Very empty words unless you can prove it!
Again - what would the deficit be in 2 years time if the Libs were still in? (Ie let's assume your hero Costello actually had some intestinal fortitude).
How long would that take to pay off compared to the current forecast scenario?
Answers with workings will receive bonus marks
Let's see how much you like that $900 handout when taxes start to rise to pay it back i hope you don't have a family to look after when that DOES happen and don't argue that "if labor didn't throw the cash handouts unemployment would be higher". Unemployment is GOING HIGHER!! OMG OMG the handouts ARN'T WORKING!!!!!
The cash handouts don't work to inspire CONFIDENCE in the economy a very IMPORTANT thing.
I've always looked at the people who vote labor as vastly under educated and people who voted for liberals as extremely educated
"But one of Australia's leading budget experts, Access Economics' Chris Richardson, suggests that Treasury has underestimated the collapse in company taxes due to the recession and the cratering of commodity prices. If so, it would further expose the structural reduction in the income tax base produced by six years of income tax cuts and the two more annual rounds scheduled to come.
That would push the budget deeper into the red than Treasury forecasts. It also would mean that the deficit will not whirr back into the black as quickly as in previous economic recoveries. Richardson suggests "fiscal drag" -- the increased tax take as wage inflation pushes taxpayers into higher tax brackets -- will have much less bite in the next recovery. "This will be a long, hard grind," he warns."