IMHO Paper trading should as close to the real thing as possible
I hope you are using Monday mornings OPEN Price and not Friday's CLOSE
Otherwise it will just be toilet paper and nothing will be learnt
On first glance of TWO the 3% Premium does does not seem to have applied on the IVZ and the LRSThe system triggers signals "after the close" each Friday
In real trading, these signals would be placed in the pre-auction at the offer price, with a 3% premium above Friday's closing price. However, since this is just a paper trading exercise, the trades will be simulated rather than actually executed. The goal is to see how the signals would have performed if traded according to the plan.
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I find them (backtests) USELESS and extremely dangerous and misleading
On first glance of TWO the 3% Premium does does not seem to have applied on the IVZ and the LRS
You play around with Backtests as if they are a new toy you have found
I find them USELESS and extremely dangerous and misleading
Hi Skate
Have you looked at using Realtest instead of Amibroker? I switched to RT about 2 yrs ago and am so glad i did. Its WAY simpler to code atrategies in RT than AB and makes AB look very 'clunky' in my eyes. I have developed 2 systems in RT that i trade that i would have struggled to code in AB. Plus the support forum is friendly and very helpful (complete opposite to scary AB forum!!)
and to be honest I did not find RT that simpler, actually easier IMHO to make a system butvery hard to ensure the code is doing what is supposed to do.Hi Marty, thanks for the recommendation to check out Realtest. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience switching from Amibroker to Realtest. It's helpful to hear that you find Realtest simpler for coding strategies and that the forum is more beginner-friendly.
While I'm pretty happy with Amibroker so far, I'm certainly open to exploring other options, especially if they can make strategy development easier. I'll take a look at Realtest and see how it compares. Even if I don't make a switch now, it's great to be aware of alternatives in case I do want to try something new down the road. I'm glad you found an option that works better for your trading system development needs.
Appreciate you looking out for me, and thanks again for the insight!
However, the Backtest Portfolio method WOULD buy XYZ at $5.50, disregarding the gap up.
This is a short backtest of 720 days for a comparison.
The issue here is one of programming skill. You can program AmiBroker to do what you wish.
Once again you have survivorship bias and lookahead bias occurring. Backtesting on the CURRENT constituents means you are ignoring any historical changes. Whilst 720 days doesn't seem that long, the last 2 years there have been 140 additions to the All Ordinaries index at different times and 136 removals. That's quite a turnover of constituents for an index that nominally has up to 500 constituents.
Trying to make any sort of decisions about trading system's performance with using a survivorship bias data set along with look-ahead issues (pre-inclusion bias) is just nonsensical.
Here's a worked example of the flaw: is a current member of the All Ords (as at 3 Sep 2023).
Your backtest is run against the current All Ords, with a start date of two years ago.
Backtest signals were generated against from the start of your backtest (Sep 2021) through to today.
However, only entered the All Ords on 20 Mar 2023.
So that entire "10 bagger" period from your backtest is completely misleading.
Others have written about this:
How much does not having survivorship free data change test results?
Over the last month several people have asked me how important it is to have survivorship-free data. For any researcher this is an important question to understand how the different data can change…
Profitable systematic trading is indeed possible, and trading rules can be simulated - but using incomplete data and poor modelling won't get you there.
We offer the ability to incorporate such conditions within AmiBroker:
A lower subscription level that doesn't incorporate these capabilities can be upgraded at any time on a (modified) pro-rata basis:
Profitable systematic trading is indeed possible, and trading rules can be simulated - but using incomplete data and poor modelling won't get you there.
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