Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As I've said earlier, I'm a swinging voter. Prior to voting for Rudd at the last election, I voted for Howard at the 2004 election.

Swinging voters at the next Federal election will boil down to whether you are a recipient of Rudd's largesse or whether you are paying for it.

Being a taxpayer I am angry at $42B of my money being wasted on handouts and harebrained, ill thought out schemes, whose only purpose was to spend money quickly. As was pointed out recently it cost $1.5M for every job created or saved.

In a just society the Unholy Trinity (Rudd, Swan and Gillard) and their chief cheerleader, Ken Henry would be indicted for the misappropriation of public moneys.

They are however, strutting the world stage and being lauded for their expertise in wasting money.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

A friend of mine who lost his house in the Marysville fire reckons Turnbull's a decent, compassionate bloke. He met him back in Feb.

He may have been in that situation, but I think most of us would be, regardless of how we usually act.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't know if Turnbull is either decent or compassionate. But I'd bet my bottom dollar that he lacks the native cunning and capacity for machiavellian connivance that our Prime Minister has in spades.

He also shows a willingness to play less to the popular vote in his suggestion that - rather than cash handouts - he would have gone for more needed infrastructure plus tax cuts to keep the economy afloat. That would have been to the country's longer term benefit, but offered him a lesser short term political advantage.

Mr Rudd, on the other hand, as we all know, opts for the populist approach.
Hence his standing in the polls.

Hi Julia,

Turnbull is comparatively very politically naive to say the least. This was best demonstrated with his approach on the Grech Saga.
There being a lack of an alternative has also helped him in the polls. The infighting within Coalition ranks needs to stop.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If I remember correctly the same thing happened to Labor with Beazley/Crean/Latham/Beazley/Rudd circus. Thus is the nature of politics.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If I remember correctly the same thing happened to Labor with Beazley/Crean/Latham/Beazley/Rudd circus. Thus is the nature of politics.

Disunity in opposition is a death sentence. I never voted ALP federally whilst they were in such a mess. If they can't handle their own ranks they can't handle government.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey Trainman, you shoud'nt put all those names in one post, it made me throw up.:vomit:

Latham was the worst of the lot. His book with his backstabing confirmed what he's really like. His party took care of him with a plum seat. When he lost the election (I voted for Howard back then), he turned on everyone.
He might have had some good ideas but he certainly was too volatile a character for me to vote for.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey Trainman, you shoud'nt put all those names in one post, it made me throw up.:vomit:

HAh aha ha ahah h ahh ehh eh eh e ... Mark Latham was the pick of the bunch for mine "A conga line of suckholes" was a beauty and reflected the true wordsmith coming out. Also the title to a book he wrote.

When Beazley was the Minister of Defence he was walking through an Army barracks having a "live firing" test. An explosion occured where he was walking with some Major General chappy and the BOMBER BEAZLEY shat his pants while the MG casually strolled on. Channel 9 news crew caught the lot on camera.... LMFAO !!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Swinging voters at the next Federal election will boil down to whether you are a recipient of Rudd's largesse or whether you are paying for it.

Being a taxpayer I am angry at $42B of my money being wasted on handouts and harebrained, ill thought out schemes, whose only purpose was to spend money quickly. As was pointed out recently it cost $1.5M for every job created or saved.

In a just society the Unholy Trinity (Rudd, Swan and Gillard) and their chief cheerleader, Ken Henry would be indicted for the misappropriation of public moneys.

They are however, strutting the world stage and being lauded for their expertise in wasting money.

1. Everyone in the country will pay for it - every single person is a taxpayer, it's impossible not to pay some form of tax.

2. Unless you have access to a parallel universe where no government stimulus took place, it's impossible to work out how much every job, saved or created cost.......
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The Milkybar Prick has already cost me enough money.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'll vote for anyone I respect, Rudd doesnt cut it.

I was looking to quote your post inciting violence against the PM, but it must have been deleted!

Burns, why dont you make a name for yourself and lay one on the Ruddster.

"Serial Rudd hater takes law into his own hands"

Going by your posts in the "Sentencing in Australia is a disgrace" Thread, the judge would be lenient and give you minimal punishment, probably a few hours community service.

BTW, I will put my money on Rudd in the "slap-a-thon'.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Burns, why dont you make a name for youself and lay one on the Ruddster.

The line to lay one on Rudd is too long I'm afraid.
Once you get your share of the bill for his spending excesses you'll be in that line yourself Quacka.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

we got a lot of hard rights in ere ...

Matty, I would agree that most of the people contributing to this thread are very conservative to say the least. I think many even are to the right of Turnbull on the political spectrum.
Back in 2007 when contributing to such threads there was less of a right-wing bent. Politically I've always been in the political centre, a moderate.
Now I'm not staying that this shift to the right is necessarily good or bad. My take on this is each to their own. We live in a democracy and I'm extremely proud to be part of it.
Look at the crackpots running Zimbabwe (Mugabe's still very much in control) and North Korea and other rogue nations. Australia still has its problems, but its still the lucky country. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

Kevin Rudd has come away from the G20 meeting with an EGO as high as Mt. Everest claiming credit for a permanent seat on the decision making table of world leaders.

On ABC "INSIGHT" this morning, it was revealed Peter Costello did the original spade work to be recognised among world leaders, so why has Rudd taken the full credit for the work of someone else?

In his most recent statement, Rudd has a simple message: "I HAVE THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS AND YOU'D BE STUPID NOT TO TAKE NOTICE", so why shoudn't he have the top job in the world to save mankind.

The sooner he becomes UN Secretary General, the better Australia will be without him!!!!!
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

Kevin Rudd has come away from the G20 meeting with an EGO as high as Mt. Everest claiming credit for a permanent seat on the decision making table of world leaders.

On ABC "INSIGHT" this morning, it was revealed Peter Costello did the original spade work to be recognised among world leaders, so why has Rudd taken the full credit for the work of someone else?

In Greek Ego means
Me,myself & I
Yes all three of them

Rudd wont say thank you to the Liberals for the surplus why do you think he will acknowledge P. Costello

All in the same or similar style of the British Labour think tank model
Its taken time but its starting to fall apart
