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Islam: Is it inherently Evil?

Nope, you have it wrong again. The US and its allies went to war in the Middle East to protect their interests, not their religion. Those interests included oil, influence in the ME and protection of allies. I'm not saying all those actions were noble, but they were never done in the name of Christianity and religion was not used as a reason for going there.

Because the leaders who brainwash people into terrorism or fighting for ISIS are religious leaders, Imam's, Mullahs what ever you want to call them. They use the Koran as a justification for anything that they tell people to do. The propaganda that radicalises people is religious propaganda. "Mohammed said this, Mohammed said that, therefore do what Mohammed says". That's the only way they can motivate people to give up their lives by believing that Allah will look after them in Heaven.

There is a lot of truth in that, but that's the way international politics works. If the West isn't in the ME, then Russia will be, and they are the "baddies".

Yea, if Western military can go into war to claim and protect their interests with lies and bs; why then do we think the terrorists and radicals fighting back because Islam says so.

Just as Western powers uses "democracy", "civilised value", WMD, tyranny, liberty, freedom... just because the leadership use those to make the case for war; the enemies too can use religion, national liberation, this and that to justify their wars.

Why do we link Islam with terrorism but would not link imperialism with Western, Christian, Democracy, capitalism?

Maybe we too are brainwashed.

Seriously, something is wrong with Islam and Muslims to hate invaders kicking their doors in, bombing their town and cities to take and control their country's major natural resources.

If China were to do the same with Australia, would us good Christians and atheists just take it?
Seriously, something is wrong with Islam and Muslims to hate invaders kicking their doors in, bombing their town and cities to take and control their country's major natural resources.

Sounds like a reasonable description of what ISIS is doing wherever they go.

In the ME, Muslims have been fighting Muslims for years...The Western World should have stayed away from them.....Let them kill each other.
I am not sure if this thread "ISLAM AND AUSTRALIA" was ever deleted but I just happened to stumble on it....Different passages have been quoted from the Koran......Now would a true Muslim abide by these teachings and is it being pushed to kids in Muslim schools?

Mr J said:

What was the context? Also, it's not the only "holy" book containing violence. Do most Christians take the Old Testament literally?

Hello Mr J , What do you think of this context ?

Koran 9:29

“Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123

“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” Koran 9:28

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them.” Koran 47:4

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28
“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster allweapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

Bobby, Oct 19, 2009 Report

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Sounds like a reasonable description of what ISIS is doing wherever they go.

That's why we all agree that ISIS is a bunch of murderous psychopath.

Others who do similar things shouldn't be given a pass because they dress better doing it.

As to the Russian taking over the ME if the alliance don't... well the Russian tried with Afghanistan in the 80s. They kinda went broke, got a bit smarter and until very recently, simply buy a few dictators off instead of going all out liberation.

While we're into history... the ME is known as the graveyard of empires. Alexander took over but soon his generals got absorbed; Rome tried but only ever managed to hold at the edges; Britain managed to retrace the footsteps of Alex, went a lot further but overstretched itself and almost lost the homeland when that other crazy warlord thought he'd give empire building a go too.
I like this social experiment. "Fear and Ignorance Leads to Racism" Watch the video.
I like this social experiment. "Fear and Ignorance Leads to Racism" Watch the video.

Who were the actors.....Where was it filmed and who is the author presenting the video?

I would say it is just another bit of left wing propaganda.
Who were the actors.....Where was it filmed and who is the author presenting the video?

I would say it is just another bit of left wing propaganda.

Can someone gives me some answers please otherwise I will take as a set up by the Green/Labor left wing socialist coalition......They are past masters at delusion.

If the truth is known, probably neither are Muslim or Jewish....Just a couple of good actors.
I don't know. I pulled it off youtube and when I saw it I thought it was quite interesting how most people actually thought it was good to see the two getting on together. It appears to have been filmed in the USA.
Who were the actors.....Where was it filmed and who is the author presenting the video?

I would say it is just another bit of left wing propaganda.

I don't know how the left get to own it, because that insinuates the right don't have a social conscience, but it is certainly the kind of bulls4ite that has become an hachneyed fairytale since its birth in the late sixties. Luckily airhead memes about women's inner strengths and life's truths are taking over social media so the friendship hands across the great racial divides have some competition.
That's an ABC article, so it's biased bull5hi7 that is patently untrue. If Andrew Bolt wrote the article for Newscorp I'd believe it no questions asked.

My bad for quoting an obviously biased Left Wing, Fabian, Marxist , PC leaning News organisation.

How much longer do we have to put up this kind of display from the Muslim Community......A policeman received injury to the head and it could have been worse.

Why are our three useless leaders allowing this to happen without taking some firm action.

I say deport those trouble makers...We don't have this problem with other religions or ethnic groups.
Bit divided on the Australia Day flag ad. What the message appears to be is include the religion in Australian way of life. Well yes to inclusion of all ethnicities but no to the religion in its present interpretations. What the hell has religion to do with Australia Day.
Assimilation became a dirty word 50 years ago.

Birds of a feather flock together. Whether it is by country, religion or language, that is how it usually works out. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your opinion, this usually causes a backlash by the majority who then elect leaders more likely to stop immigrants arriving or even find ways to evict them.
Then individuals will want jobs rather than see companies go for cheaper workers abroad.

Thus the Donald arrives who can be sure of the majority being with him in Senate ans Congress. Many who speak in the way approved by Obama will quietly switch to what they were quietly and secretly thinking all along. Once America leads the way others will follow. Australia will eventually elect a leader in the Trump style as it becomes more fashionable.

Trade wars will escalate as each country defends its own companies, taxing certain imports. If America can do it then Australia will follow suit. Australia will be all the stronger in the next mining boom. When Uranium is desperately needed then slap a tariff on it of 50% - make them pay top dollar - and so it goes for everything else. Hit importers with big duties if it helps Aussie companies.

I may have drifted away from the subject of Islam. The problem is that Islam has no leaders in Australia who are really answerable to what goes on. Only Imams, though the Sunni branch does not have Imams. No equivalents of Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals to be answerable.

There is a need to refuse, in my opinion, to adapt laws to suit immigrants. They must adapt to the laws of the country they are in.

You have my full support there champ......They either accept our laws, respect our way of life and assimilate...If they don't like the our way of life then they should go back to where they came from and enjoy the life back in thier own country where the Sharia law is more suited to their way of living but don't try to force your ideology and religion on us..
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