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Gann, honestly, is it a good basis for trading?

Statements Paul? got any?

so many damn smiley faces
LOL well I will unreservedly apologize if I have been misinformed but it was actually from someone on your side of the fence. I will dig up the PMs tomorrow and forward them.

.... isn't it up to the accuser to provide the proof .. ???

So, let's see the proof of my lack of trades and those
PMs should also make for interesting reading, too ...

... over to you, th.

God bless you


Paul I will forward you the PMs when I dig them up. But with the above comment I rest my case. Yes I have based what I said on unproven info from other posters.

But many will still be wondering about the statements. For now you are dead right I have no proof.

THATS BEEN MY POINT all the time.

Many thanks, I'll have a look for some of Igork's posts

.... isn't it up to the accuser to provide the proof .. ???

So, let's see the proof of my lack of trades and those
PMs should also make for interesting reading, too ...

... over to you, th.

God bless you



personally i think those PM's are "personal" information and should not be divulged on the Forum proper, but "admission" from the necessary party will be "interesting" as you say TP ------ honesty is a good attribute !! ---- i have yet to see TH talk cr@p on this Forum
Patience TH, patience. Cooking up broker statements takes time, they cant just be made in the deep fryer, they only come properly after a thorough round in the slow cooker.

"Yes I have based what I said on unproven info from other posters."

"For now you are dead right I have no proof."

You have no proof to back up your accusations ... and you admit that
you have no sound basis for your accusations, so where's that unreserved apology, th ... ???

Honesty pays dividends and a loose mouth can cost you plenty ... !~!



Dear Trader paul,and the other Gann spruikers/users here

does it worry you if ppl now view your posts as merely stories and maybe wishfull thinking ?

just curious actually as my posts here are taken with salt BUT they tend to be real time trades posted AT the time (right AND wrong), i personally dont care if MY posts are regarded as fictisious and wishful thinking trades .worries me not .( im mainly here for the entertainment)

just wondering if People doubting that you actually trade at all worries you ?and will it affect your postings in the future knowing that the readers will now view them as merely fairytales ?

thanks in advance for a sincere answer

Dear trembling hand

heres 1000 bucks . i,ll be round to pick up the 50 k in a month

Hi nunthewiser,

..... the only fairytales around here, are invented by the self-proclaimed
gurus, who choose to put down other traders, with malicious untruths ...

Those who are learning how to use Gann's stuff, often ask for astroanalysis
on particular stocks, so i will continue to post it, as it is probably the only
analysis of the TIME axis that they will get to consider, alongside their
regular technical analysis (price) .....

..... often, it is those with the biggest mouths, that know the LEAST
about a particular trading approach ... meanwhile, it is the quiet traders,
who are committed to some real study and real trading.

... and like you ... "i personally dont care if MY posts are regarded as
fictitious and wishful thinking trades, it worries me not."

What IS a worry, is when people post unsubstantiated information about
other traders, when they clearly DO NOT HAVE A CLUE, about the
real truth ... !~!

have a great day



would you have any current examples or have the time to give a reading on say , BHP , MTS ..LKO etc etc . no worries if these are not in your list .... would be intrested to see some gann thoughts i,e timelines etc on any other stock you choose tho


Hi nunthewiser,

..... maybe you want to go to the otherGann thread for some other
astroanalysis on COH, for example.

LKO ..... just tipped this in one in the hc May comp ...

have a great day



Hi nunthewiser,

..... maybe you want to go to the otherGann thread for some other
astroanalysis on COH, for example.

LKO ..... just tipped this in one in the hc May comp ...

have a great day


But Yogi, how do you actually trade the information you get. For example, your updates always include statement such as 'positive cycle' 'expect negative news' etc etc. If it's positive or negative does that just mean that you're going long, or short, during those particular phases? Is it that simple? Or, are you combining that information with regular FA and TA to determine entry and exit signals?
thats like watching a porno with the rude bits blurred. seeing the dollar amounts will add to the show!
Trading is all about dollars.

I just wish all would not bicker and have good discussions on what is an interesting topic. I appreciate everyone for their help and input that has inspired me.
I actually hold LKO at .005 my entry was based on creeping vols and MY interpretation of the chart .this is merely a park and wait trade for me with no actual timeline involved .

intrested to see any timeline analysis you have if any on LKO tho


oh yeah looked at other gann thread re COH

Hi kennas,

No consideration for FA, only TA ... maybe you want to go the the other
Gann thread and read the recent posts, as well ...

have a good one



Kennas Mate you can ask Gann experts simple questions like you did , but you get back answers ~ like its the heat of the meat & the angle of the dangle .....

Whoops best you delete this

You seem well versed.

Any chance of some charts showing application of the principal---you know looking forward.
Perhaps a brief run down on why X is entry or Y is exit.
Or anything else you may see as relative to applying the method.

Cant believe how hard it is to get some charts on the topic up on a board.
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