Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Being a swinging voter, I'm not tied to one party or another. Having said that, I think that Rudd is generally still liked and respected by most voters. I too think he's doing a good job under the current circumstances. His popularity reminds me of Bob Hawke after he won the 83 election. His honeymoon period also lasted for a while.
With the Liberals in tatters, hopelessly divided, there's currently no alternative. This is a pity as IMO Turnbull would make a good PM one day. He's trying to return his party to the political centre yet right-wingers keep on undermining him on a number of policy positions.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

OK, so would your SERIOUSLY prefer Tony Abbott as PM? If so you have better convert to Catholiciscm. And what about Malcolm Turnbull? He can hardly even unite his own party behind him let alone anyone else. Bishop? Give me a break. Joe Hockey? Lovely guy, but has he got the intellectual horsepower? Wilson "Ironbar" Tuckey? Get real.
I'm not Kev's biggest fan either, but you would have to admit the alternative is pretty dire.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Excruciating detail, thats him all over, the only good thing about Rudd being PM is that he hasn't got the time to post in here.

I don't know? His posts might bring a certain amount of "programmatic specificity" to the forum???? :D

To Julia: Yes I agree I don't quite know why the ETS rush either. I suspect as you state it is due to political motivation - but they did say they would do it during the election campaign so no surprise right? I also think the impact of the ETS, like the GST is being massively over-played by it's political opponents and once done will just become part of the fabric like the GST has..... What I hope for is some truly global action.


Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't know? His posts might bring a certain amount of "programmatic specificity" to the forum???? :D

To Julia: Yes I agree I don't quite know why the ETS rush either. I suspect as you state it is due to political motivation - but they did say they would do it during the election campaign so no surprise right? I also think the impact of the ETS, like the GST is being massively over-played by it's political opponents and once done will just become part of the fabric like the GST has..... What I hope for is some truly global action.


Me too.

But ETS is the wrong strategy for the wrong problem.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As usual when Kevin addresses the United Nations Assembly, they stay away in droves. Apparently they don't like the way he turns his back on them when he talks.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith and Climate Change Minister Penny Wong were in the audience, but many seats in the auditorium remained empty

They would have copped a few expletives if they hadn't turned up.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think it's totally unfair that we get rid of the vile little queer for a week or so but he's still in the news, can't we get a break from this insipid humorless treacherous burden on the Australian people for just a week ????????
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


I know many people would agree with you, and I find that amazing. Would you mind stating why you think he is doing a good job?

Hi Mr J,

I reckon that Rudd has performed well given the economic climate. I feel he's been a reassuring figure in difficult times. He's leading a united party.
He got off on the right foot with Aboriginal reconciliation. He also seems to be wanting to do something about climate change whilst his predecessor seemed to be a climate change sceptic.
On the economic front the stimulus package has improved consumer confidence and he's also provided the banking community with support in relation to his "deposit guarantee".
He's working with the business commmunity in order to assist us in getting through these hard economic times. He's also called on workers to show restraint by accepting lower pay rises.
The IMF called on nations to put in place stimulus packages around the world. If Turnbull was in power I'm sure he too would have put out a sizable stimulus package. This country isn't going broke thats for sure. When good times resume we'll need to tighten our belts a little to reduce our debt levels.
Its easy to for people to criticise Mr Rudd but until the Liberals get their act together this country doesn't currently have any other viable option.
Please don't think I'm Turnbull bashing here (I'm a swinging voter). I like the fellow (please my posts on other threads from a couple of years back to realise this), he's from the political centre like myself, but his party isn't giving him support nor are the Nats for that matter.
So Mr J these are my thoughts, each to their own I suppose.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As usual when Kevin addresses the United Nations Assembly, they stay away in droves. Apparently they don't like the way he turns his back on them when he talks.


They would have copped a few expletives if they hadn't turned up.

Yes Calliope, he was the last speaker with only about 30% of the assembly remaining.

