Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

This has always been his overriding ambition, i.e. to have a position at the UN when he's no longer PM of Australia.

To give him credit where it's due, though, he has obviously been successful at the G20. (Gee whiz, it was hard to say that!)
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

This has always been his overriding ambition, i.e. to have a position at the UN when he's no longer PM of Australia.

To give him credit where it's due, though, he has obviously been successful at the G20. (Gee whiz, it was hard to say that!)

Yes Julia you are right, but he did not initiate the idea of the G20. There is no doubt he could even sell refrigerators to Eskimos. His rhectoric always sounds very convincing and has the nack of turning bad publicity in his favour.

I wish I had a crystal ball!!!!!!!
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

There is no doubt he could even sell refrigerators to Eskimos

I find him as transparent as a window, but it's hard to disagree that he can keep a hold of public opinion.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How could you possibly not have confidence in this man?


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Gathering from today's comments, Glenn Stevens has confidence in him too. :)
Given that Mr Stevens almost certainly had considerable input, along with Mr Henry, into crafting the stimulus plan, you'd expect nothing else.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

Kevin Rudd in his determination to become UN Secretary General is on an all out crusade to impress world leaders.

The following extract from Friday September 25 2009 confirms his intention to lead the world.

'It's a fundamental miscalculation to think Rudd does not really want to lead the way on globing warming; this is exactly what he wants'.

'His visit to New York last week has amply demonstrated while he's only too happy to use every bit of political pressure to achieve his aim and to frighten Turnbull over the prospects of a double dissolution, Rudd wants to take a legislated scheme to Copenhagen'.

'This is the real conflict at the heart of the debate over emissions trading in Australia: it's not about detail- even the government knows it must amend the scheme and must compromise with the Liberals to get its bill through the senate- it's about whether we lead the world'.

'Rudd went on to say , he wants to take a legislated scheme to Copenhagen because he wants to lead the world on climate change and wants to serve his full term as Prime Minuster without calling an unpopular and unnecessary election'.

INMO it's just another rung in the ladder to the top job. He is very ambitious indeed and will go to no ends to impress world leaders. Whether he could ever convince his "CHINESE FRIENDS" IS ANOTHER MATTER!!!!!
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

This has always been his overriding ambition, i.e. to have a position at the UN when he's no longer PM of Australia.

To give him credit where it's due, though, he has obviously been successful at the G20. (Gee whiz, it was hard to say that!)

I'm not so sure of his so called success at the G20. A while back, Bob Zoellick, World Bank president, expressed the view that the G20 forum was too unwieldy to deal with critical global issues. He suggested that the number should be restricted to no more than the 15 leading economies (I think his preference was 10-12). At the time that Australia ranked 16th.

The game aint over yet.

But I would certainly hope that krudd takes up the UN. Or is it the other way around? Then the rest of the world can get their share of his boorish language.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

I actually think he'd be a pretty good Secretary-General. It's the sort of job that would suit his micro-management, ultra organising style.

Can't begin to think of what it would do to his already inflated ego, however.
Whacko, to be 'boss of the world' effectively, even if such a position is contained in an impotent organisation. The symbolism would be heaven to him.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Matty, I would agree that most of the people contributing to this thread are very conservative to say the least. I think many even are to the right of Turnbull on the political spectrum.
Back in 2007 when contributing to such threads there was less of a right-wing bent. Politically I've always been in the political centre, a moderate.
Now I'm not staying that this shift to the right is necessarily good or bad. My take on this is each to their own. We live in a democracy and I'm extremely proud to be part of it.
Look at the crackpots running Zimbabwe (Mugabe's still very much in control) and North Korea and other rogue nations. Australia still has its problems, but its still the lucky country. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Thanks for the laugh :D I love the idea that to dislike Dudd and Co. must make you a right wing lunatic conservative.

As for being to the right of Mr Turntable – well I don’t think that really says much. Half the ALP is the right of him.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As for being to the right of Mr Turntable – well I don’t think that really says much. Half the ALP is the right of him.

