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Israel - Palestine

one of the last cavalry charges was Australian Light Horse again Ottomans at Beersheba


The Iranian embassy complex in Damascus, Syria, after it was bombed in April.​
Naomi Kleins Swarthmore College presentation April 24...( well worth the time of people with an interest ) . The Walter Benjamin references the psychological un-packinkig.... it'll be a bit to much for some here.... but try.

The Iranian embassy complex in Damascus, Syria, after it was bombed in April.​
According to Iranian, Syrian, and regional officials, on 01 April 2024, Iranian military commanders convened a "top-level meeting" inside Iran's embassy complex in Damascus in the belief that they were protected by "international norms shielding diplomatic missions". An Iranian source said that these commanders, which included General Mohammad Reza Zahedi who, according to Iranian officials, was in charge of Iran's covert operation in Syria and Lebanon, were in Damascus to discuss "operational logistics and coordination". According to Iranian officials, they were meeting with members from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group active in the Gaza Strip.

That day, the Iranian consulate annex building in the Iranian embassy complex in Damascus was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike.
Naomi Kleins Swarthmore College presentation April 24...( well worth the time of people with an interest ) . The Walter Benjamin references the psychological un-packinkig.... it'll be a bit to much for some here.... but try.

I didn't go all the way through it yet but agree with parts of what i saw so far.

But I wonder if the good professor would apply the same logic to racism. In that people of colour can't be racist to white people?
This is the inherent problem with elevating some people over others and then letting them think they can get away with whatever they want because they fostered victim mentality.

I have a problem with the overuse of fascism without looking where it grew from. Hitler was a socialist despite the arguments. Now probably the most censored case on the net was Mussolini (forget Google). The guy was a communist at one stage, a hyper-aggressive socialist. He's father was a leftist that named Mussolini after some Spanish leftist hero (I think, bad memory). Hitler basically learnt from this guy. Fascists can rise from authoritarians on either side.

You also cannot dissect what happened in WW2 without looking at what was going on in Russia and who the Bolsheviks and those that were agitating against the state. We have had half a debate for close to 100years about what ww2 was really about. I feel like these academics throw back to WW2 without any understanding of how it got to that point.

The parallel is Palestine and October 7th. We see the atrocity forget the 100 years of history and what's been done to them.

Israel is trying to write history in similar fashion, all one sided and totally ignoring why it happened in the first place. General population then eats up the lies.
The video was still basically half a story. But then I only skimmed it.
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Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was being held in the house of Al Jazeera journalist Abdallah Aljamal.

Read that again.

Gaza-based photojournalist and reporter Abdallah Aljamal was holding Noa Argamani hostage in his “spare time”.
Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was being held in the house of Al Jazeera journalist Abdallah Aljamal.

Read that again.

Gaza-based photojournalist and reporter Abdallah Aljamal was holding Noa Argamani hostage in his “spare time”.

"Aljamal had previously written a column for Al Jazeera in 2019. The Qatar-based outlet said Aljamal was never an employee. "
So Hamas won't agree to the ceasefire proposal.

I imagine all those pro-Palestine protesters calling for an end to this war are busy organising protest rallies against Hamas for this weekend....
There is a lot going on up in the north too. Hezbollah has dramatically escalated
The Australian War Memorial in Canberra was vandalised with pro-Palestinian graffiti early on Friday with local police saying “criminal acts” will not be tolerated.
About 1am, a man allegedly defaced three sections of the national memorial with pro-Palestine slogans, as Israel’s war with Hamas continues.

The alleged offender was caught on CCTV and, at the time of the attack, wore a black jumper and face covering and khaki pants with dark knee patches.
what is their point?
Honestly, also politicians offices and many other places. Should be 3 years jail. First offence. Totally pointless and horrible.
To your earlier point @Mox; Klein's use of facism is in the conext of 1930's ... the bigger theme of the lecture relates to the genocidal out growth of nazi policy has been just part of a continum of colonial Imperialism... as she makes clear. So much of the genocidal nazi ideology was cut and paste from earlier Imperialist adventure in from the US the Caribean, And she takes good time as to the policies of Germany in Namibia of the earlier 20th century, and for good reason.
And how now Isreal acts as a Colonial power.
Oh and god bless the Spanish Inquisition for the expulsion of the Jews and Mahomedans. There's a bunch that were ahead of the curve.

As stated... for those with an interest and the time? it is not time wasted.
Of worthy note around 30mins in...... Just which group was it that protested the events Kristallnacht, at the German Embassy in Melbourne in 1938? .... a group truelly ahead of the curve.

How Klein applies her logic? is a question best addressed to her. But pobably best first understood by reading her work and gaining an understanding of her positions.
Was it a Palestinian?
I have a close friend from here that has landed in Israel just a few hours ago. It will be interesting to get a perspective from the ground, with the obvious disclaimer that she is Jewish and will be from that perspective.

Of worthy note around 30mins in...... Just which group was it that protested the events Kristallnacht, at the German Embassy in Melbourne in 1938? .... a group truelly ahead of the curve.
I did find that interesting. I had heard that Australia was being scouted for a Jewish state at one time. Perhaps there was some soft diplomacy between them at an earlier stage.
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