign did collude with the DNC to first get her nominated. Then collude with those wishing to win president Hillary favours to push for Trump to be nominated to run against her.

WikiLeaks did show evidence of Clinton's strategists dreaming about Trump winning the Republican race. Heck, Billy boy was the one recommending Trump run again during one of their golf games together.

So if there's collusion with the commies (who aren't communists anymore)... shouldn't Clinton be questioned too?

But Trump is going to have a second term though. That's unless the DNC have their own revolution and not rig their primaries like last time... unless that happens and a more progressive candidate steps up, Trump is going to win again. I mean, it's like having a friendly idiot looking after someone else's Fort Knox.
I must admit. I loved this............


I'm beating down North Korea and have Iran on the ropes. Next is to split up the EU. Need to have strong words with Japan, can't have them doing deals with the EU - The Donald, President of USA - as shown on hat.

Keep at it The Donald you are doing so very, very well.
I'm beating down North Korea and have Iran on the ropes. Next is to split up the EU. Need to have strong words with Japan, can't have them doing deals with the EU - The Donald, President of USA - as shown on hat.

Keep at it The Donald you are doing so very, very well.

Beaten North Korea down? Looks like they've increased their firepower and are now trying to arm other dangerous States.
The Kim/Trump Summit is looking more and more like a PR stunt with zero substance. One of Trump's signature tactics - appeal to the fan boys.

I'm beating down North Korea and have Iran on the ropes. Next is to split up the EU. Need to have strong words with Japan, can't have them doing deals with the EU - The Donald, President of USA - as shown on hat.

Keep at it The Donald you are doing so very, very well.

My add blocker is preventing display of that tweet on this board, but it links to
"Iran, and it’s economy, is going very bad, and fast! I will meet, or not meet, it doesn’t matter - it is up to them!"
The Republican Party sends its apologies for all the statements put out by the President, a Republican, we are very very sorry indeed. However, Long may it continue.
Shutting out the Obama people who had high level access to secrets to stop feeding them. Latest John Brennan

His agenda:

Deleted by The Donald, offering advice to President Putin on the best way to present himself when he next visits the Whitehouse:

Deleted by The Donald, offering advice to President Putin on the best way to present himself when he next visits the Whitehouse:

That was a few reasons why Clinton and the CIA wanted Yelsin in "power". Sold out the entire country's assets for about $5B. :xyxthumbs
Jared Kushner and my daughter having access is no biggie. They never read any of them anyway.

When will these soldiers learn that emperors always need their ego stroked.

Agreed, the Washington public service have had there way so long they are like children refusing to give up the teet. Trump did warn capitol hill he would gut the fatcats.
Think there will be a fresh new load of tweets about Donald Trump as this book takes off. Very, very biting.
And this is a former key Republician campaigner.

Everything Trump Touches Dies review: a poison dart in the neck of the Republican monster
Donald Trump

Political consultant Rick Wilson is horrified by what his party has done – and his book is much more than a brutally enjoyable roasting of those responsible

Charles Kaiser

Tue 21 Aug 2018 16.00 AEST Last modified on Wed 22 Aug 2018 01.16 AEST



The right, Wilson writes, is ‘merrily on board with a lunatic with delusions of godhood’. Photograph: NurPhoto/NurPhoto via Getty Images
The Republican political consultant Rick Wilson has filled his new book with more unvarnished truths about Donald Trump than anyone else in the American political establishment has offered. Wilson never holds back. That is especially refreshing at a moment when so many mainstream journalists still feel compelled to be “fair” to our psychotic president – and so few Democratic officeholders have called for the impeachment that Trump so richly deserves.

Choice cuts 1
The Trump administration has been “a hotbed of remarkably obvious pay-to-play and crony capitalist game-playing. How obvious? Think 1970s Times Square hooker on the corner obvious … The degree to which this president has monetized the presidency for the direct benefit of himself, his soft-jawed offspring, and his far-flung empire of bull**** makes the Teapot Dome scandal look like a warm-up act in the Corruption Olympics.”

Who is Rick Wilson
Think there will be a fresh new load of tweets about Donald Trump as this book takes off. Very, very biting.
And this is a former key Republician campaigner.

Everything Trump Touches Dies review: a poison dart in the neck of the Republican monster
Donald Trump

Political consultant Rick Wilson is horrified by what his party has done – and his book is much more than a brutally enjoyable roasting of those responsible

Charles Kaiser

Tue 21 Aug 2018 16.00 AEST Last modified on Wed 22 Aug 2018 01.16 AEST



The right, Wilson writes, is ‘merrily on board with a lunatic with delusions of godhood’. Photograph: NurPhoto/NurPhoto via Getty Images
The Republican political consultant Rick Wilson has filled his new book with more unvarnished truths about Donald Trump than anyone else in the American political establishment has offered. Wilson never holds back. That is especially refreshing at a moment when so many mainstream journalists still feel compelled to be “fair” to our psychotic president – and so few Democratic officeholders have called for the impeachment that Trump so richly deserves.

Choice cuts 1
The Trump administration has been “a hotbed of remarkably obvious pay-to-play and crony capitalist game-playing. How obvious? Think 1970s Times Square hooker on the corner obvious … The degree to which this president has monetized the presidency for the direct benefit of himself, his soft-jawed offspring, and his far-flung empire of bull**** makes the Teapot Dome scandal look like a warm-up act in the Corruption Olympics.”

Who is Rick Wilson

I think it will be just another song book to haters and white anters, but the general public are past listening to the constant dirty laundry campaign being waged by the impotents. You only have to look on farcebook to see the millenials are starting to warm to Trump.
I think it will be just another song book to haters and white anters, but the general public are past listening to the constant dirty laundry campaign being waged by the impotents. You only have to look on farcebook to see the millenials are starting to warm to Trump.
Millenials for Trump . That's just great. This is definately the group that is going to support this creature isn't it ?. Perhaps the evangicals as well ? We know that Trump is great figher for religious freedom despite.

“All the things evangelicals had said for generations that made a candidate anathema were suddenly just fine … Being a goddamned degenerate pussy-grabber with a lifetime of adultery, venality, and dishonesty is not, to my knowledge, one of the core tenets of the Christian faith … Trump has opened entirely new theological avenues … There is literally not one aspect of Trump’s behavior as a citizen, a husband, and as a man that shows the slightest scintilla of repentance for anything, ever.”
Basically guys they've got me on the ropes and now I'm gonna strangle them with it - The Donald

Now wasn't that a great interview and The Donald rides on through the storm. Climbs the wall of worry and remains at the top of his game.