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Coronavirus vaccine news

Vitamin D is still the safest and still a secret, people dying in their thousands and still no publicity about things that have been proven to work in labs and trials.
Yet England has one of the world's highest death rates despite its Health officials recommending its use.
Bottom line is that there is no secret because there is no definitive evidence it is a defence against covid. It's certainly important for other reasons if you are deficient in vitamin D, so if that's you, dose up.

Meanwhile the Danes are falling over themselves to keep AZ out:
There was a mention today, that the Pfizer vaccine may require a second shot and a booster every year.
Which goes back to what we talked about at the beginning of the outbreak, that it is difficult to have vaccine for a virus and it may end up a flu jab that is tweaked every year.

Given the flu jab often does a rather poor job (2017? was about 10% effective I read somewhere back then) with average Flu vax success below 50% according to some sources

The other problem is that no vaccine claims to stop the catching or transmission of Covid so even if we vaccinate we are still going to have Covid everywhere/anywhere at any time.

Some virologists claim that a vaccine that does not kill the bug should not be used as it will give Covid the opportunity and in fact encourage it to mutate in a similar fashion to the bugs that ABs no longer work on

It does not auger well for the world, eventually, this thing may well reverse the population trend of the planet.
Covid vaccines prevent serious illness and hospitalisation, and apart from what we have found with AZ, seldom leads to death.
Same with flu vaccines.
So if covid vaccines mean that a typical illness will be mild then their job is done.
World economies can open up and it will be business as usual.
The concept of herd immunity is also real. More people less susceptible leads to little or no spread.
I can't see any problem with booster shots unless you are an ardent anti-vaxxer.
Suppose we don't have much in the way of data for annual shots using the Mrna vaccines?
Suppose we don't have much in the way of data for annual shots using the Mrna vaccines?
Not sure how that is relevant.
That's just one of the 4 separate types of vaccines available.
Dozens of candidates are in stage 3 trials, some already in emergency use in country of origin.
This time next year we could have as many as 40 vaccines available, although vaccines already scaled to high output might knock some candidates out of contention.
Also, there is a chance vaccine types could be mixed so that variants are less damaging.
As it is, too much attention is paid to highest efficacy vaccines as providing covid vaccines work like flu shots then health systems won't be overrun and death rates would be back to "normal".
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Not sure how that is relevant.

Blood clots are pretty relevant, is there increasing risk if annual jobs were to become a thing.

Which vaccine are you most comfortable with.
I can't see any problem with booster shots unless you are an ardent anti-vaxxer.
That would depend on the detail.

If it leaves people feeling ill and lying down for a day as per some reports then I can certainly see a reluctance to have it on the part of many.
That would depend on the detail.

If it leaves people feeling ill and lying down for a day as per some reports then I can certainly see a reluctance to have it on the part of many.
I get that after a visit to the dentist.
Some people might like to consider this option. It is my first-aid kit and I never travel without it. For a few hundred dollars it will last me a lifetime.

As an alternative to a vaccine I have been using a Bob Beck designed micropulser for a few years with complete success against viruses. It is a clever design to put a research discovery into practice which found that a microcurrent of electricity on HIV infected blood samples disabled the virus. It works for any infectious disease because the pathogens are all of the same type of cell which are completely different to human cells (I am not medically trained, just read a lot about it).

Here is how I use it:
When I feel I am getting a virus because of increasingly feeling unwell during a day, increasing sneezing and finally my muscles and joints all become sore for no other reason I say to myself "I think I am coming down with something". When I am sure I put on the micropulser for two hours, I do not wait until the next day because the virus will have taken a good hold and my body will have accumulated mucus and other things that will take a few days to clear up. I know all this from experience and observation, after 60+yrs you know stuff. So after the two hours most symptoms disappear and the next day I feel perfect again. That is the danger unfortunately because if I do not repeat the process for two hours for the next three days the virus will take hold again. I have done this perhaps six times in the last four years or so with 100% success and then watched others around me come down with the same virus. For several years before I purchased a Sota micropulser (silver pulser) I was using a 'zapper' from NZ with mixed success mainly because I did not know about repeating the process for a few days because I felt completely well.

Bob Beck gave the plans away to everyone personally, at lectures and over the internet and many people manufacture them for sale. He never sold anything or took money for it, he just wanted the world to know that they could take back their power when it came to healing.

This is Sota Instruments who knew Bob Beck and he endorsed their products. They are good quality. I have this one and their magnetic pulser and their Bio Tuner.

Here is another made locally in Tarneit Vic with no currency difference or expensive overseas freight. My son has this one and it looks fine to me, there is another one that does not make silver water too, but I think making it is well worth the small extra.

This is Bob's biography in a few pages, an easy read so you can see the calibre of his intellect. He was no crank.

This is a guide to using Bob's protocol and includes how he came across the research of a couple of doctors who discovered a microcurrent disabled a virus.

Here is a list of testimonials You can either scroll through the pages or use the search menu on the left of the page to be more specific. Bob Beck's site is not selling anything so I believe these are genuine people sharing their experiences.

Vaccines have proven to have caused injuries and the Vaccine Court in USA has paid out 4 billion dollars when the highest payment is only $250,000 and you have to jump through hoops of fire to prove you were injured by a vaccine. That is $4B of court-proven injuries, not a conspiracy theory so I prefer the micropulser!
I have some snake oil for sale.
I have some snake oil for sale.
I am sorry if I came across as selling something, this is purely personal experience information relevant to the topic. I guess it is like trying to say the market is close to a crash when in reality it is going gangbusters. Hard to believe.
I am sorry if I came across as selling something, this is purely personal experience information relevant to the topic. I guess it is like trying to say the market is close to a crash when in reality it is going gangbusters. Hard to believe.
Not at all.
Electroporation might be fine for killing viruses on the surface of materials, but applying the same procedure to humans will kill them.
You could be correct, but this does not cause electroporation. I am not going to debate or defend this further, not what the forum is about. Just thought some people might find an alternative interesting and helpful. I deliberately put in various links so that people can follow them, read lots more about the origins of the research and development and eventually have all their questions answered if they wanted to know more. That would be better than a forum claim/counterclaim chain of posts.
It's always handy attaching medical evidence to support your claims.
If you feel better using your device, then good for you. It's likely a placebo effect.
But what you originally posted is absolutely baseless.
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