Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hicks protests

new girl said:

I am disputing everything you're saying, I studied islam for 12 years as part of my schooling (which was not by choice), the basis of what the Islamic Empire was formed on was spreading the religion by force, you don't need to be a philosopher to get that.

WHAT ENLIGHTENMENT are you talking about, is that when you have sex with four women and call them wives or hit them when you feel like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. GET REAL CHOPS.

Geez!, :confused:, I'm off, its late and I can see this will be quite a read in the morning.
wayneL said:
There is no difference.

Without the meglomaniacal mullahs, there would be no jihad. Muslims are following their authority, not God's.

Same as Christians.

It is the clerics who manipulate the texts.

Have you read the Quran, I HAVE!!!. these are the words of the Quran. not mullahs!!
wayneL said:
In fact, in churches across the United States, the so called "Zionist Christians" (a great bulk of the evangelical movement) are preaching the taking up of the sword. My own cousin (who lives in NC USA) belongs to this group of sects.

What is coming out of there is truly scary, and dreadful.... and via the imbecile incumbent, they have the means to execute.

I am far more worried about the ideological landscape of Christian USA than the Muslim Middle East. Their agenda is in plain sight for all to see. The agenda of the USA is obfuscated with phrases including the words freedom, liberty and democracy.
1- how can you have a framework of war when someone says to you love your enemy? its a politicall framework and people who choose to follow it do that because they're evil not because they're christians.

2- Zionists ARE NOT CHRISTIANS, they're zionists, and they are NOT a great bulk of the evangelical movement, the majority are baptists (born again), catholics, anglicans and charasmatics.

3- I am worried like you but that doesn't distract me from knowing what islam and jihad is and what it can do.

4- A very very important issue to me is the way islam treats women, but you need a separate thread for that!
new girl said:
1- how can you have a framework of war when someone says to you love your enemy? its a politicall framework and people who choose to follow it do that because they're evil not because they're christians.

2- Zionists ARE NOT CHRISTIANS, they're zionists, and they are NOT a great bulk of the evangelical movement, the majority are baptists (born again), catholics, anglicans and charasmatics.

3- I am worried like you but that doesn't distract me from knowing what islam and jihad is and what it can do.

4- A very very important issue to me is the way islam treats women, but you need a separate thread for that!


New Girl

Discussion turns to argument when refutation of points are based on opinion rather than fact.

No-one wins an "argument", so I'm outta here.
new girl said:

I am disputing everything you're saying, I studied islam for 12 years as part of my schooling (which was not by choice), the basis of what the Islamic Empire was formed on was spreading the religion by force, you don't need to be a philosopher to get that.

WHAT ENLIGHTENMENT are you talking about, is that when you have sex with four women and call them wives or hit them when you feel like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. GET REAL CHOPS.
Well, hedonism is a form of philosophy and some would consider enlightenment...

The Islamic Empire provided Averroes with the ability to advance thinking 500 years. His model guaranteed the individuality of the intellect, something which Descartes' system could not, and was ship wrecked (lame pun if you've read the 6th meditation) upon a philosophy more than 400 years earlier than it. This failure is known as the many-minds theory (Macdonald 2004: p.354-5). The individuality of the intellect was not guaranteed in the west, until Kant's Critiques.

But most importantly, his interpretations on Aristotle were applied by Aquinas for use in Christian philosophy, and then of course Heidegger and a whole host of especially German philosophers (abid: p. 170-173).

He also wrote a whole host of important and ground breaking medical documents. A pretty crappy explanation is here:

As for the circulatory system, proof:
chops_a_must said:
Well, hedonism is a form of philosophy and some would consider enlightenment...

The Islamic Empire provided Averroes with the ability to advance thinking 500 years. His model guaranteed the individuality of the intellect, something which Descartes' system could not, and was ship wrecked (lame pun if you've read the 6th meditation) upon a philosophy more than 400 years earlier than it. This failure is known as the many-minds theory (Macdonald 2004: p.354-5). The individuality of the intellect was not guaranteed in the west, until Kant's Critiques.

But most importantly, his interpretations on Aristotle were applied by Aquinas for use in Christian philosophy, and then of course Heidegger and a whole host of especially German philosophers (abid: p. 170-173).