Yes, and Mr Turnbull's left wing tendencies are making it very difficult to unite the Coalition on their stance on the ETS. He has now thrown down the gauntlet to those who oppose him.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes, and Mr Turnbull's left wing tendencies are making it very difficult to unite the Coalition on their stance on the ETS. He has now thrown down the gauntlet to those who oppose him.

Turnbull, left wing? Barely, I see him as being from the moderate side of politics, a centrist if you like. Thanks for the laugh.
Its his party thats not giving him a chance. Disunity is death in politics.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

I actually think he'd be a pretty good Secretary-General. It's the sort of job that would suit his micro-management, ultra organising style.

Can't begin to think of what it would do to his already inflated ego, however.
Whacko, to be 'boss of the world' effectively, even if such a position is contained in an impotent organisation. The symbolism would be heaven to him.

I wonder if the UN Secretary General has a team of spin doctors. If he does not have that kind of support any more, he might just be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Will he rule the world or will the world rule him? The UN members may very well wake up to his empty rhetoric in the early stages and also he most likely will not have the biased media support as he has in Australia.

The sooner he gets the job the better we will all be at home.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

This has always been his overriding ambition, i.e. to have a position at the UN when he's no longer PM of Australia.

To give him credit where it's due, though, he has obviously been successful at the G20. (Gee whiz, it was hard to say that!)

Kevin Rudd will stay Prime Minister of Australia for a very long time. Looks a certainty to end up being the longest serving P.M. One day he'll be President of Australia.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

Kevin Rudd will stay Prime Minister of Australia for a very long time. Looks a certainty to end up being the longest serving P.M. One day he'll be President of Australia.

absolutely disagree. as usual with the labor party they will self destruct.

* the population will eventually get sick of his platitudes
* his party will stab him in the back

i mean seriously, do we hinestly want a dude like this running our country. we all saw what he did in qld.

hanging for the day the mighty libs get back in.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

absolutely disagree. as usual with the labor party they will self destruct.

* the population will eventually get sick of his platitudes
* his party will stab him in the back
I heard a political commentator recently (sorry, forget who it was) say that the party in general contains a significant anti-Rudd factor, largely based on his determination not to be consultative with the overall Labor party, but to be intent on treading his own path to personal self-aggrandisement.

The Unions in particular, said this person, are very disenchanted indeed.

Labor, however, has a long way to go before it matches - at least in any obvious form - the utter disarray that is the Coalition at present.

And now Mr Turnbull has thrown out the challenge to his party room that if they don't support his stand on the ETS, then whacko, he no longer wants to be leader. Wanna bet that's just what will happen, Mr Turnbull?
The Nationals appear quite resolute in their decision not to vote for the ETS, regardless of what amendments are made.

Interesting time ahead and I doubt Mr Turnbull's personal negotiating skills are up to the task.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes, and Mr Turnbull's left wing tendencies are making it very difficult to unite the Coalition on their stance on the ETS. He has now thrown down the gauntlet to those who oppose him.

Calliope, he's in a very difficult position, isn't he. I don't know whether he genuinely supports the idea of an ETS (suspect he does in some form), but even if he didn't, he cannot ignore the political reality that if the Coalition vote against the legislation in November, Rudd will almost certainly move to a double dissolution election, which of course Labor will win.

As we've observed before, this will allow the government to bring in the most vicious of Budgets to restore the surplus - all sorts of taxes and charges, plus cutting of services - but because it will be such a short time into a whole new term, they can do so with impunity, knowing the electorate will have forgotten about it by the time the next election comes around.

The government must be indeed celebrating its good fortune.
Re: Vote One - Rudd for U.N. Secretary General

I heard a political commentator recently (sorry, forget who it was) say that the party in general contains a significant anti-Rudd factor, largely based on his determination not to be consultative with the overall Labor party, but to be intent on treading his own path to personal self-aggrandisement.

Sounds very much like PM Tony Blair of the UK Labour Party. Also sounds somewhat like PM Mrs Thatcher of the UK Conservative party; all he needs is her handbag to bash 'em with. :D