Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
settle down sprinter, how do my views on unions give an insight into my views on OH&S legislation?

While i do think the OH&S "industry" perhaps went a little out of control at one stage, i have no drama whatsoever with OH&S legislation and I believe it is essential in modern day workplaces.

I only used OHS as an example to show how Unions are necessary in the future.

In WA (and most other states) the unions sit on a tripartite body with the CCI and the Govt to nut out OHS legislation. Nothing gets through unless all three parties agree to it. OHS wouldn't work without union involvement.

Unions are still required in modern day Australia, not just for OHS, but also IR, minimum wage cases etc.
You said "the whole world wants the US out" and i wonder what you think would happen if the US did actually pull out. I believe it would be highly irresponsible and i'd hazzard a guess iraq would become far more unstable than it is right now.

Isn't it possible that if the US and its allies did pull out of Iraq, the various factions in Iraq would have to stop blaming the US etc for all their problems (I'm not saying such blame is not justified) and eventually - probably after considerably more killing - say to themselves, "hell, we just can't go on like this" and make the decision to talk to one another and draw up some reasonably acceptable conditions which they will all agree to abide by.

Perhaps an unrealistic and idealistic notion?

It doesn't seem, though, that things can get a lot worse than they are at present and perhaps if they were forced to take responsiblity for their own outcomes the government and other factions might actually make an effort which is more than they appear to be doing at present.

I imagine that there are plenty of ordinary Iraqis who if they had the choice would settle for having Saddam back. At least then they had water and electricity and could walk the streets fairly safely.
hey Julia... is that kahn in your avatar?
Ok, that was a little off topic, so.... is kahn looking at joining the labor party? fit right in with that bunch of dogs!:roflmao: maybe he can come up with a current tax policy? or any decent policy at all!

Ok that was a bit mean of me..... please do say sorry to kahn on my behalf.


So Australia is ONLY a BIGGER target from terrorists for joining the CotW in Iraq, NOT for fighting the taliban/al-Qaeda in Afghanistan? Is that what you’re saying? If Iraq was sanctioned by the UN, like Afghanistan is, then you’d be okay with the occupation?
as for rudd, since when is he a greenie...? He has always occupied the middle ground on that... When has he ever said stop burning coal, or mine uranium... calling him a greeny is another example of cheap political mudslinging by the liberals and their sympathisers
Sorry Rafa you’re right, Rudd is only using political canniness to make us think he’s green – you know use up ample Parliament question time and interviews to express his ‘moderate’ views on Australia’s non-ratifying Kyoto, lowering carbon emissions, carbon trading, cleaning up dirty coal, greenhouse gases, global warming, and elevating champion green Garrett to the front bench to the environment portfolio are all part of an elaborate ploy to tug at the heart strings of Australians, who like you feel it’s the federal government’s fault for not doing more to fix global warming while at the same time chastising them for not lowering the cost of carbon-monoxide (CO) polluting petrol!

Kinda like those traders/investors who have no guilt in reaping the benefits of the mining boom but want to preach their moral views on nuclear power…ring a bell Rafa?

Rafa: “Nuclear technology, that generates radioactive waste is old technology.. 1970's stuff... taking that up is being close minded...”

Rafa on ERN (Erongo Energy, uranium prospector) : “yup, i got out of ERN as soon as the new fin year ticked over...
still on my watch list, but if i was trading a company based purely on fundamentals, BMN and MTN have the fundamentals to back them up.”

Still holding MTN stocks? How’s their uranium interest at Mt Gee going? ;-)

on that point, arminius, it must be said, unions are certainly not all bad...
Seems unions get a ‘fair go’ when it comes to all the good they did in the past and we should give them a pat on the back for that and not question the reasons why membership declined rapidly once their influence and power was on par with that of our employers.

No, let’s just forget the fact, wipe it straight from living memory that unions could now cut deals with employers for both their benefits, then having the gall to tell it’s members that the employer was within their right to offer this, that, or nothing. Thanks unions.
my reference to rugby was an effort to describe myself as one who is partial to a bit of thuggery on a regular basis and not a bleeding heart. from now on i wont resort to oblique literary devices.
if you want to examine the timelines, how long has america been neck deep in middle eastern politics? hang on...wasnt the taliban their allies v russia?
Afghanistan is in Asia not the Middle-East. I guess you must’ve gotten yourself confused and thought muslim countries were a exclusivity of the middle-east…

Gotta admit I can’t recall the taliban v russia war, but I do vividly recall the Afghan v ex-USSR conflict. That conflict ended in 1989, and the taliban gained control of Afghanistan (recall a country in Central Asia, not the Middle-East) in 1991. From memory, never recall Russia fighting any wars on it’s own without the involvement of the other states that made up the now ex-USSR.

