Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
according to Zero Hedge , the various drugs that have been maligned in treating COVID 19, have something in common, they are all anti malarial drugs.

Always worry about these simulation studies, very different from real world testing.

Not mentioned in the article but they are also Zinc ionopheres.

Our bodies find Zinc very hard to absorb yet it seriously slows many nasty bugs in our bodies so we need to pump it up when we get sick.

Another thing that also helps with Zinc absorption is Lysine, which is the anti viral ingredient in most Cold Sore supps, I find the Cenovis brand the best for "any anti viral" support
according to Zero Hedge , the various drugs that have been maligned in treating COVID 19, have something in common, they are all anti malarial drugs.

Always worry about these simulation studies, very different from real world testing.


I have taken anti malarial drugs they really beat the crap out of you (lost of eye sight etc) far more than any affect I have had from Pfizer

Chose your poison carefully.

BREAKING: New U.S. Senate Report Concludes COVID-19 Virus Originated In Chinese Lab

A new report released by the U.S. Senate has concluded that the COVID-19 virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, originated in a Chinese laboratory, but was leaked unintentionally.​
The 301-page report, produced by a team that included Dr. Robert Kadlec, a former government health official who played a key role in developing COVID-19 vaccines, and staffers on the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, was released on April 17 by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Ky.), a member of the Senate Health Committee, who chairs the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security.​
The report states that the “preponderance of information supports the plausibility of an unintentional research-related incident that likely resulted from failures of biosafety containment during SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-related research.”​
The researchers conducting the report started with two hypotheses: one was that the virus originated in animals before spilling over to humans, known as a natural origin, and the other was a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), located in the same city where the first COVID-19 cases were detected in late 2019.​
According to the report, Kadlec’s team of consultants spent approximately 18 months investigating the COVID-19 origins and concluded that the available evidence supports a lab leak. The report suggests that there may have been an aerosol leak that caused an infection of lab personnel or that the virus may have been released to the outside environment due to biocontainment failures. One theory mentioned in the report revolves around cleaning agents causing corrosion of welded seams in the lab, as mentioned in multiple 2019 documents on upgrading the lab.​
The report also highlights concerns about biosafety at the WIV that have been raised by both domestic and foreign bodies for years. A 2018 U.S. State Department cable, for instance, reported that the then-newly opened biosafety level four lab at the facility had a “serious shortage” of trained technicians to safely operate the lab. Researchers at the lab, before the pandemic, reported experimenting on mice, bats, and palm civets to find coronaviruses that were more capable of infecting humans, and sometimes experimented at sub-biosafety level four conditions.​
The report also points to Chinese reports, communications, and notices as support for the lab leak theory, including an attempt in November 2019 to procure an air incinerator at the lab, which suggested “some concern about the risk of an infectious aerosol escape.”​
The report also noted that WIV staffers underwent a remedial biosafety training course that same month.​
Furthermore, the report concludes that characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 suggest the virus was manmade, including the presence of a furin cleavage site at the same location that was proposed in a grant proposal by EcoHealth Alliance, an organization that funneled U.S. taxpayer money to scientists in Wuhan.​
While the exact origin of the COVID-19 virus continues to be debated, this new Senate report adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the likely origin of SARS-CoV-2 as a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.​

Former DNI John Ratcliffe says the CDC Director, the Secretary of State, and the Director of National Intelligence agreed that COVID-19 was most likely created in the Wuhan lab, but Dr. Anthony Fauci labeled the lab origin as a "conspiracy theory" because he funded the lab:​
"You had the top diplomat, the top of the intelligence community, the top public health official all telling you with some confidence level that the most likely origin of this was a lab leak...​
Some of those individuals, including Dr. Fauci, were promoting the idea that this was natural origins, and notwithstanding the language which was read, they were referring to this publicly as a conspiracy theory in certain conversations and interviews...​
The best evidence of that is their own conversations, which say that they didn't want unwanted attention to the relationships that were taking place between Western virologists and those working within the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funding sources for some of that research."​
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pfizer almost killed me first shot. God knows what the long-term problems will be. Everyone reacts different.

Yeah if you fall outside the bell curve unfortunately it gets ugly had a Moderna and flu yesterday feel great.
Yeah if you fall outside the bell curve unfortunately it gets ugly had a Moderna and flu yesterday feel great.
Second shot I was fine.
I moved around a lot after it (unlike the first time).
I'm hesitant to get anymore.

I've had covid so much that it's now just a cough, slight temperature, lethargic and sits on your chest.
Well finished the cruise on Monday in Perth and had a bit of a sniffle, so I tested and I have covid.
I tested before boarding in Adelaide and was clear, tested again mid cruise when we arrived in Perth, before the NW voyage and still nothing, so it was picked up on the W.A leg. The rat test positive line came up instantly as the fluid past that section of the indicator.

The symptoms are nothing like the first time I had covid, this time much milder more like a normal head cold, no sore throat or limbs just a runny nose and blocked sinuses.
We only had the original two Astra Zeneca shots and no boosters, today is Thursday and the nose is drying up, so I am expecting it to clear in the next couple of days.
Interesting thing is the wife has got the cold symptoms the same as I, but more severe, yet she hasn't got covid as the same type of test as I'm using are showing up negative.
So in my case I'm not sure how much of the symptoms are down to covid and how much are associated with the covid, but my symptoms are extremely mild IMO which is good news.
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Well finished the cruise on Monday in Perth and had a bit of a sniffle, so I tested and I have covid.
I tested before boarding in Adelaide and was clear, tested again mid cruise when we arrived in Perth, before the NW voyage and still nothing, so it was picked up on the W.A leg. The rat test positive line came up instantly as the fluid past that section of the indicator.

The symptoms are nothing like the first time I had covid, this time much milder more like a normal head cold, no sore throat or limbs just a runny nose and blocked sinuses.
We only had the original two Astra Zeneca shots and no boosters, today is Thursday and the nose is drying up, so I am expecting it to clear in the next couple of days.
Interesting thing is the wife has got the cold symptoms the same as I, but more severe, yet she hasn't got covid as the same type of test as I'm using are showing up negative.
So in my case I'm not sure how much of the symptoms are down to covid and how much are associated with the covid, but my symptoms are extremely mild IMO which is good news.
Off to have the flu shot and Covid top up this morning.
She who is never wrong has had a ripper dose of covid lasting nearly a month. I decided to reside in another part of the house to try and avoid joining her in the misery stakes. So far it has worked.


Trust the Science™

I think the CDC and FDA have shot their credibility
When US Intel (aka the CIA) runs the narrative...

Sweden during the plan'demic'


Boy were we taken for a ride. But no mean Tweets hey....
US Intel manipulation was on a grand scale

A doctor who kept saying that the COVID vaxine magnetised people has been struck off the register.
Her supporters asy she has an attractive personality.