He would not have been a very happy chappie; a total embarrassment if you ask me with Rudd's high ego to become Secretary General; must have been a bit of set back for him with so few remaining to hear his "spin". No doubt many world leaders are starting to realize what he is capable of; empty rhetoric.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hi Mr J,

I reckon that Rudd has performed well given the economic climate. I feel he's been a reassuring figure in difficult times. He's leading a united party.
He got off on the right foot with Aboriginal reconciliation. He also seems to be wanting to do something about climate change whilst his predecessor seemed to be a climate change sceptic.
On the economic front the stimulus package has improved consumer confidence and he's also provided the banking community with support in relation to his "deposit guarantee".
He's working with the business commmunity in order to assist us in getting through these hard economic times. He's also called on workers to show restraint by accepting lower pay rises.
The IMF called on nations to put in place stimulus packages around the world. If Turnbull was in power I'm sure he too would have put out a sizable stimulus package. This country isn't going broke thats for sure. When good times resume we'll need to tighten our belts a little to reduce our debt levels.
Its easy to for people to criticise Mr Rudd but until the Liberals get their act together this country doesn't currently have any other viable option.
Please don't think I'm Turnbull bashing here (I'm a swinging voter). I like the fellow (please my posts on other threads from a couple of years back to realise this), he's from the political centre like myself, but his party isn't giving him support nor are the Nats for that matter.
So Mr J these are my thoughts, each to their own I suppose.

Wow ... straight from the ALP handbook me thinks :rolleyes:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hi Mr J,

I reckon that Rudd has performed well given the economic climate. I feel he's been a reassuring figure in difficult times. He's leading a united party.
He got off on the right foot with Aboriginal reconciliation. He also seems to be wanting to do something about climate change whilst his predecessor seemed to be a climate change sceptic.
On the economic front the stimulus package has improved consumer confidence and he's also provided the banking community with support in relation to his "deposit guarantee".
He's working with the business commmunity in order to assist us in getting through these hard economic times. He's also called on workers to show restraint by accepting lower pay rises.
The IMF called on nations to put in place stimulus packages around the world. If Turnbull was in power I'm sure he too would have put out a sizable stimulus package. This country isn't going broke thats for sure. When good times resume we'll need to tighten our belts a little to reduce our debt levels.
Its easy to for people to criticise Mr Rudd but until the Liberals get their act together this country doesn't currently have any other viable option.
Please don't think I'm Turnbull bashing here (I'm a swinging voter). I like the fellow (please my posts on other threads from a couple of years back to realise this), he's from the political centre like myself, but his party isn't giving him support nor are the Nats for that matter.
So Mr J these are my thoughts, each to their own I suppose.

The main reason he has so far avoided a recession is because of the sound economic base left by the previous Goverment.

What has he done for Abiriginals except say "sorry"?
There are more aboriginal kids being taken from their homes in the past two years than the number taken 100 years ago. As reported in recent press statements, Jenny Macklin has not provided one house for aboriginals in the NT. Spent a lot of money in administration.

He may have gone to the 2007 election promising to reduce CO2 emissions, however, the harsh ETS legislation he is trying to force on Australia now was not mentioned prior to the election. This ETS he is trying to push through is nothing more than a tax grab equivalant to a 2.5% INCREASE IN THE GST. Many people have no idea what the ETS even stands for except the spin Rudd and Wong are pushing that it will reduce CO2 emissions which is far from the truth. I hope the senate throws the whole thing out of the window irrespect of the ammendments Turnbull is trying to achieve.

The stimulus package was far in excess of what was really required. You will be paying it back for years with higher taxes. You ain't seen nothing yet!

The business community are terrified of what Rudd will impose on them down the track. Unfair dismissals, penalty rates for emplyees, overtime rates just to name a few. Who would want to open for business on weekends with that hanging over their heads. The Labor Party has already been warned that fewer workers will be employed under these conditions. They ask workers to show restraint by accepting lower wages! You have to be joking when the unions are working behind the scene to impose increased wages for weekend workers. You are so naive my friend.

The education revolution promised by Gillard; a lap top for all high school kids. How many have been supplied to date; nobody knows and you are not likely to be told. She forgot about the provision for IT connections in the schools. The money wasted on Julia Gillard memorial halls in many cases were not needed when other structures would have been utilised better. A $250,000 library to be built for a one teacher school which was destined to be closed next year; not very smart in my books. She went over budget by some $1.5 billion. Giggle! Giggle! just a bump in the road?

Does Rudd inspire me? I don't think so.