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Israel - Palestine

Not so fast.

1/ Everybody is sick of it? What actual concern is it of ours over and above every other conflict in the Middle East? Are we sick of Syria, are we sick of Yemen? Are we sick of the other ongoing conflicts in the Middle East which in terms of a number of deaths are substantively larger than the Gaza war?


Why is that?

Could it be that we are not having the figures shoved down our faced by the media?

Why is that?

Which brings me to:

2/ As we all know, or should know, the first casualty of war is the truth. Most of the information coming out of the warzone is coming from either Al Jazeera or Hamas themselves.

It's propaganda. I'm not saying that people are not suffering, of course they are, it's war. But the actual truth of the matter maybe somewhat different to what we are being shown.

Heck I have some very close contacts to the actual battlefront and I cannot say that I'd have any idea what the truth is. I'm getting the Israeli point of view. It's very different but I don't believe that either.

My point is if you think that we know from the comfort of Australia what's going on in Gaza, you are diluting yourself. All information released is to make propaganda points.
Also, fwiw:

The fellow Amit I posted about several posts above (ex IDF and lost friends on Oct 7 and over here for as long as he can) will be coming to my place to borrow my workshop after Easter.

I don't imagine he'll want to talk about it all, but will be interesting if he decides to open up.

People in the West to see either Netanyahu or Hamas and choose a side, based on their ideology.

I know and see individuals. As I tried to explain to Mo, there are no "The Jews". They are as divided as us in terms of politics, culture and approach to their religion. Israel is likewise stratified into differences, as we are in the West.

This makes the current anti-semitism all the more egregious.

What has my Jewish friend, a lady of 50 who is pretty much head in the sand, just wants to practice her religion, ride her horse, be a part of and support her own local community, got to do with Israel, Netanyahu (whom she dislikes), and the war

Why should she endure leftist tw@ts and Islamic extremists screaming in her face when she goes to a community event?

Especially in Australia.
A lot of Israeli's dislike Netanyahu intensely. It's not Netanyahu or Hamas. Netanyahu doesn't represent Israel to that extent. Before this happened there were massive protests on his designs to reduce the democracy.

The Israeli's are very suspicious of him. The whole Hamas attack was advised in advance from multiple sources and yet for some reason the defence wasn't working properly. He was about to be replaced and this saved him.

Why do you think the USA Jewish community didn't want to meet the finance minister?

He is damaging Israel and if he cared, he would be to hand over power.
If a vote was held, He would be gone.

So far, I believe only one of the major leaders of Hamas has been killed. Are the others even in the country?

A new approach is required.
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the border between Egypt and Gaza

Hamas , with its origins in and close links to the Muslim Brotherhood , is banned by Egypt

Netanyahu has been a monumental disaster for Israel, allowed the unimaginable to happen then doubled down slaughtering children in numbers so great that will leave a stain on Israel for generations.

The really big issue for Israel for those that are ignorant is that it's totally propped up by the west majority coming from the US not only economically but primarily the supply of arms and ammunition subsidized by taxpayers from the west without would leave Israel exposed.

The wanton killing of civilians using ammunition from the west is a serious long term problem Netanyahu will leave.

What I find really disturbing is Netanyahu is very much a caricature of Trump.
Pure propaganda
What approach would you suggest?

Turn the other cheek?

Forgive and forget?

Prostrating themselves, metaphorically dropping their trousers and lubing up?

The government of Gaza, viz Hamas attacked the nation of Israel and perpetuated the most gross and abominable atrocities ever committed... on teenage feckin girls at a party.

Prior to that, Israel has been under constant rocket attack, for years, ever since the withdrawal in 2006.

Gaza is a hostile and belligerent entity, as are several other surrounding countries... on religious grounds

... You communists and their sympathisers need to get a grip on the danger faced by a very small country who would be obliterated tomorrow if these countries had the capability to do so.

It is time that gullible people in the west stopped being beholden to Hamas propaganda.

No, the campaign is just and necessary.

And seeing as you suckers seem to be regurgitating the child deaths propaganda, why are you not as equally outraged about Yemen, Syria places in the Middle East many many more Muslim children are dying due to military conflicts????

Is it just because it's Israel, the Jews?

An objective analysis would seem to indicate that.
We just want them to be the good guys. Famine isn't a good look.

Syria and Yemen are universally condemned except from Russia in the case of Syria and Iran in the case of Yemen. Even so there has been criticism of Saudi Arabia with regard Yemen.

Israel is meant to be one of us.

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The most hard-line orthodox of the Jews who are the moat ruthless with regard the Palestinian problems have exemptions so their kids don't have to fight.

The rest of the Israeli community are getting fed up.

They believe some fruity 5hit as well. Not sure if they are onside with the prophecy.
But heard they Yitshak Mamo purchased 5 red heifers from Texas.
If they start building a temple I will never doubt a conspiracy theory again.

Groups in Israel also become some of the world's most dangerous religious fanatics.
My Orthodox/traditional friends' comments about them (paraphrasing):

They are nutters.
World Kitchen convoy hit despite being in a non conflict zone ,despite getting clearance.
What is going on?
World Kitchen convoy hit despite being in a non conflict zone ,despite getting clearance.
What is going on?

Looks like no mistaking the vehicle either clearly marked, likely bad intelligence (recent record is pretty bad) or Hamas falsely leaked the vehicle was theirs who knows what ever the IDF own it.
Looks like no mistaking the vehicle either clearly marked, likely bad intelligence (recent record is pretty bad) or Hamas falsely leaked the vehicle was theirs who knows what ever the IDF own it.
To me it looks like they are deliberately not trying too hard to avoid killing civilians.
105 reporters dead, scores of aid workers, huge numbers of innocent dead and famine conditions.
As @moXJO said, salami slicing.
Israel bombed USS Liberty, killing 34 and tried to say it was a mistake. It was no mistake. They have no qualms about doing what they want to.
Israel bombed USS Liberty, killing 34 and tried to say it was a mistake. It was no mistake. They have no qualms about doing what they want to.
Oh come on, Mo.

This was during the six day war and for what purpose (apart from ludicrous conspiracy theories) would Israel attack their most important ally?
Oh come on, Mo.

This was during the six day war and for what purpose (apart from ludicrous conspiracy theories) would Israel attack their most important ally?
It's not a conspiracy, it happened. They knew it was the yanks. The yank sailors testified to the fact.
They killed English soldiers in WW2 as well.
It's always been about furthering Israel.

Oh and it was a cover up of an Egyptian prisoner slaughter. It was a spy ship watching, listening to what Israel was doing.
To me it looks like they are deliberately not trying too hard to avoid killing civilians.
105 reporters dead, scores of aid workers, huge numbers of innocent dead and famine conditions.
As @moXJO said, salami slicing.

I think it's up to 200 aid workers so far and yes agree with Mo.
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