He also wrote a whole host of important and ground breaking medical documents. A pretty crappy explanation is here:

As for the circulatory system, proof:
chops, my philosopher friend

As I told you before, I know NOTHING, nothing whatsoever about philosophy ;)

ALL those achievments mean SH!!T to me because the way islam treats women IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! you love freedom so much, try for a couple of minutes and imagine how it would be like to be a woman under the talaban authority, feel their pain my friend, don't only analyse it!!
new girl said:
ALL those achievments mean SH!!T to me because the way islam treats women IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! you love freedom so much, try for a couple of minutes and imagine how it would be like to be a woman under the talaban authority, feel their pain my friend, don't only analyse it!!
That's not what we were debating.

Women are oppressed in a lot of cultures, not just under the Taliban. I could come up with an enormous list of the places that deliberately disadvantage women in the world. It is not mutually exclusive to the Taliban or Islam. Not to say that it isn't awful, just that it is present in a lot of places.
new girl said:
chops, my philosopher friend

As I told you before, I know NOTHING, nothing whatsoever about philosophy ;)

ALL those achievments mean SH!!T to me because the way islam treats women IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! you love freedom so much, try for a couple of minutes and imagine how it would be like to be a woman under the talaban authority, feel their pain my friend, don't only analyse it!!

How are Muslim women treated on a day to day basis (in laymans terms) eg Are they beaten/abused etc. etc. just to give us a picture of what goes on?
chops_a_must said:
That's not what we were debating.

Women are oppressed in a lot of cultures, not just under the Taliban. I could come up with an enormous list of the places that deliberately disadvantage women in the world. It is not mutually exclusive to the Taliban or Islam. Not to say that it isn't awful, just that it is present in a lot of places.
AGAIN, the difference is that it comes with the absolute authority of GOD ALL MIGHTY. this is not about culture, its about religion, which according to muslims can't EVOLVE like culture does because GOD doesn't evolve or change!! There is no way out for women. And what makes it even worse is that half of these women are brain washed and believe its GOD's will and the other half is scared to death from the men who are in control.

AGAIN, you have to care about the issue/topic/people that you're discussing if you want to be a great thinker, not just a good one!!!! because only then you can change things.
barney said:
How are Muslim women treated on a day to day basis (in laymans terms) eg Are they beaten/abused etc. etc. just to give us a picture of what goes on?
have a look at "Religious leader condemns RAPE" post #21, it gives a quick summery. A woman is under the mercy of a man (father, brother, husband) if he's kind (and there are kind men of course) then she's fine, but that's not freedom, is it barney?
new girl said:
AGAIN, the difference is that it comes with the absolute authority of GOD ALL MIGHTY. this is not about culture, its about religion, which according to muslims can't EVOLVE like culture does because GOD doesn't evolve or change!! There is no way out for women. And what makes it even worse is that half of these women are brain washed and believe its GOD's will and the other half is scared to death from the men who are in control.

AGAIN, you have to care about the issue/topic/people that you're discussing if you want to be a great thinker, not just a good one!!!! because only then you can change things.
You also can't make people free. It's something people have to figure out for themselves. Just as a side note... how did you manage to break out of the cycle new girl?
new girl said:
, this is the biggest load of bullsh@#t I have ever heard.

There is no such thing as peace mujahideen! In Arabic it means fighting, and that’s exactly how the Islamic Empire was established. They were and still are asked to concur and spread the religion by force, ...

Way back there , post #77 ;)
I'll make this small text size 1, because it has been completely superceded by events. We need a bottle of port in here !, better take all the baseball bats outta the room tho lol.

ng, to be honest , I also found those paragraphs in wikipedia a bit strange - ;)
I'm not agreeing with them either (nor disagreeing I guess) - just putting them out there (and I thought I had a quizzical tone when I did so).

Perhaps Wikipedia has to be taken with a pinch of salt occasionally? - but then again - MAYbe , just maybe , they can justify this reference to "mujahideen of peace" (??) They list a stack of references after their definitions, no doubt some lean one way and some the other - making the final "summary" a bit of a confused 'camel' (i.e. a horse designed by a committee)
ng, I posted this elsewhere.. concerning Women in Iran. and , lol, more importantly (equally in your eyes? lol) engagement with Iran over nuclear etc.