@Julia. The 'civil' war in Northern Ireland has been raging on for decades and we're talking about 2 different sub-religions of Christianity with 2 different cultures. To us Iraq might be made up of Iraqians but you need to consider not only Sunni and Shi'te muslims, but the Kurds an ethnic minority. Then there are the Assyrians and subsets like the Childeans. Assyrians are Orthodox while the Childeans Catholic. A carve up of Iraq is probably the only way to stop the bloodshed with UN peacekeepers brought in to monitor border disputes. Of course this plays havoc with established governments in the west who have to form new ties with new republics.

dont be a smart ar se. i do know my geography, and geopolitical history. broad statements for the sake of brevity.
hey Julia... is that kahn in your avatar?
Ok, that was a little off topic, so.... is kahn looking at joining the labor party? fit right in with that bunch of dogs!:roflmao: maybe he can come up with a current tax policy? or any decent policy at all!

Ok that was a bit mean of me..... please do say sorry to kahn on my behalf.


Hi Mint Man,

(and apologies to others for being off topic)

No, it's not Kahn. It's one of my dogs. However, Kahn did go to a really good home so it was a happy ending for him.
trading-rookie... why i am bothering to reply i have no idea... but since you have taken all this time to dig up all my old threads, i feel you deserve a reply for you efforts :rolleyes:

so here goes....

i have consistently said i am fine with digging up and selling the stuff, for U power, which i maintain is OLD Technology...(hence my interest in U shares)...

if other countries want to used U to bridge the gap between fossil fuels and green power, given that that ONLY other option is to build one coal power plant a week (in china's case) its only make sense to sell them as much U as possible...

As far as this great land of Oz goes tho... i for one am not willing to risk it becoming a nuclear waste dumping ground.... which will happen once we join the nuclear enrichment / nuclear power club.

I know you have a lot of time on your hands, so maybe you can search every post i have made on these forums, but i can tell you right now, those views are ones i have cosistently held... hence my holding in Uranium mining companies

in terms of what australia can do... watch SBS at 8:30 tonight (not ABC as i previously mentioned... )story on Portugal...

Also, thanks for being my moral compass.... i am sure you talking up uranium has nothing to do with your holdings in it... just as you voting for the libs has nothing to do with self interest and any personal bias....

How do you do it trading_rookie....??? one day, i just wish i can be as moral and as un-biased as you...
Labor running both state and federal is there a danger? I live in N.S.W and have to say they are doing a poor job not that the liberals even tried last election. I use to live in Brisbane a few years ago. And after a few trips up there, seems to be in a decline in standards (hard to tell though since I am no longer living there).

I'm interested in other people’s opinions on how there state is being run atm.And if they see any danger of back to back labor.
Any sensible and smart investor will vote Liberal without any doubt.

Who want to go back 20 years and gove power to unions to destroy companies?

Labor running both state and federal is there a danger? I live in N.S.W and have to say they are doing a poor job not that the liberals even tried last election. I use to live in Brisbane a few years ago. And after a few trips up there, seems to be in a decline in standards (hard to tell though since I am no longer living there).

I'm interested in other people’s opinions on how there state is being run atm.And if they see any danger of back to back labor.

Your impressions of Qld were accurate imo. There are many worrying aspects, not the least of which is increased government secrecy and autocratic decisions. Peter Beattie continues with his "good bloke" image but underneath is making a joke of democracy. This is not difficult for him as the opposition is completely useless. They are a joke, really. So Beattie continues to get away with everything because we don't have a choice.

He is a self confessed media tart and this disarming public persona is a front for a person who appears to be more and more focused on himself and his image.
It is entirely possible that SE Qld will run out of water before the recycled pipeline is completed. Meantime, gardens die and industry is severely affected. Power stations have so far continued to function with reduced water supply but that may well change when summer comes.

So, for those reasons and even more just on a purely political and philosophical basis, I hate the thought of back to back Labor throughout all the States plus federally. The Unions will be full of joyful anticipation as it certainly looks like happening at this stage.
on the other hand...
give labor wall to wall gov't for a term and see if they fix anything at all...

for a start, it'll be the end of the blame game...
tho i am sure they'll find someone else to blame :banghead::banghead::banghead:

as for labor state govt's in general, i think NSW is a basket case, and as julia say, qld is no better, tho i doubt the oppostion there can do any better.

my personal preference is state govt be run by the libs and national govt's by labor.

although, in reality, i would like to see state gov't abolished completely (but there is a thread on that anyway).
Your impressions of Qld were accurate imo. Peter Beattie continues with his "good bloke" image but underneath is making a joke of democracy.

