Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
From AAP today re: the controversial Regional Parterships Program...

"A scathing report by Commonwealth auditor-general Ian McPhee yesterday found the program, designed to help fund community projects in regional areas, was little more than a pork-barrelling fund for marginal coalition electorates.

It found Howard Government ministers over-rode departmental recommendations not to approve projects and fast-tracked money for certain projects before the last election. Of the 43 projects that were approved against departmental advice, 38 were in coalition seats"

How could these morons possibly think they were going to get away with such blatant political intereference? Grrrr... :(:( This sort of abuse of governemnt power is the sort of thing you would expect to see from a 3rd world communist or fascist ruling body! I thought we lived in a "democracy" where we all had an even chance of getting a share of that money for regional development? Apparently, some are more worthy than others....

Well, this latest "negative issue" will definitely *not* help the Dream Team's chances of re-election. Could this be the last straw to re-break the Camel's already broken back....?


Mr Abbott today said he was confident the Government could still win because it would be "very, very unusual'' for the electorate to vote the Opposition into government. "This is still very winnable,'' Mr Abbott told ABC Radio today.

"Let's not forget that it would be totally unprecedented for the Australian electorate to throw out a good and competent government for an un-tried opposition'' he said.

"It's more likely that the people will change the polls than change the government.''


Forget EI ... Tony Abbott has a terminal case of "Foot-In-Mouth" disease! :)

Errr, Tony ... so, given your wonderful logic, why did the "dumb" majority of electors vote for the "un-tried" Liberal opposition after all those years of Hawke/Keating? Should the idiot electors back then NOT have voted for the coalition at the polling booth?

In the words of another classic F.I.M.mer, "Please explain!"

Abbott at it again ......

Health Minister Tony Abbott has conceded what opponents of Work Choices have long argued, that workers have lost protections under the coalition's reforms.

Mr Abbott, a former workplace relations minister, is heard making the comment in amateur video of him speaking at a local electorate function two days ago.

"I accept that certain protections, in inverted commas, are not what they were," he says in the video, broadcast on ABC TV.

"I accept that has largely gone. I accept that.

Least hes honest I guess :rolleyes:

I read one the other day a guy in Tassie lost his job because there was " no work" , then he saw his same job advertised two weeks later for 20k less ...
This is how I think the voting will go ......

60pc of 60+ year olds will vote Liberal
60pc of people under 30 will Not vote Liberal
85pc of 18 to 21yrs will not vote Liberal
90pc of hardcore one eyed capitalists will vote Liberal
65pc of people with young children wont vote Liberal
100pc of Enviromentalists wont vote Liberal
100pc of the Exclusive Brethren sect will vote Liberal
65pc of Business owners wont vote Labor
90pc of Muslims wont vote Liberal
60pc of Christians will vote Liberal
80pc of people voting that are struggling with $ wont vote Liberal
80pc of people on a hospital waiting list wont vote Lib
60pc of people that have been to Hospital recently wont vote Lib
65pc of University students wont vote Lib
90pc of people with rotten teeth wont vote Lib
70pc of High speed Internet fans will vote Labor
99pc of people too young too vote wouldnt vote Liberal

Add to the list if you like :)

The exclusive brethren don't vote , 100% will not be voting for the LIBs. But they do manipulate , 100% of their campaign donations will be going to the Liberal party , no string attached? I don't think so.
The liberal party has a history of associating with cults , like the brethren and the HR Nicholls society (A cult of rich people who oppose the minimum wage every wage case and believe Australian companies should have access to the worlds labor markets. They want to achieve this with an open door immergration policy. Peter the next lib PM Costello is a founding member).
But don't take my word for it , have read yourself.
The exclusive brethren don't vote , 100% will not be voting for the LIBs. But they do manipulate , 100% of their campaign donations will be going to the Liberal party , no string attached? I don't think so.
The liberal party has a history of associating with cults , like the brethren and the HR Nicholls society (A cult of rich people who oppose the minimum wage every wage case and believe Australian companies should have access to the worlds labor markets. They want to achieve this with an open door immergration policy. Peter the next lib PM Costello is a founding member).
But don't take my word for it , have read yourself.

Thanks Mark, Thats just downright scary , If i was in any doubt as to who to vote for that would of just made up my mind ....:eek:
Interesting read about the HR Nicolls folks .....

IF the Howard Government is re-elected, we will not get a Howard Government for the next four years. Sometime, in a year or two, he will retire and Treasurer Peter Costello will likely take over.