The title of her book is confusing in itself - if it is about - or even covers - freedom for women. Again I found this a bit strange and out of step with "other input" reaching my head. (Like in the movie "number 5 is alive" - and he has to pause before accepting new data ;)) She hits a number of snags trying to make the road ahead look rosy - few potholes and bumps if you ask me. (imho) BUT I definitely agree that "prejudice" should be replaced by dialogue, albeit open eyed and cautious (and ever vigilent etc).

My Sister, Guard Your Veil; My Brother, Guard Your Eyes: Uncensored Iranian Voices," Iranian journalist speaks PBS NOW

quote :- "NOW Interview: Lila Azam Zanganeh talks with David Brancaccio about the multi-faceted realities of Iran's political and cultural life and what Americans need to understand about Iran. Zanganeh is the editor of the new book "My Sister, Guard Your Veil; My Brother, Guard Your Eyes: Uncensored Iranian Voices," a collection of essays by Iranian writers "

me :- She discusses the options of a collision course with Iran, or the counterintuitive course of discussions with them to find common ground. She claims (no doubt correctly) that 60% of students at Tehran University are women, and that Iran is not typical of other moslem middle east counties. interesting

PS ever see the movie " Not Without My Children?" with Sally Fields - oh boy, Iran under the old regime I guess. (or current?). Before that they were pretty liberal (under the Shah) ;) :2twocents
2020hindsight said:
Way back there , post #77 ;)
I'll make this small text size 1, because it has been completely superceded by events. We need a bottle of port in here !, better take all the baseball bats outta the room tho lol.

ng, to be honest , I also found those paragraphs in wikipedia a bit strange - ;)
I'm not agreeing with them either (nor disagreeing I guess) - just putting them out there (and I thought I had a quizzical tone when I did so).

Perhaps Wikipedia has to be taken with a pinch of salt occasionally? - but then again - MAYbe , just maybe , they can justify this reference to "mujahideen of peace" (??) They list a stack of references after their definitions, no doubt some lean one way and some the other - making the final "summary" a bit of a confused 'camel' (i.e. a horse designed by a committee)

mornin 2020

sorry if I sounded angry, maybe that was out of line. I know you didn't agree, I guess I was upset with wikipedia or life itself?? I tend to be a bit bold when i'm upset, sorry :) oh one day we will have a bit of port together, I promise ;)
new girl said:
mornin 2020

sorry if I sounded angry, maybe that was out of line. I know you didn't agree, I guess I was upset with wikipedia or life itself?? I tend to be a bit bold when i'm upset, sorry :)

We have a tradition of group hugs here at ASF after threads like this.

We've never had a lady in one before... are you in? :D
lol - I'm in ;) and no probs ng
listen as for Iran and letting them have uranium or not - just had a thought
maybe Peter Garret will go over there sort it out. give him something easy for his first assignment lol.
"Sure it's all about promoting Oil!!- MIDNIGHT OIL folks
..a one and a two and a one two three four...
oops just dislocated my knee ;)"
wayneL said:
We have a tradition of group hugs here at ASF after threads like this.

We've never had a lady in one before... are you in? :D
Oh I wish, of course I'm in. I had 3 hrs sleep, I'm really tired. sorry to you as well waynel ;)
2020hindsight said:
lol - I'm in ;) and no probs ng
listen as for Iran and letting them have uranium or not - just had a thought
maybe Peter Garret will go over there sort it out. give him something easy for his first assignment lol.
"Sure it's all about promoting Oil!!- MIDNIGHT OIL folks
..a one and a two and a one two three four...
oops just dislocated my knee ;)"

I will respond to the Iran post later today, I have to go somewhere, but as promised we will have some port together one day and I'll apologise properly then :)
Wasn't all that long ago that Christian marriage vows for women stated "love, honour and OBEY". Now, to me that says that women must do everything that the husband wants, including sex on demand if that is what he wanted. And how the man decided to enforce that marriage vow was entirely up to him. And if maybe he went too far, well, a good dose of confession in the confession box and some hail mary's would see him right in the eyes of god.

And maybe we need to do some research on how women in Roman Catholic communities are treated, particularly in Ireland not all that long ago. And those methods were encouraged by the Catholic Church and enforced by the Pope.

Islam is not on its own when it comes to institutional maltreatment of women.