anon said:New Girl,
I must say that I do enjoy your posts. A clear strong thinker who doesn't constantly call up this or that link for support.
Have I buttered you up enough to ask you a silly question? About sex? I think.
It had been frequently reported in the media that the suicide bombers, or "martyrs" as the radical muslims regard them, are rewarded with 72 (seventy two) virgins up there in heaven. My mind boggles that some rational people would think that any male could service so many virgins without doing some physical damage to himself. To me this would be a punishment and not a reward. Kill them by kindness, but kill them all the same. Some would say - what a way to go. My own view is to stay alive and enjoy sex for a lot onger.
What I want to know is whether this 72 virgins reward promise is a fact or is fiction of the western media.
Any comments???
1. You are too kind my friend, thank you
2. Mate, I love talking about sex
3. I'm glad you asked, the answer is YES, yes and yes just in case you didn't read it properly, but from memory it's 70, I can double check that if you want
ps: Do me a favor and read "Corruption in Australia" thread, I only started posting properly on this forum after what 2020hindsight said about this topic! he made laugh so much I got hooked. This guy is an absolute LEGEND