Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hicks protests

new girl said:

as much as I like to agree with everything you say, this is the biggest load of bullsh@#t I have ever heard.

There is no such thing as peace mujahideen! In Arabic it means fighting, and that’s exactly how the Islamic Empire was established. They were and still are asked to concur and spread the religion by force, oh they say don't hurt the children, women and trees but its O.K. kill all the males out there. And don’t force the religion but anyone who chooses not to convert must pay a tax, if your poor then stuff you, you must convert.

Analysing the crap out of a meaning of a word dosn't matter anyway. It doesn't change the actual meaning of the word and how it was/is used by the people.

Definitions of words are all we have. I'd recommend you read 1984 if you are thinking like you are.

And it's not true that all sections of the Islamic Empire were violent. Some were suprisingly peaceful, open and tolerant, hence some remarkable achievements:
Freeballinginawetsuit said:
Name an empire/country that wasn't established by fighting and persicution of the native inhabitants. Its not all Peace Love and Mongbeans when conqering an inhabited country, unless youre Italy :D

Mankind has always liked to bully and conquer the week ( the Catholic Church was quite proficient also) and that is exactly how the US treats our government over the Hicks affair.
Well, my diver friend

There is a BIG difference, It matters if GOD says it!!!

GOD has absolute power in the eyes of a Muslim, his words are unquestionable. The average Muslim is told to fight by Allah and that's the end of it.

Jesus says Love your enemy. Of course people choose what they like out of a religion, churches manipulate people, but principles do matter. if the Americans are calling themselves Christians and using that to get their hands on the oil in Iraq, to the average Christian that means nothing because GOD didn't say fight, Bush did.
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)
Hmmm, youre a feisty one. :D
It must be late in Sydney so bed time for you. Wait a second and I will put on my superman jocks and fly over bearing gifts,flowers and my innermost thoughts......, gee now wear are those undies!.
wayneL said:
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)

Oh my GOD!! Jesus was not talking about war on terror, but about people choosing the faith itself, It's got NOTHING to do with fighting, nothing whatsoever. Although the mother-in law-thing makes me wonder sometimes;)
Freeballinginawetsuit said:
Hmmm, youre a feisty one. :D
It must be late in Sydney so bed time for you. Wait a second and I will put on my superman jocks and fly over bearing gifts,flowers and my innermost thoughts......, gee now wear are those undies!.
Funny how things change in less than 24 hrs, I thought you said NOT about guys in the other thread.
wayneL said:
That's not a Muslim thing. That's a HUMAN thing.

Believe what I believe or there will be trouble. This extends to politics and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Christians have had a good go of proselytization by the sword as well.
Of course it's a human thing, but with the muslims it comes with the authority of GOD. believe what i say or you're going to hell! with the christians and the sword, people followed the authority of the church not GOD. It matters.
new girl said:
Oh my GOD!! Jesus was not talking about war on terror, but about people choosing the faith itself, It's got NOTHING to do with fighting, nothing whatsoever. Although the mother-in law-thing makes me wonder sometimes;)

The thing is, the scriptural framework is in place for Christians to take up the sword, convert folks by force, and slaughter everyone else, if they want to use it.

Instance where Christians have utilized the necessary passages are richly recorded in the history books. On example is the Spanish conquistadors in South America.

In fact, in churches across the United States, the so called "Zionist Christians" (a great bulk of the evangelical movement) are preaching the taking up of the sword. My own cousin (who lives in NC USA) belongs to this group of sects.

What is coming out of there is truly scary, and dreadful.... and via the imbecile incumbent, they have the means to execute.

I am far more worried about the ideological landscape of Christian USA than the Muslim Middle East. Their agenda is in plain sight for all to see. The agenda of the USA is obfuscated with phrases including the words freedom, liberty and democracy.
new girl said:
this is not about jesus, its about people thinking the Jihad means peace!! well it does NOT!

I actually share your thoughts. I am quite aware of JIHAD in it's real sense, not what is seen on TV.

Jihad is worse than you could ever imagine.
Step 1: Get the PC's on side.
Step 2:..........
new girl said:
Yet more bullsh@#t.
Jihad doesn't mean peace, but what you are confusing is Jihad, and the basis of what the Islamic Empire was formed on.

Yeah, there were extreme sects, like there are in any Theocracy. But there were also moderate aspects, which were pretty rare at the time.

I'm not sure what you think is BS though, the fact that the circulatory system was discovered and recorded first by Muslims... or that The Enlightenment could not have happened without the Islamic Empire?... I'm not really sure what you are disputing...
It's Snake Pliskin said:
I actually share your thoughts. I am quite aware of JIHAD in it's real sense, not what is seen on TV.

Jihad is worse than you could ever imagine.
Step 1: Get the PC's on side.
Step 2:..........
sorry, having said all that i dont hate muslims, i have lots of muslim friends. I'm just not kidding myself when it comes to the religion itself.
new girl said:
Of course it's a human thing, but with the muslims it comes with the authority of GOD. believe what i say or you're going to hell! with the christians and the sword, people followed the authority of the church not GOD. It matters.

There is no difference.

Without the meglomaniacal mullahs, there would be no jihad. Muslims are following their authority, not God's.

Same as Christians.

It is the clerics who manipulate the texts.
chops_a_must said:
Jihad doesn't mean peace, but what you are confusing is Jihad, and the basis of what the Islamic Empire was formed on.

Yeah, there were extreme sects, like there are in any Theocracy. But there were also moderate aspects, which were pretty rare at the time.

I'm not sure what you think is BS though, the fact that the circulatory system was discovered and recorded first by Muslims... or that The Enlightenment could not have happened without the Islamic Empire?... I'm not really sure what you are disputing...

I am disputing everything you're saying, I studied islam for 12 years as part of my schooling (which was not by choice), the basis of what the Islamic Empire was formed on was spreading the religion by force, you don't need to be a philosopher to get that.

WHAT ENLIGHTENMENT are you talking about, is that when you have sex with four women and call them wives or hit them when you feel like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. GET REAL CHOPS.