I always remember when Peter Beattie walked past my house with his dog when he first became premier. And it took a dump on my lawn, and he left it there.Seems he has moved on to dumping on the whole state.
Any sensible and smart investor will vote Liberal without any doubt.

Who want to go back 20 years and gove power to unions to destroy companies?


Interesting statement. So, you're saying that any investors that vote Labor aren't sensible or smart? Are you also also saying that those who invest should only base their voting choice on how it MAY affect the share market? There are soooooo many other issues affecting our wider community than just the sharemarket. Health, education, civil liberties, security, water, IR, the list goes on.

If you base your voting decision purely on what is best for the sharemarket, I wouldn't think that that was sensible or smart.
Labor running both state and federal is there a danger? I live in N.S.W and have to say they are doing a poor job not that the liberals even tried last election. I use to live in Brisbane a few years ago. And after a few trips up there, seems to be in a decline in standards (hard to tell though since I am no longer living there).

I'm interested in other people’s opinions on how there state is being run atm.And if they see any danger of back to back labor.

BIG, BIG nods from me Mo.
I cant agree more on your first point about labor running everything, biiigg trouble. And I cant agree more with your second observation, that is NSW labor doing a very poor job. Anyone that lives here would have rocks in their head to say otherwise. Iemma just palms everything off onto anyone else but himself or his party...... actually no, I take that back, he does palm things off onto his own party members. The recent train c@ck up was a good example of this. why was this so??? oh, thats right he was on his 5th week of holidays since being elected and didnt have time to deal with it. In fact he has hardly been seen since being elected.
There is so much to say on this but Im not going to go into it all here... just come and live in NSW ATM and you will see!

On another note, I just noticed that the gap on this poll is very small now which is a surprise considering Labor was way ahead to start with. Considering a forum member can only vote once then it would seem that this forum is 50/50.

BIG, BIG nods from me Mo.
I cant agree more on your first point about labor running everything, biiigg trouble. And I cant agree more with your second observation, that is NSW labor doing a very poor job. Anyone that lives here would have rocks in their head to say otherwise. Iemma just palms everything off onto anyone else but himself or his party...... actually no, I take that back, he does palm things off onto his own party members. The recent train c@ck up was a good example of this. why was this so??? oh, thats right he was on his 5th week of holidays since being elected and didnt have time to deal with it. In fact he has hardly been seen since being elected.
There is so much to say on this but Im not going to go into it all here... just come and live in NSW ATM and you will see!

On another note, I just noticed that the gap on this poll is very small now which is a surprise considering Labor was way ahead to start with. Considering a forum member can only vote once then it would seem that this forum is 50/50.


Mint-John Howard is like the Dragons mate ,just starting to warm up and preparing for the big one at the end of the year :p::D
On another note, I just noticed that the gap on this poll is very small now which is a surprise considering Labor was way ahead to start with. Considering a forum member can only vote once then it would seem that this forum is 50/50. Cheers
Mintman, lol - I've been watching it myself - how every day it goes up like two horses fighting out the bludy Melbourne Cup.

It go me to wondering - somewhat along the same lines - the latest big poll we had was for "is there a god" - and I gotta feeling most people voted at the time (maybe I'm wrong) - about 190 people voted in total.

Here we have over 260 (as of today). - Guess we're recruiting new members pretty fast here as ASF lol.

Apropo of nothing, and totally unrelated (i'm sure ;)) - In PNG they have a thing they call "branch stacking", i.e. If a pollie wants to be elected into parliament, he brings all his "one-talks" down to Moresby, where they register on the electoral roll - then he gets into parliament, and its as easy as that.

Remembering that the pollies are now using the likes of youtube and all those opportunities offered by the internet, (to get "in cyber ya brain" ) - you wonder if our little poll is "being monitored" by the many "big brothers" out there -

in which case - If you're listening pollies - I'd like someone to fix the bludy pothole at the end of my street please ! :2twocents
I always remember when Peter Beattie walked past my house with his dog when he first became premier. And it took a dump on my lawn, and he left it there.Seems he has moved on to dumping on the whole state.

What a great example that was!
A friend of mine was having this happen repeatedly and became quite tired of it. One day she waited for it to happen, then got a shovel and a plastic bag and put it in her car boot. She followed the dog owner home in her car and as he was turning into his drive, she stopped her car and opened the plastic bag, dumped the contents onto his shoes, and suggested in future he not use her lawn as his dog's toilet. It never happened again.
trading-rookie... why i am bothering to reply i have no idea...
Simple, you’re integrity and moral have been questioned…doubt anyone would remain silent ;-)

Poor Rafa so quick to get up on his soap box and question the integrity and moral of the federal governments backing of a long standing ally (an ally he himself has noted as controlling the global economy) yet has a problem when his own integrity and moral is questioned.

