Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Federal Labor Party discussion

Standing next to Rudd must be galling her, the whole alpha male thing, in the blue tie.
I didn't initially notice the blue tie.

It wouldn't have gone unnoticed by poor Pen. He's really rubbing the Labor sisterhood's noses in it with that.

Rudd in his condescending ways as usual.

Also Rudd will appear at the national press club on his own tonight to talk. This could either make or break him, it'll be interesting to see what happens. If he pulls it off, Abbott will be in some serious strife.

EDIT: I think its crazy that Rudd is gonna show up on his own and try and debate issues when he hasnt called the election date! Its a smart move by Abbott not to go as it will be in conditions in favour of Rudd. Abbott could even go and call out Rudd by playing us all and get to state an election date, could be a good move by him.
Also Rudd will appear at the national press club on his own tonight to talk. This could either make or break him, it'll be interesting to see what happens. If he pulls it off, Abbott will be in some serious strife.

I guess "Stop Debate's!" doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "Stop the Boats!" does it.
Also Rudd will appear at the national press club on his own tonight to talk. This could either make or break him, it'll be interesting to see what happens. If he pulls it off, Abbott will be in some serious strife.

He will have a friendly and supportive audience. The Canberra Press Gallery loves him. If Abbott fronted up he would face a hostile environment in which he doesn't perform very well.
Sometime's I have to remind myself that this isn't an LNP supporters forum (well not officially anyway).

Meanwhile the odds for Labor keep shortening. They were at $4.50 after the first Rudd led polls were released. Now under 3.00 for the first time in a long while to 2.90.
could someone please tell what positive economic policies are? Rudd keeps going on about it and it makes no sense at all!

Its a terrible way to classify policies.

All polices possess positives and negatives for different people, groups etc
Rudd keeps going on about it and it makes no sense at all!

It makes sense from the perspective that Tony Abbott has invested significant political energy positioning himself as the "Not Julia Gillard" option. By being able to leverage Julia Gillard's lack of popularity as indicated in the polls, he has been able to adopt the small target strategy that John Howard did in 1996. Kevin is seeking to take advantage of that strategy now that a different "Not Julia Gillard" has been selected, one for which people likewise invested a lot of political and emotional energy into labelling as illegitimate or Macbeth like. As such, the very narrative that the Coalition successfully leveraged against Julia Gillard is going to play against them as the emotional sense of "justice restored" unfolds for a while and in that context, Kevin Rudd will be able to leverage the situation to utilise the narrative that being "not something" is not sufficient. i.e. a country does not survive on "stopping the boats" alone. The longer Tony Abbott avoids engaging this front, the more he will look like he is avoiding it.

Disagree with them or not, but there is a reason that politicians get a bump in the polls when they stand and fight in some manner. Kevin is attempting to make it harder for Tony when he does stand and fight by framing the rules and making him appear to start from scratch.
If the comments over on the Drum are anything to go by Rudd has already worn out his welcome.

This comment on Kev's speech in SMH says it all. I notice that Kevvy has taken over Julia's repetitive "Abbott Negativity" slogans with gusto.

1145 a.m. post - partial quote from Kevvy: "... the hard work that is needed to develop, argue and implement policies that will change Australia for the better."
So Kev - what policy development, argument and implementation have you acheived so far in your second stint? This is separate to you mouthing off irreponsibly about Indonesia having a war with Australia; renaming Gonski without changing anything; continuing Jools' repeated characterisations of Abbott as negative; a brief junket to Indonesia, during which SBY made the major announcements; planning for another junket, this time to Moscow for the G20; and entrenching yourself as ALP leader so that you don't get knifed again?
How about announcing an election date so we the voters can make the decision as to who we want to lead this country -
not the ALP cacus and ALP members?

Read more:
He tweeted an 'Uncle Arthur' photo of himself after he had cut himself shaving.

Maybe he will become 'Kevin 24/7' and send us constant updates of himself. Sort of like, Kevin does the Truman Show.

He is audacious this man.

Meanwhile Tony has donned the lab coats again to visit a factory. He does like his dress-ups does Tony. Meanwhile, Kevin 24/7 is filling every media channel there is.

@ the press club, Kev even had the audacity to talk about productivity in the one breadth and labour's IR policies in the other. Apparently, big business is just not using Labour's IR policies as they should.

Lol, this guy is champagne comedy!

My favourite is reforming the ALP after he has stitched up Gillard (and before her, Kimbo).
Like someone has already said, there will be enough historical footage of past BS, to bury him.
He will soon get up everyones nose with his constant media barrage of garbage. Trying to distance himself from the current situation, ala asylum seekers.
He is so busy trying to con everyone, he will allienate himself, yet again.

Trying to hold off calling the election, while goading Abbott into exposing policy, will backfire.
His own party will get sick of him, yet
Like someone has already said, there will be enough historical footage of past BS, to bury him.

How do you think perception politics works in this context? All sides have plenty of historical statements and footage to paint an opponent in any light they wish. It's the traction that matters i.e. what is the audience sensitive to at that time.
Talk about starting his speech off with mixed messages!

Mr Rudd started by criticising Tony Abbott's continual negativity when talking about our economy, and then proceeded to talk down the economy. He made at least 3 references to the China's economy slowing and the mining boom coming off the boil.

While it may be a fact, he did the exact opposite of what he has set his agenda as.... being positive. He in fact started with 2 negatives.

He made himself look rather childish by the over emphasis on Abbott not being there. We all knew, the press knew & he knew so why carry on like a fool. Some statesmanship, dignity and a simple reference to Abbott's absence would have served his purpose better.

While he is a great orator and I admire his skills in that area, the content left me feeling a little empty.

If you build an occasion up like he has done in this manner, you better bring the bling.

Unfortunately for him, he hosted a party and only supplied lemonade. Ho hum.
to add a different opinion:
watch a bit of Rudd speech at lunch time: Tony is left behind a big way and we have Kevin as next PM if nothing change liberal side:
TA banging with carbon tax and fair works/etc related matters is so 50's

Anyone who can add up and want to be informed (not the case i agree of a lot of the retirees behind the lnp)
knows that these are not the real problems
what is the % of the population working under a workplace agreement? minute vs the population
what is the real cost of the carbon tax in your power bill?
Next Tony will follow up the media CA style blaming the electricity bill on solar on the roof....
No real motivating aim, blue sky to reach, positive spin however rubbish it might be ultimately.
You need to motivate a nation, and that is definitively something Tony will not do
I have a small business and what i see is:
no decent infrastructure
endless flow of foreign workers imported to compete against me but who do not have either the same taxes nor the same cost of living I have: how can i ever be competitive when my council rates /insurance/you name it increase by 10% p a, my plumber charges over $100 an hour and we get an endless stream of illegals piling up on the already enormous number of p[eople on welfare (various style including pensions, yes...)
that is what Tony has to fight on with a chance.
What about super which every one knows is a rort but seems to be accepted as both side have their own lobbies

anyway, as long as TA is there, I 'sll have to live with a socialist government and pay the cost....