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Islam: Is it inherently Evil?

Using a "moderate", "reformed", "former" Muslim to attack Islam isn't an legitimate form of reasoning.

Why not ? If any white Anglo Saxon criticises Islam you say they are full of bias and bs, now one of their own criticises Islam and you say he is full of bias and bs ?

Ergo, yo think that Islam is unable to be criticised by anyone and is therefore blameless ?

Seriously luu, you need to take a look at the way Islam operates. It's a power structure with the wolves leading the sheep and everyone not in the club is fair game for either conversion or death and the reason they are most likely to succeed are people such as yourself who paper up the cracks for them and put whitewash on top of their glaring ideological arrogance.

There's no need for that Noco. luutzu is entitled to his own opinion, especially when it makes my post look good. Remember that his family fled a country that controlled conversations and threatened their very existence if dissident..... we don't do that here.

Obviously it's charismatic to the vulnerable and weak minded. Everytime I look at Susan Carland I shake my head at the thought that someone gifted with an Anglo mind would trash it........

Luu is entitled to his opinion but he does believe I am entitled to mine.

I was born in Australia...My parents were born in Australia and my grand parents came from England and Ireland in 1870....I am a true blue Aussie and it bugs me when I get provoked by an immigrant from another country who continuously runs to the defense of any Islamic post presented by some of our ASF members.....A movement which is hell bent on making our life a misery with their threats and intimidation of wanting to take over Australia and introduce Sharia law.....Muslims refuse to assimilate into our community and are slowly taking over areas in Sydney which like in the UK and some European countries will be become NO GO ZONES....Abuse of women and children by Muslim men is rife in Australia and should not be tolerated.......Every day there is something happening with Muslims......Imans making vile threats on FB and the ABC.....If they can't live by our laws and wean themselves from the the generous welfare system here in Australia, then they should be deported.

I am certainly not racist......I sponsored and married a Filipino lady in 1982 an we have had a wonderful 35 years together......We then sponsored her brother 1990 and another sister in 1992......We fed, clothed and gave her brother board and lodgings while we paid for and put him through a 2 year computer/computer course.....We have 3000 Filipinos here in Townsville along with many other cultures who have assimilated into the community without any of the hassles reportedly received of Muslims in the major cities.

So I think I have done my fair share of sponsored immigrants .....Can any other members match it?
Obviously it's charismatic to the vulnerable and weak minded. Everytime I look at Susan Carland I shake my head at the thought that someone gifted with an Anglo mind would trash it........
stupid is as stupid does

It still behoves you to accept luutzu's right to make a fool of himself.

Insofar as matching your genealogy well yes mine goes back to very early 1800's in Oz and my tree traces back to the powerful that hung off the Plantagenets and to present day toffs.

My home was like a united nations of races up until recently.... which obviously gives me the right to be a racist.

I criticises Islam - as a religion - the same way I'd criticise any other religion. Yea, all religion are the same in their fantasy, voodoo, magic and unicorn; all the same in their power structure and witchcraft.

To take those parts of Islam out, look at terrorism by Muslims, then conclude that Islam is vile therefore all Muslims are bad (with very few exception, and those are just waiting to explode)... that total bs.

Maybe do a count of how many people have been killed in wars the Western, most civilised, most noble Christians have been involved in. Wars not just against the savages and liberation, but also wars among themselves. It's a very big number.

Should we now say all White/Western/Christian people are barbaric and vile? Or maybe it's just imperialism at work?

Noco, do you know much about the Israeli-Palestinian issue? You do not sound like you do. So maybe look into it before repeating propaganda bs.

I've looked quite extensively into it, and most of the critics of Israel are themselves Jewish - and no, that does not mean they automatically know what they're talking about, unlike your tendency to parade "former" Muslims who know the evil of their religion.

So before you go along with war criminals and their open prison policy, denying an entire people of proper food, water, sanitation, liberty... but then parade around like a "democracy" living "in the jungle".

If you want to keep being other people's useful idiot, go ahead.

I don't know what it mean to be a true blue Australian, but it doesn't seem being played like an idiot is part of it.

Yea, you're not a racist. But you certainly are Islamophobic. You either heard or read bs stories about Muslims in Australia then somehow believe all of it. Then go on about Muslims, all of them, being evil and bad... How are they bad? Oh, because the terrorists among them kill people.

Yea, if you find the bad and terrorist among any race, then use those as representative of their entire race/religion.

It's easier to beat up on Muslims now a days. So yea, it is foolish to "defend Islam". And here I thought I was merely being a decent human being by not putting up with bs propaganda for endless war against an entire people.

I also criticises the Vietnamese Communist, does that make me a self-hating Viets? I've also criticise the South VNese gov't then, and their remnants here.

Maybe it is foolish. Should slap people on the back and smile like they're your best friend. Make more money that way.
To take those parts of Islam out, look at terrorism by Muslims, then conclude that Islam is vile therefore all Muslims are bad (with very few exception, and those are just waiting to explode)... that total bs.

Is it valid to seperate people and their ideology ? I don't believe it is valid in this country where people choose to have a particular ideology and they can therefore choose not to have it.

So what do we say about people who choose to believe that God is for them only, that women are inferior, that girls shouldn't go to school , that white women are there to be raped by them because that's what their religion says ?

OK, not all of them are that extreme, but still they haven't got the sense to realise that their religion is not setting them up to do good, but quite the opposite, and that goes for lunatics in the Christian and Jewish churches as well.

That doesn't mean we should not tolerate private religious observance, just that religion in general should be kept in a box and not allowed to intrude into general society. And if that means expelling some of these radical preachers and making schools religion free, all the better.

