Also, note how SeekandFind wants to 'start' from 4 months ago. Probably has made some money at the start of this year so thinks he/she will have a head start...:
well noted Prawn --- you'll make a moderator on this site one day with perceptive powers like that !!! ---
What --- your already a Mod !!!! --- Why the hell wasnt i asked --- bludy young upstarts !!!
Seriously though SeekandFind, you want a competition where you already have a few runs on the board to give you an advantage ??
That being the case I'll only give you evens ---- and i'm still on TH !!!! and i dont know how much in front you are !!
(if you want to start from scratch, i'll give you 2-1 !!!) ------ 5 grand up (im not a big punter sorry)