Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
My general feeling on the election is that the Liberal alliance will make a recovery in the last 7 days, leading up to the election, and win with a slim majority.

Good one, noirua - you have raised an important issue that needs resolving! So, here is my suggestion....

Sometime within the last 5 days leading up to voting day, this forum should start the FINAL PRE-ELECTION POLL thread, to try and gauge the last minute sentiment of voters here in ASF, since so many respondents have already said they will leave it until near voting day to decide.

Now that WOULD be interesting, wouldn't it?

Whaddya all think?


Good one, noirua - you have raised an important issue that needs resolving! So, here is my suggestion....

Sometime within the last 5 days leading up to voting day, this forum should start the FINAL PRE-ELECTION POLL thread, to try and gauge the last minute sentiment of voters here in ASF, since so many respondents have already said they will leave it until near voting day to decide.

Now that WOULD be interesting, wouldn't it?

Whaddya all thin

Definitely . Up till now I have been for Rudd because I did not want Howard again or Costello. After seeing Rudd perform yesterday I am for Rudd because of Rudd himself.
I consider myself the youth of this nation at ninety and this election has just put me completely off Australian politics. In my eyes, Australians see an election as what they can get from there public purse, and see the government as an asset for the individual, rather then something that deals with economic policy. Infrastructure and and a respectable gov't surplus don't win votes.

Peace Guys

Hello Francis,

I'm not sure that most Australians see an election as what they can get from the public purse, but rather that the politicians think that that is what Australians are looking for. I've noticed a widespread sentiment this time about people preferring e.g. the tax cuts to go into essential infrastructure like water projects, and to rescue our ailing health system.

I doubt very much that whomever is elected all these over the top promises will be kept. Also - amongst the passion and drama of Mr Rudd's speech yesterday - where he announced so many new projects/handouts, I noticed there was no dollar figure attached to any of them. Not much point in establishing some wonderful sounding new scheme if it's not adequately funded.

The proposed spending from both sides is going to stimulate inflation as the R.B. has clearly attempted to indicate.

Yep, let's have a poll for the last week asking who we will vote for.
I might have decided by then.
Good one, noirua - you have raised an important issue that needs resolving! So, here is my suggestion....

Sometime within the last 5 days leading up to voting day, this forum should start the FINAL PRE-ELECTION POLL thread, to try and gauge the last minute sentiment of voters here in ASF, since so many respondents have already said they will leave it until near voting day to decide.

Now that WOULD be interesting, wouldn't it?

Whaddya all think? AJ

sounds good AJ - be interesting to see if we mirror national trends .

I guess you could have a guessing comp as well:-

"How long after polls close on Sat 24 Nov will the result be known"?

PS How's this for an option.... Start the thread here on the morning of voting - and ask "How did you vote".
That way we won't have as many branch stacking problems ;)
(PS only rarely do polls around here score upwards of 400 votes btw)
Also - amongst the passion and drama of Mr Rudd's speech yesterday - where he announced so many new projects/handouts, I noticed there was no dollar figure attached to any of them. Not much point in establishing some wonderful sounding new scheme if it's not adequately funded.

It was funded in the policy document. The speech was about impressing with ideas rather than dollar signs as a means of differentiation from the Coalition.
PS How's this for an option.... Start the thread here on the morning of voting - and ask "How did you vote".
That way we won't have as many branch stacking problems ;)
(PS only rarely do polls around here score upwards of 400 votes btw)
The poll on "Is there a God" scored about 270 votes total.
"Who will be our next God" (this thread) scores 416 at this point.

Having made that observation, damned if I know what to say in response to it lol. - just the way it is I guess ;)
This is how I think the voting will go ......

60pc of 60+ year olds will vote Liberal
60pc of people under 30 will Not vote Liberal
85pc of 18 to 21yrs will not vote Liberal
90pc of hardcore one eyed capitalists will vote Liberal
65pc of people with young children wont vote Liberal
100pc of Enviromentalists wont vote Liberal
100pc of the Exclusive Brethren sect will vote Liberal
65pc of Business owners wont vote Labor
90pc of Muslims wont vote Liberal
60pc of Christians will vote Liberal
80pc of people voting that are struggling with $ wont vote Liberal
80pc of people on a hospital waiting list wont vote Lib
60pc of people that have been to Hospital recently wont vote Lib
65pc of University students wont vote Lib
90pc of people with rotten teeth wont vote Lib
70pc of High speed Internet fans will vote Labor
99pc of people too young too vote wouldnt vote Liberal

Add to the list if you like :)
More proof for blatant pork barrelling...
I guess its only fair that Labor now get in to redress the imbalance and attend to electorates that have missed out over the years... :rolleyes:,25197,22763338-601,00.html

Auditor slams Coalition grants use

Siobhain Ryan | November 15, 2007

THE national auditor has slammed the Howard Government's use of a key regional grants program, citing many examples of financial mismanagement and apparent pork-barrelling.