Peter Costello is a founding member of the HR Nicholls Society -- a right wing think tank with a rabid anti-union, anti-worker agenda.

A weekend in August was set aside for a gathering of this ultra conservative, union-bashing club.

Club membership requires only one prerequisite, a hatred of the working class and a commitment to turn the clock back a century and a half to the days when unions were unheard of and working men and women were lucky to earn enough to feed their families bread and water, much less own a car, a weekender or an investment property.


"For the past 25 years the radical neo-liberals have engaged in a sustained assault upon the welfare state, trade unions, social justice movements and the Left in general," said Dr Damien Cahill, Honorary Research Fellow in History and Politics at the University of Wollongong.

"Radical neo-liberals advocate deregulation, privatisation, marketisation, and massive cuts to government expenditure. They have been in the vanguard of the transfer of resources from public to private and the transfer of power from labour to capital. This, after all, is what neo-liberalism is all about."

Is someone going to organise the new Poll: who will you vote for
to run during next week?
Will it have its own thread or will it replace the poll on this thread?

My grasp of economics isn't at that of ben bernake just yet, but how much pressure do you think $9 billion towards school fees will put on inflation/the economy when we already have some $30 b (unsure of figure) of tax cuts and a labour govt saying they will cut emissions buy 60% by 2050, with no sought of scientific plan, viable policy to do so.

I hate to say it, but either way it looks as if when a recession does come in some years time, it will come hard, and we are goin to need a jeff kennet style government to shapen up Australia for the future. The more you save now, the more you have in the future boys.

I've argued against all that before (supporting libs).Johnny is more desperate to buy vote’s atm then Rudd. Unfortunately the plus side to voting lib or labor is pretty low. The fact that labor will be running state and federal will either be a godsend or a nightmare. The emissions target is BS I agree but at least renewable energy will be given a start which I think is needed. As far as inflation goes at least Rudd is cunning enough to act faster then Howard even if it is only grandstanding. Make no mistake though I'm not impressed with labor at all.


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To Aussie Jeff of Wondonga re Pork-barrelling.
The line on the Murray plan that I have been using for a long time goes to the heart of National Party Pork-barrelling.
No scientific or qualified advice was sought regarding future inflows ,the viability of irrigation,environmental imperatives etc.
However,in under two weeks a plan to not disadvantage ,and instead enhance ,the prospects of National party interests in the Riverina was concocted.They stand to make windfall profits from the plan.
Victorian irrigators have different arrangements and will not benefit like their NSW counterparts...Victorian governments have been more responsible in most respects than their NSW counterparts (line ball in over-allocation vandalism however)
Any other legitimate interests in the Murray have been ignored,to satisfy National party pork-barrelling.
In nineteenth century in SA there was a mistaken belief that rainfall followed the plough,that worked for a few good seasons before rainfall patterns returned to historical averages...farms were abandoned in northern low -rainfall areas.
In this plan,concreted drains will follow the irrigator,no matter where they are now matter how unviable.All projections are for lower inflows into the Murray system.
National Party pork-barrelling at work!
Mr Abbott today said he was confident the Government could still win because it would be "very, very unusual'' for the electorate to vote the Opposition into government. "This is still very winnable,'' Mr Abbott told ABC Radio today.

"Let's not forget that it would be totally unprecedented for the Australian electorate to throw out a good and competent government for an un-tried opposition'' he said.

"It's more likely that the people will change the polls than change the government.''


Forget EI ... Tony Abbott has a terminal case of "Foot-In-Mouth" disease! :)

Errr, Tony ... so, given your wonderful logic, why did the "dumb" majority of electors vote for the "un-tried" Liberal opposition after all those years of Hawke/Keating? Should the idiot electors back then NOT have voted for the coalition at the polling booth?

In the words of another classic F.I.M.mer, "Please explain!"

It makes laugh when I heard Mr Abbott make the comment "This is still very winnable". I'm surprised by his performance during this election. For a seasoned campaigner I've thought he wouldn't have so many gaffes.
I reckon that with all the help he's given the ALP, Rudd (should he win) should make Mr Abbott the Speaker in the House of Reps. LOL!
I reckon one of Howard's biggest problems is that he would retire mid term should he win next Saturday. This contrasts with Rudd saying that he's committed to serving a full term. Also, Costello isn't very popular with voters. Most people generally respect him as Treasurer, but PM is another thing all together. I'm sorry, but I doubt whether he'd make a good PM. I see him as being too similar to Keating in terms of his attitude.