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Latest tweets by The Donald

Disarming Kim can be said for world peace. This move to Jerusalem is one big step towards Armageddon. No, not the one the Arabs would rise up against, but one God promises.

They're still going to be spending now that a few hawks who've threatened to wiped them out are in the White House and State Department.

Just that now, after the European "powers" fall in line with Pax Americana, the Iranian will only have Russia and China to talk to and buy from.

I heard that Russia and China just got a whole lot closer to Tehran. The Chinese are offering to build trains and rail, pipelines heading East on that new silk belt and road will no doubt be on the drawing board... and they're offering loans, at mates' rates for sure.

How are you supposed to pivot to Asia when you've painted yourself into another possible major war with another Arab/Persian country. And at the same time slap your European "allies" in the face, making it more expensive for their plebs to buy oil and gas, shutting down potentially lucrative business opportunities for their corporations.

How are they supposed to pony up more Euros towards NATO and all that?

Betting on N/Korea coming in from the cold? The Viets or Fillipinos to welcome you?

Forget about history, European colonialsim and the cold proxy wars that destroy most of their country... The big middle kingdom is right in the neighbourhood; their brand of imperialism have not been tasted, that much, for quite a while. Who knows, it might be more nobler this time round.
Donald Trump blocking Twitter users violates their right to free speech, judge rules

I can't blame him for trying, It must be hard for a man of intellect and talent to put up with halfwits and damaged goods.

It's always those no industrious drive drones who seem to self appoint themselves as guardians of twatter and farcebook sheriffs of the sheeple. Which is good for me and my interest in conversing with them.
I can't blame him for trying, It must be hard for a man of intellect and talent to put up with halfwits and damaged goods.

And my God Tisme it is just so hard isn't it ? Where are the intellectuals when you desperately need them ?
Has Donald Trump cancelled the meeting with North Korea's leader because he knows that his countries main nuclear weapons site is damaged beyond repair? Kim Jong-Un has no real bargaining chips and Trump is too bigger statesman to speak on equal terms with this dictator.

They say Trump got in first otherwise Rocket Man would've cancelled and then used that as propaganda "we don't need the Infidel Americans etc".
Agree, this is just an ego match. It may have happened if Bolton and Pence could have kept thier traps shut.
Today, President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) posthumously to John Arthur “Jack” Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight Champion of the World, for a Mann Act conviction that occurred during a period of racial tension more than a century ago. Johnson served 10 months in Federal prison for what many view as a racially motivated injustice.

Johnson in 1915

On June 10, 1946, Johnson died in a car crash on U.S. Highway 1 near Franklinton, North Carolina a small town near Raleigh, after racing angrily from a diner that refused to serve him.[77] He was taken to the closest black hospital, Saint Agnes Hospital in Raleigh. He was 68 years old at the time of his death. He was buried next to Etta Duryea Johnson at Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.[11] His grave was initially unmarked, but a stone that bears only the name "Johnson" now stands above the plots of Jack, Etta, and Irene Pineau.[11]
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