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Coronavirus vaccine news

The data shows the difference between efficacy - based on young, healthy people in the main - and observational effectiveness.
Nobody seems in a hurry to pinpoint causal relationships.
And to prove my point, this pops up on the ABC website.
Actually a bit shocked that only 7% have been vaccinated.

"Fewer than 7% of disability care residents have so far received a dose of Covid vaccine, leaving 25,000 residents unvaccinated despite being in the top priority group."

They said would be all done by easter
Maybe there is a good case for looking at the Middle East for our next "travel bubble"?
I had the first shot of the AstraZeneca last Friday week. Sore arm at the injection site for a couple of days but apart from that no other issue. Next shot in three months time. I'm taking low dose (100mg) Asprin following surgery a while ago so that will mitigate potential blood clot issues.
The below chart differs from post #308 in that it is a "rollout" statistic so shows the pace of vaccinations on a 7-day average basis.
So let's see how we are comparing with some other nations on rollout:

Hardly a picture of success, but at least there is progress. Just over 3 million doses administered in total so far, so unless things improve we are looking at late 2022 before herd immunity is achieved.
Not meaning to rain on your parade @Belli since you were already taking medication, but this is what is on the government website:


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Not meaning to rain on your parade @Belli since you were already taking medication, but this is what is on the government website:

Thank you for the info @rederob.

I should have clarified my GP did mention that and also had a chat with the specialist (Vascular surgeon) about it.

Actually, I'm not the slightest bit concerned. I have a greater likelihood of injury or death driving from here (Canberra) to Eden and back than I have of getting a blood clot from the vaccine. Come to think of it I probably had a higher chance of death or becoming a quadriplegic as a result of the surgery or the general anesthetic when I underwent those procedures and did so without much worry despite being aware of the risks. The couple of nights afterwards in ICU was not on my agenda however,
It will be interesting to see if the U.K's very successful vaccination programme, is effective against the Indian strain. Who knows, maybe Morrison has called it right again, time will tell.

From the article:
As Britain opens up and puts the worst of the pandemic behind it, a disturbing trend has dampened the optimistic mood.

Cases of the Indian coronavirus variant have risen by 152 per cent in the UK in the space of a week.

New figures from Public Health England (PHE) revealed on Wednesday (local time) there were 1,313 confirmed cases involving the B.1.617.2 variant, which was first identified in India, and labelled as a variant of global concern this week by the World Health Organisation.

That's up 793 from 520 last week – demonstrating why some scientists and ministers in the UK are increasingly concerned about its spread within their own borders.
Who knows, maybe Morrison has called it right again, time will tell.

What! After Morison told all and sundry how good our quarantine system is (ad nauseam) along with Hunt after state premiers saying hotels are not fit for purpose.

After Morrison calling for states to drop the lock downs and border closures.

Morrison then stops inbound from India... why? Because of our useless quarantine system due to fears of an out break.

Good example of how good the states quarantine systems are, two states only use P2 masks in quarantine the rest surgical masks WTF.

Morrison = BS.

I was talking about the stop on Indian repatriations, most countries are getting worried about it and I think most Australians will be pleased with the freeze.
The other Morrison call I was referring to, was in relation to the earlier post where there seems to be consensus now, that early intervention and investigations are required once an outbreak is detected.
The rest of the quarantine issues is just home and away soapy stuff, that most people don't give a ratz about IMO.
Time will tell.
I do see that Albo is getting out and about, which is good news, getting his message across as early as possible is imperative IMO.
With the apparent brouhaha surrounding the repatriation of Australian residents from India - or elsewhere - I just wonder about the logistics on it. Assuming there is a large number from India alone, I wonder, if they were able to get back, where would you put a large number for quarantine, is there sufficient resources to manage it including health checks and the like? That's apart from scheduling any repatriation flights.

I understand some health professionals have a view the exposure to the B.1.617 variant is inevitable and we should accept it is going to happen anyway. However, that is professional opinion and others have a different views. In any event, they aren't the ones who have to actually make the decisions. It is not a responsibility I would like to have to be honest.

Even if we had proper quarantine hubs like Howard Springs out of 9000 I would imagine 10% or more maybe infectious which realistically our medical services wouldn't be able to cope with.

I suspect shutting down flights from India was more politics than anything else (given shutting state borders is very popular) the excuses came later when it back fired.

Having said that McGowan was calling for fights to stop after the last WA outbreak.
Well one just has to listen to todays response to the Virgin CEO, who said the borders should be opened even it it causes a few deaths.
It is o.k saying don't stop the flights, but if an outbreak does happen here and it gets out of control like Europe, the U.S, U.K and India, there is only one person who will be blamed.
As Ifocus said McGowan was quick to lock down the State and called for a reduction in repatriation flights, well he got a resounding round of applause from the W.A public.
this is the 2011 Phizer CEO (or similar ) speaking.

from today's news looks like the narrative is changing. airports will be shut until 80% population vaccinated... and what do we do with the other 15% ??

not looking good
Why are you repeating a link which is bollocks?
And I have no idea what your point is about airports because it makes no sense.

Some basic facts:
  • vaccinations don't stop people getting infected by covid
  • vaccinated people who get symptoms are, on average, likely to be less infectious (less viral load)
  • vaccinated people are very unlikely to require hospitalisation
  • Vaccinated travellers are extremely unlikely to impact on medical care facilities
A system of vaccine passports combined with rapid antigen testing immediately prior to boarding (and then PCR testing if RAT test was positive), combined with wearing masks would probably make travelling safer than being in a hotel quarantine facility for 14 days.
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