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Hi peter2,

Do you mean something like this?

$ is the Norgate code for All Ordinaries, here for past 42 days, green line is the 'close' price.
The pink, blue and red lines being respective ALMA moving averages for 50, 20 and 9 days.
Bearing in mind I still have my trader's training wheels still on this graphic suggests the market started a positive move about six days ago.

Cheers, e.
@JohnDe, sometimes it's hard to work out what going on. Sentiment plays a big part in shifting the markets & any good poker player will tell you that "you can only play the hand you are given".

This thread allows everyone to have their opinion heard
It's handy to read the material you posted but you could have just posted a hyperlink to the article. Personally, I would have preferred to hear your take on the article, or at least you could have expressed your feeling about the article. You could have even posted a chart from the article, one that gets the message across.

I'm more interested in what you have to say rather than the so-called experts.

The RBA will not increase interest rates in 2022 despite inflation fears
If Philip Lowe from the RBA couldn't get it right when he said “the latest data & forecasts do not warrant an increase in the cash rate in 2022” what chance anyone else will get it right. He went on to explain that Australia will not be sucked into a “perfect storm”. When people talk bull$hit they need to be called out.

Confirmed as bull$hit

It's handy to read the material you posted but you could have just posted a hyperlink
I didn't realise, when I started to read the post, that it'd be so long winded, but it was well worth it for me , personally.
Had it been a link, I most likely wouldn't have bothered.
That's just me, I guess.
Glutton for info.
I didn't realise, when I started to read the post, that it'd be so long winded, but it was well worth it for me , personally.
Had it been a link, I most likely wouldn't have bothered.
That's just me, I guess.
Glutton for info.

@dyna, thanks for making that observation, your comments are important.

After you reading the article
I’d be more interested to read your opinion about the content presented, also what was your main takeaway from the article?

From my perspective
1. Most members won’t take the time to read a lengthy article or post.
2. Most won’t detail their post, let alone take the time to explain a point from their perspective.
3. Cryptic posts & one liners are just as bad, as they leave the reader guessing.

Ahoy there Officer Skate

If you designed a Ship for Your Maiden Voyage on the ASX
or any other member of the Global Stock Exchanges
Would this Ship Design Look like a Good Start for you?

It was for me

I ask this as we all start from somewhere
I had a beautiful little red sports car (Triumph Stag)

As life happens as it always does
I found myself needing another Car and It had be a Station Wagon

Life can be Truly Merciless on Land as she can be at Sea

I then came up with a Brilliant Idea to trade the little ship with only a 3 Max Sail area and get a bigger Ship with many more Masts and Sails
"As the Prize Monies Rolled in"

What a Beautiful Ship Design she was and is to this day

Naturally, As Success breeds Success I designed another Beauty

There is no crime to "Trade Up"

There is also no crime to do it again and again if One wishes to form a fleet of Magnificent Tall Ships

@Captain_Chaza, I know exactly what you mean.

#Skate . I am very interested in your Advance decline ratio. Is this a calculation using Norgate tickers e.g is no. of advancing issues. I can't get a calculation to match yours.
#Skate . I am very interested in your Advance decline ratio. Is this a calculation using Norgate tickers e.g is no. of advancing issues. I can't get a calculation to match yours.
I like the fact that this ratio is removing the weight of the asx monsters big banks bhp rio etc which are seldom relevant/used in our system but do not really understand how it could be more reactive than a moving average of same weightless asx or xao.
I previously trialled xnt MA instead of xao/asx200 MA filter with no real edge detected
Sadly too busy right now to investigate further but will ASAP
#Skate . I am very interested in your Advance decline ratio. Is this a calculation using Norgate tickers e.g is no. of advancing issues. I can't get a calculation to match yours.

@investtrader, let me explain
The calculations use Norgate Data, in particular, the All Ordinaries ($ I hard code the mathematical calculations & placed the code in a "for loop" doing it this way I believe my results are accurate but the heavy looping slows the runs of the Exploration Analysis & Backtesting. The exercise was to explain a method I personally use to keep me on the right side of the market.


@qldfrog, you nailed it
The All Ordinaries are driven by the top 4 banks & a few majors which slant the "Index". Take it from me if they, the Banks have a good day, the markets have a good day.

All I'm saying, there are alternatives
The other major issue using "moving averages" as an indicator is the "lag" factor. I explained there was an alternative method, one of many, to keep you on the right side of the market. I'm sure @entropy got it because in his reply to @peter2 he stated that "the market started a positive move about six days ago", & using the "percentage method" I explained takes advantage of this. Using "moving averages" as the indicator & you are guaranteed to miss an opportunity.

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Sorry that I annoyed you Skate. It was a very busy day, I had just read the article and thought that it would be handy for some investors here. Normally I would comment but it was my first born 25th birthday and I had to rush home because we were taking the family out for a celebratory dinner.

Walking to the restaurant/bar that we had booked I saw that the cafes and restaurants above 50% capacity, not bad for a cold Monday night on the outskirts of the city. Our dinner was delicious, the place was at about 75% capacity, lots of laughter, food and drink being consumed.

I think that we are a fair way from a recession in Australia, our unemployment level is extremely low and people still have disposable income. Many places in the world are in the same situation, and as long as all the Reserve Banks don't push the interest lever too hard and too fast we all may miss a hard recession.

I'll refrain from posting anymore articles if I can't comment, which is most likely going to mean less articles. We are extremely busy, and have to turn away work so as not to burn out my team, and myself.
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Okay, so ýou are using a 'private index'..