The Government pumped a third of the money from the Regional Partnerships program into 10 rural Coalition seats over three years, asking for a list of 100 projects by electorate and bid amount to be funded in the 2004 election lead-up.

And the auditor found that ministers were more likely to overrule departmental opposition to specific projects if they came from Coalition seats, and more likely to knock back funding for projects recommended by the department if they originated in Labor seats.

The damning suggestions of pork-barrelling are in an audit report released today that shows $110 million worth of projects approved for regional partnerships funding between 2003 and 2006 breached its own financial management rules.

It shows the Government, including then regional services minister John Anderson and then parliamentary secretary DeAnne Kelly, regularly overruled departmental objections to funding proposals and, in some cases, did so without having received a grant application.

“The manner in which the program has been administered over the three-year period to 30 June 2006 examined by ANAO had fallen short of an acceptable standard of public administration,” the Australian National Audit Office said.

Its three-volume report had more than a dozen detailed examples of blatant breaches of accountability and management guidelines as well as no-holds-barred electioneering.

Ahead of the October 2004 election, Ms Kelly asked that the department submit 100 projects, by electorate and bid amount, for her consideration over a nine-day period.

Projects were approved up to 5.30pm on the day the election called.

Nationals leader Mark Vaile today refused to apologise for the way ministers approved the grants .

``This is very good program that has delivered some fantastic outcomes to regional Australia and I don't apologise for it - not for one minute,'' he told reporters in Taree, NSW.

``The reason more Coalition electorates receive funding is because the Coalition holds more country seats than Labor.

``This is a program for regional Australia, so obviously there are going to be more projects going into some of those seats.

``This was always going to be a work in progress - if we can see a change that may improve the program to make it better targeted, then we will make the change.''
The Rodent is on the slide

Updating the betting markets tonight and the Rodent is yesterdays pest

It appears the "big lie" no longer works.

Apparently no one believes that such a lightweight BS artist could actually keep interest rates low, property prices high and the copper/iron/steel/Chinese GDP/Nickel/coal price high???

Who would have thought?

You cant bribe me with my own money

Dont leave any Rodent Droppings in Kirribilli you pest - we own that...
Dont leave any Rodent Droppings in Kirribilli you pest - we own that...

Like every taxi driver in Sydney, I voted for the rodent in preference to Latham ... but sheesh....

(has anyone ever considered that Latham was right to call Bush "the worst president ever imagined etc etc "... and Kev is reaping the benefits ?):eek:

having said that Latham was a total f-wit in almost every other respect (including sanity) !!!

PS and when we talk about "swings" we are talking about "post-Latham".
sheesh it should be 20% surely !!
Are you suggesting Rudd will hand over to Swan. We know Howard will hand over to Costello.

Sawnie's got no chance. I suggest KRudd not turn his back on Gillard; she is the one with the bag full of knives and is the best mate of the loonie left in the unions. Just listen to what Brian Courtice (Hinkler) ex Labor candidate said about KRudd. If KRudd wins the election the union thugs will grab him by the throat and replace him with Gillard, after all they are totally opposite factions and hate each others gutz.
Un/fortunately, Costello is not guaranteed the job - Mr Howard said so in one of his latest interviews. He said that it will be up to his (Costello's) colleagues in the party room after JH retires.

So who knows? Maybe Ruddock? Downer? Abbot? Turnbull? Hockey?

Which one of those alternative members of "The Dream Team" tickles your fancy....?



I'll put my money on Costello. Julie Bishop is an impressive perfomer; has charisma, well educated, intellagent and above all pretty good looking. Could make a good first female PM. What do you reckon Aussiejeff.
I'll put my money on Costello. Julie Bishop is an impressive perfomer; has charisma, well educated, intellagent and above all pretty good looking. Could make a good first female PM. What do you reckon Aussiejeff.

She is a total baffoon, hence her vacancy this campaign.

But if she did get the PM job, maybe we could decide her pay?