If people commit crime, our court and security will deal with them. And they will not take Allah told me to do it; voices in my head tells me; God says it's alright... as a valid excuse.

So if "their ideology" is criminal, they better drop it or use other legal means to change that law.

So how does Muslims or any other religion ought to be banned? We're a free society, people should have the freedom to do whatever makes them happy as long as it does not harm other people or society or existing law.

Luu, I can see it is pretty hopeless trying to convince you how evil the Islamic movement has become.

Yes, we are a free society and we have been very generous to all immigrants whether they are here legally or illegally but we do expect them to respect our way of life, abide by our laws and respect out Nations flag...We also expect them to assimilate into our society and be allowed to marry non Muslims.....We do not like the way they have their own Muslim schools in Australia where they brain wash children 5 times a day with the Koran......They brain wash them to believe Christians and infidels are evil and must be eliminated.......What sort of children do we need with that in their minds when they leave school and become teenagers.....Do you condone what is happening in France, the UK and other parts of Europe where young Muslim teenagers believe from their teachings that it is their right to gang rape young Christian girls?

The majority here in Australia do not condone FGM, the beating of wives and the marriage between an old Muslim man and a 9 year old Muslim girl.

We do not like the continue use of Muslim street demonstrations and the odd lone wolf Muslim running down people in the street....You say the Australian courts of law deal with those incidents but they should not happen in the first place.

Israel is the only democracy in the ME in a Muslim world and the Arabs are hell bent on wiping Israel off the face of the Earth....The Palestinians can send 3000 rockets into Israel and wonder why the Israelis retaliate.......If you believe in free society why can't the Muslims allow Israel to live in peace.....You seem to be one sided there.

I have probably wasted my time typing all of this because you will no doubt continue to defend an evil society when ever you can.



A carpenter would use a hammer to build a home; a psycho could use the same hammer to knock people's head in. Do we blame the hammer for good or evil?

Religion, Islam or Christianity or even Scientology, could be a way people find peace and some sort of assurance. You know, pray for their family's health or hitting that Lotto. Or... or it could be use to evade tax, or be use to organise and unify a group of people into an army with God/Allah/Buddha on their side etc. etc.

So if you're serious about a debate on religion, call VC back in. If you want to pick Islamic terrorists, murderer, child rapist and all the nasty thing that Muslims criminals does... then attribute that to their religion rather than just them going psychotic, then join One Nation where you'll soon enough get to beat up on other minorities too.

No one's condoning or excusing crimes and terrorism, by Muslim or Christians or anyone. You just got to not blame an entire 1/4 of humanity so that our warmongers and war profiteers can "protect" us and kill millions directly, hundreds of millions indirectly through the famine and general cancer, birth defects and destroyed infrastructure and civil societies war tend to cause.


Israel is not a democracy. It's an apartheid state. You know, one set or rules for Jews, one for non-Jews. Kinda like segregated America, or maybe Australia under the White Australian policy. "Separate but equal", not equal but equal.

A democracy mean all citizens are treated equal, at least under the law. Not in Israel... where if you're a Muslim Israeli, you're not considered a "true Israeli".

3,000 rockets? Well at least they've changed the description from "Missiles".

All countries would want to wipe the other countries out. Question is, can they do it. With what army. But keep stealing people's land, take away all their water and chance of just living a normal dignified life... people can't be pushed to live like dogs noco. Even dogs will bite back when they're pushed into a corner.

But ey, if the average Israeli are the ones paying the price when a terrorist strike back, that's that Israeli without a security detail's problem. That's a sacrifice the likes of Bibi is willing to make... that and spending most of the national budget on the military and security industry instead of other useless stuff like education and health.

It's funny because I'm the idiot right?

If so, dunno Rumpole. It's pretty idiotic to believe that any country would ever spend a dollar, let alone trillions of dollars and thousands of their own soldier's live to "liberate" and bring democracy to people who the country's leadership doesn't particularly like in the first place.

Yes, we'd send in a barrage of tomahawks to save the children? But if other children from the same country managed to escape and cross the seas... go back home mate, you're not welcome, why are you running away when your country isn't at all being run by ISIS and tyrants we say we're going in to defend you against them?

So a hundred year war is cool; millions of people already being killed, we're cool... they're evil anyway, right?

That sounds a lot like what useful idiots are for. Very useful to have people like that in a democracy where if they protests, things might change.

As I said before, I and others are only wasting our breath with you.....You have a lot to learn but you don't seem to be taking any lessons from anybody.......You will never change with your set ideas so I am going to have to agree to disagree with you....Good luck with your ideology in the future.......You will just have to learn the hard way.
It's funny because I'm the idiot right?

I don't think you are an idiot, you are quite compassionate but you only see one side of the story.

Religion is the curse of the world and we don't need more brainwashed people in this country regardless of whether they are likeable or not.

The trouble that the brainwashed people have caused in other countries is a warning of what will happen here if they get a hold and it already has. Monis et al are out there just waiting.
Through out the history there had been peace loving kings, rulers and people. However some were not tolerant and didn’t respect others. Even today we find peace loving people from all races from Australia to the USA.Religion or political systems originated from somewhere. Many innocent civilians had to die in many regions through out the history as a result of actions of few including rulers, kings, political or religious heads etc. Good rulers, religious heads or kings made a bid difference by keeping all races together irrespective of differences in their thinking patterns. Those who had bitter experience during world war one and two don’t want to see third world war.

Will future generation learn from past mistakes?

Found very interesting link–1499

List of wars 1000–1499
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