The absurdity raised by you Rafa that we have followed the US blindly into Iraq is about as absurd as your claim it’s okay for the rest of the world to use dirty old technology while we here in Aus should only be concentrating on clean, renewable energy.
but since you have taken all this time to dig up all my old threads, i feel you deserve a reply for you efforts

so here goes....
Don’t flatter yourself, I have good ability to recall, and I recall you posted on the ERN thread, a stock I frequently read up on. For the record I would never have mentioned it if I didn’t fall over laughing at your arm waving and chest beating performance in a previous post in this thread for Australia itself not to use dirty, ‘old’ power like U but cleaner alternatives while the rest of the world use up our reserves and any other countries an Aussie company has a tenement in, bit hypocritical isn’t it?
i have consistently said i am fine with digging up and selling the stuff, for U power, which i maintain is OLD Technology...(hence my interest in U shares)...
‘Consistently’…sounds like you need to say it so many times before you convince yourself ;-)
if other countries want to used U to bridge the gap between fossil fuels and green power, given that that ONLY other option is to build one coal power plant a week (in china's case) its only make sense to sell them as much U as possible...
I see, better they use our U as it’s their ONLY option as opposed to building another coal powerplant rather than watch Foreign Correspondent and adopt Portugal’s initiatives? :)
As far as this great land of Oz goes tho... i for one am not willing to risk it becoming a nuclear waste dumping ground.... which will happen once we join the nuclear enrichment / nuclear power club.
By all means, I don’t think any of us do and the fact that there is legislation already amongst the countries using nuke technology that they are responsible for the disposal of their own waste means it won’t end up here in Aus. Infact, it would be political suicide for any government to introduce such policy.

But that begs the question, since enrichment isn't only used as an alternative power source, but also capable for weapons use. I don't doubt for a second that customers of U are using the metallic element for their own weapons program.
I know you have a lot of time on your hands, so maybe you can search every post i have made on these forums, but i can tell you right now, those views are ones i have cosistently held... hence my holding in Uranium mining companies.
That’s the second time in this thread you’ve said that, talk about consistency with consistency or you haven't convinced yourself yet ;-)

Also, thanks for being my moral compass.... i am sure you talking up uranium has nothing to do with your holdings in it... just as you voting for the libs has nothing to do with self interest and any personal bias....
Well I just thought we needed some ‘balance’ considering integrity and morals are not just limited to governments ;-)

As for me talking up uranium and my holdings in it…I didn’t make any assumptions on you until I confirmed that it was ‘Rafa’ on the ERN thread. I suggest you do the same before making unsubstantiated claims as I have never talked up uranium. As for my holdings, I don’t have any.

@WayneL, couple of things. Firstly, why am I being awarded 2 infraction points for breaking the 100 character rule in the 'General' forum? From what I've read this rule only applies to the stock forums.

Secondly, why was my post edited and labelled insulting for comparing someone's grasp of geo-politics to that of the US when others have used more insulting slurs like 'cowardly fools', subscribers to 'idiocracy' and now 'tool' that go unpunished - yet to see any of these posts edited. Surely as a mod your position of being unbiased should apply even if you don't agree with someone's political view. Sure edit my post, but please show some consistency to so-called 'personal insults'...cheers.

Firstly, why am I being awarded 2 infraction points for breaking the 100 character rule in the 'General' forum? From what I've read this rule only applies to the stock forums.
I ticked the wrong box, it should have been personal abuse which is 7 points... consider yourself fortunate.

Secondly, why was my post edited and labelled insulting for comparing someone's grasp of geo-politics to that of the US when others have used more insulting slurs like 'cowardly fools', subscribers to 'idiocracy' and now 'tool' that go unpunished - yet to see any of these posts edited
If you look carefully, I didn't edit your geopolitical points at all. That's why they are still there. Your personal insults of another member were all that was deleted. Insulting non-members or groups of people is outside of my remit as moderator.

Re tool: Missed that, now deleted.

Re your most recent post. I think it is over the line as it is designed specifically to be ad hominem, but will leave it for now. Fair warning that in future it will not be tolerated.

Please present your points based on facts and leave the ad hominem attacks out.

Sure edit my post, but please show some consistency to so-called 'personal insults'.
If you have concerns about my consistency, please take them up with Joe.