I don't really use index filters, except in a very limited way. I have found they reduce performance quite a lot and don't really reduce drawdown that much. Within my systems I it pay attention to the number of buy and sell signals. For example, on 28/2/20 I had 167 sell signals. A record. I know what that said. On 10/4/20 I started getting quite a good numbers of buy signals over the next few weeks. A huge rally followed after that.
In the last 2 weeks there are have been quite a few buys . Not enough for me to go to 100% yet, even though there are enough signals to fill the portfolio. I also watch, but don't incorporate in my code .
I want to do more work on this when I have time but my system does not lag - when it is bullish I get buys. I can't think how how I could plot no of buys and no of sells over time without doing it manually.
So I combine these things with watching my equity curve over the three systems I trade.That is my GTFO filter, as you so aptly called it.
Sorry that I annoyed you Skate.

@JohnDe, first off I should say I wasn't annoyed. I appreciate every post, even the ones that point out my shortcommings.

Now you're cooking
If you had posted a short description (as above) & a hyperlink to the article, in my opinion, would have made for better reading. When someone expresses an opinion it stimulates others to think about theirs. A few words can explain so much & your opinion on the article holds more value to me than the article itself. My preference is for you to keep posting as it helps others, the main purpose of this thread.

Within my systems I it pay attention to the number of buy and sell signals

@investtrader, as traders we are all different. Any indicator that gives you an edge is the one to use. I also agree that the ratio of buys & sells gives an inkling of what the market is doing at any one time. I have mentioned this in a previous post.

How do I know when my strategy is performing?
On a regular basis, I take notice of the number of closed trades from a "Take Profit Stop", that one metric indicates (a) not only how the market is traveling but (b) how inline the strategy is with the index being traded.

(Skate Quote)
The "Stale Stop Exit" is a little more complex
The Stale Stop Exit does a mighty job & is a combination of 6 conditions.
It's extremely difficult for me to explain how it works without revealing the complex coding involved.

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words
I have coded my version of the WTT from the material I've found freely on the web. If the chart is inaccurate I'm sure someone will point it out to me. The exercise today is to visually demonstrate why a "Stale Stop Exit" is important & the advantage of using one in any strategy.

Disregarding the non-performers quickly frees up capital
The holding period of a position is critical to profitability. When a position goes stale, what's the use of staying with it, funds could be applied elsewhere. It's really hard to know when a position is stale, but not impossible. At times you can exit prematurely, but it's no biggy as you can re-enter at any time.

Staying too long when momentum slows is a recipe for pending disaster
Sure trends can last a long time, & at times will take a break before heading higher. But the majority of the time they don't, they fluctuate with great regularity & at times just go sidewards, that is my area of concern that is shown on the chart below.

Staying too long when momentum slows is a recipe for pending disaster

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words
I have coded "my version" of the WTT from the material I've found freely on the web but now the strategy has an additional exit. Both the "Original" & "Skate's Version" of the WTT Strategy is subject to a "simple moving average" (SMA) index filter to generate signals.

But here is the twist
"Skate's WTT Version" incorporates a "Stale Stop Exit" whose sole purpose is to free up capital that's looking for a new home. Also, I've colour coded the trailing stop as a visual reminder when the "Index Filter" is on & when it is off. The "Red" portion of the trailing stop denotes that the "Index Filter" is on. The "Pink" coloured portion of the trailing stop denotes that the "Index Filter" is off.

Disregarding the non-performers quickly frees up capital
The holding period of a position is critical to profitability.

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Both the "Original" & "Skate's Version" of the WTT Strategy is subject to a "simple moving average" (SMA) index filter to generate signals.

Twisting the strategy
Instead of using a "simple moving average" (SMA) to generate the signals, I use the percentage of the index to generate both signals. The only difference to "Skate's WTT Index Filter Strategy v1", version 2, uses the 50% ratio of advancing stocks compared to the number of declining stocks to generate the buy signal.

Now here is the twist
The sell signal is generated when this ratio falls below 25%. This is an additional "exit condition" annexed to the "Stale Stop" exit strategy. This "Percentage Filter" parameter forms part of the "Stale Stop" exit strategy that ensures the open position is sold when the percentage of the index is below a certain percentage value of 25%. Using this method concentrates on capital preservation & it's perfect for those that "feel twitchy" or "nervous" when deciding to have a punt.

When things don't make sense
I'm new to Twitter & I've found it astounding that there is so much free trading information being distributed. When others post their trading results it can make you happy & sad at the same time. When good traders are generously displaying their own personal results it allows you to benchmark the results you are achieving.

But sometimes the figures are confusing
The figures presented below don't make sense to me nor does it add up using my calculator. I recently compares the two most recent results posted & found myself confused.

Why am I confused?
1. On the 16th of July, the YTD PnL was reported to be -$822,625
2. The weekly PnL was reported as +$2,361
3. The new weekly PnL is now -$822,573.
4. I'm unsure how it makes sense

I'm sure there will be a simple answer
It's most likely that only the daily figures posted have been used in the YTD PnL calculations & the other days not reported are not included.

This has led me to ponder other questions
1. When our returns are patchy or disappointing, what is the cause?
2. When do we accept the strategy is not performing as before?
3. What system should we have in place to benchmark our strategy?
4. How much should we be prepared to lose before pulling the strategy from the markets?
5. Is it possible to retune your strategy when market conditions change?
6. How do we know the markets have changed?

I'm a firm believer that if you're not evolving you will quickly become like the Dinosaures, extinct.

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